Chief among our supporters is the University of Victoria, which supports us through several of its departments.
- The University Libraries, the Faculty of Humanities, and Computer and Systems Services which together provide infrastructure support.
- The Humanities Computing and Media Centre, which provides space for workstations and technical support.
- The Faculty of Humanities, and the Department of English, which provide course relief for our Assistant Coordinating Editor.
- UVic Industry Partnerships (formerly the Innovation and Development Corporation), which assisted us in developing our non-profit status.
We are also grateful for the support provided by an increasing number of libraries that have committed to becoming Friends of the ISE. Please become a Friend of the ISE by filling out our donation form.
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada has provided four grants to the Coordinating Editor. These grants have allowed us to hire a series of excellent programmers and research assistants in the development of the site.
The University of Victoria | The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada |
The Internet Shakespeare Editions uses several free fonts, including EB Garamond and an icon-font pack from Fontello with selections from Font Awesome, Entypo, Modern Pictograms, MFG Labs, Elusive, and Linecons.