foggy-phantom sent:

Hiii, ¿how are you?

I love your builds and when i went to download the one from your latest post, the gallery didn't let me :(

hi friend! thank you so much! i’m not sure why it’s doing that, is it giving you an error code? or something else?

Anonymous sent:

Did you make the strangerville motel in your legacy save with old Penelope? I noticed it in one of your screenshots and wondered if it was something you made (and that you were planning to release) or, if not, if you could share where you got it!

Hi friend! I did not make that motel. I’m playing in the doo doo save file (w/rentals version) by cool puppy and that build was created by them!

10/10 would recommend that save file for anyone interested it is one of my favorites!