New list and related blog

The IN-PLANTS-L list was created for the discussion of any plant related topics, with a focus on the state of Indiana.  Some examples of suitable discussion topics include plant ID assistance, planting tips, plant photography, where to find specific plants in Indiana, etc..

To subscribe to the list, send a message to with the text below:

subscribe IN-PLANTS-L yourname

The list is archived weekly at
The archives are private and you have to be subscribed to the list AND request an account to access the archives.

The blog here is, at least for now, only intended to provide some resources for those on the IN-PLANTS-L discussion list.  I’m hoping to post information here that will be useful to list members.  Currently there are some plant related resources, including some places where plants can be purchased online.  I’m not currently posting local shops that don’t do mail-order as our list covers a broad geographic region, and local shops are probably well known and only of interest to a small portion of subscribers.  The initial list is composed of stores I have purchased from and can provide good feedback on if anyone has questions.  I’ll put in a plug for Woody Warehouse (near Indianapolis)  and Shooting Star Nursery (Kentucky), both places that I have ordered from online and visited, and can highly recommend.


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