ThanlyinLimited Liability CompanySupport TeamUniversityTechnologyHouse StylesThanlyinTechnological University, Thanlyin, Burma2
ThanlyinMay 7thMyanmarHighway SignsEducationWhat's happening in MyanmarMilitary slavery education in #Thanlyin , Kyauktang township. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May7Coup1
Spring Revolution MyanmarMyanmar RevolutionThanlyinCandlelight VigilCandle Light VigilThe PeaceGirl FaceMyanmarLast NightWhatsHappeningInMyanmarA candlelight vigil was held at the Peace Stadium in Thanlyin Township around 6:30 last night for the heroes of the Spring Revolution. R2P FOR MYANMAR #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar7Coup23
ThanlyinThe ResidentsThe MilitaryMyanmarOutdoor DecorWHAT'S HAPPENING IN MYANMARThe residents of Thanlyin staged a strike to protest against the military regime in Thanlyin. #Apr24Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MurdererMinAungHlaing
ThanlyinMay 7thMyanmarEducationQuick SavesWhat's happening in MyanmarMilitary slavery education in #Thanlyin , Kyauktang township. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May7Coup14
ThanlyinBustling CityYangonMyanmarThe RiverDay TripThe OutsidersBridgeDriveDay Trip Outside Yangon - ThanlyinThanlyin Bridge Thanlyin a short drive from Yangon across the river of the same name. Where Yangon is a bustling city of more than five million inhabitants, a pretty sleepy towns that can be reached by car and it's closer to Yangon than Twante and highlights that the development of the area surrounding the city remains limited, even as little as 45 minutes from downtown by car. Portuguese adventurer and brigand Philipe De Brito used Thanlyin as his base during the late 16th and early 17th…1