Showing posts with label sf to-do. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sf to-do. Show all posts

May 11, 2015

heeeey brothers

I was lucky enough to have both of my brothers visit during April, and at different times so we could spread out the love!

^^ When you're 16 maybe it's not the coolest thing when your sister says "twinnsies!" and takes a pic. ^^

^^ Tide pools down south ^^

^^ This Star Wars fan was in nerd-vana at the Lucas Film building. ^^

^^ Compliment of my year: Someone thought I was this guy's younger sister, despite my brother's shock when learning I turned the old age of 29 last weekend (whoa, you're twenty-NINE?!).^^

March 26, 2015

so many things to do!

Every day I try to take the girls on an outing because there are so many things to do in this city I don't think we've even scratched the surface. I need to narrow down a bucket list--any suggestions?

March 18, 2015

free city tours

^^ I feel like there's a huge untapped resource of entertainment called SF City Guides. These are free walking tours of all the hidden and not-so-hidden gems of the city. I recently went on one called Public Spaces of the Financial District, which was a tour of rooftop gardens and "secret" atriums downtown. Very cool. ^^

^^ We also went on a tour of the Ferry Building, which was then followed by walking around in circles trying to decide which overpriced sandwich we were going to buy from the farmer's market. The answer was none of them. My kids would never appreciate a $14 piece of bread and cheese. ^^

^^ Johnny's made a new tradition of taking me on a surprise adventure to somewhere new every week after church. I loved our little trip to the Moraga--or the Mosaic--Stairs. And just in case you were wondering, there are 163 steps (I have a weird habit of counting stairs. There are 32 up to my apartment, 186 on the "stairs of death" at BYU...) ^^

^^ This photo makes my blood boil. Munchkin took a dance class for nine weeks that parents were not allowed to watch. The very last week we were able to go inside the dance room and watch the girls perform for an hour. And this little turd sat on the floor and pouted (no smiles like above) before she was escorted off the floor by her instructor for "being rude to the other dancers." I went straight to the car and cried "woe-is-me tears"--not our finest moment. ^^

February 23, 2015

tide pools and stinson beach

When last weekend started out with Munchkin learning to wink and cook breakfast, we knew it was going to be a good one. We ventured up north to the Muir Beach tide pools to poke poor unsuspecting sponges, and shove our pockets full of beach glass, broken mussels, and rocks, which are obviously treasures. 

We then drove up to Stinson Beach to build sand castles and bask in the sun. I feel like after 20 years of Utah winters, these sunny February are too good to be true. Sorry if you're reading this from Boston. 

January 30, 2015

hello, san fran! (part 2)

A little rendezvous with the city. 
I'm always glad to have visitors because it forces me to get out and see and do the fun things of San Fran!

^^ This double Bob stroller has been my best mom accessory. I feel like I should be getting paid for how much I promote it to strangers on the street. ^^

^^ I met Leo on the streets and he was oh-so-handsome. I especially loved his waxy sheen. And look at these two seagulls chasing my friend, Hailey, around for a bite of shake! ^^

^^ This photo could be my sister and me 25 years ago. Seriously. ^^

^^ I LOVE THIS FOOD. I have a soft spot for homestyle, southern cooking with all things fried and smothered in sauce. And that's why this newly-discovered restaurant, Hard Knox Cafe, makes all of my dreams come true. ^^

^^ I've been meaning to go to a service at Grace Cathedral, and the Evensong on Sunday was just perfect. The whole service was sung by the choir, and thanks to Johnny chasing the kids up and down the nave and isles, I was actually able to sit down and enjoy it. ^^

January 29, 2015

hello, san fran! (part 1)

HOORAY for visitors!!! I feel as though hosting is in my blood--parties, people, you name it. So if you know me well enough to have my number in your phone book, you had better give me a call and plan your next trip to San Fran. That being said, my sister, Dani, and bestie Hailey came last week and the city showed us a marvelous time.

^^ Hailey has a thing for military cemeteries so we stopped at the one in Presidio. I don't blame her. ^^

^^ I love this photo where my nephew is contemplating how great his Aunt Ashley is. ^^

^^ Munchkin has learned that the way to my heart is with fresh flowers, so she takes it upon herself to pick flowers wherever we go and hands them to me and says, "Momma, you're beautiful." (Is this my child?!) ^^ 

 ^^ The Dutch windmill garden and Sutro Baths never disappoint. ^^

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