Minor Locations in Stone Ocean

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This is a list of minor locations featured in the sixth part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean. This list includes maps, places and transportation.
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Stone Ocean

Route 23 WestLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 1: Stone Ocean
An unremarkable road in West Palm Beach, Florida. It is here that Jolyne's misadventures begin as she and Romeo Jisso seemingly run over a pedestrian, leading to her being convicted of murder.
Detention CenterLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 1: Stone Ocean
A detention center where Jolyne Cujoh and Ermes Costello are held while awaiting their trial. It is equipped with a visiting room where prisoners can speak to family and lawyers alike, under the surveillance of the guards. Jolyne and Ermes first meet here.
Court RoomLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 2: Stone Ocean, Part 2
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 1: Stone Ocean
A typical courtroom in Florida. Jolyne is sentenced to 15 years in prison for murder there before she's brought out.
Green Dolphin Street BridgeLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
A large, heavily guarded moveable bridge that leads directly to Green Dolphin Street Prison. It is the only means of going to and from the island on land.
Security CheckpointLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 1: Stone Ocean, Part 1
When entering Green Dolphin Street Prison, inmates must pass through a heavily guarded security checkpoint surrounded by a 2,000 volt eletric fence. Before reaching the checkpoint, Ermes is taken away and beaten by prison officers, which causes Jolyne to first awaken her Stand ability.
Female WingLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
The Female Wing of Green Dolphin Street Prison where the living quarters and cells for all the female innates are located. It contains a cafeteria, music room, TV room, classroom, library. kitchen, shower room, and an outdoor recreational field.
Prison CellsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 2: Stone Free
Prison Cells (囚人監房, Shūjin Kanbō) are small rooms where inmates are held in Green Dolphin Street Prison. In each cell contains a writing desk, bunk bed and toilet. Some cells contain books and posters owned by inmates. Every prisoner is assigned a roommate to share their new prison life with. To avoid complications, prisoners are only paired with roommates that have been determined to be compatible with them.[1]

In the Female Wing, Jolyne and Gwess's cell is in cell 206 on the second floor.[2] Ermes's cell is located in cell 219, Atroe/F.F.'s in cell 241, and Miraschon's in cell 325; although none of these are ever shown. In the Male Wing, Johngalli A.'s cell is located in cell 313 and Thunder McQueen's in cell 228.

Phone BoothsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 2: Stone Free
The phone booths in the Female Wing of the prison available for the inmates. Used to call the exterior of the prison. Since all inmates want to use them, the phones are reservation only and the wait is usually a month long before an inmate can use the booths. That is one of the "seven wonders" of the prison. Of course, paying another inmate to free their phone time is possible.[3] The phone calls are recorded and all metadata like the destination of the call or length are also recorded. This allows Pucci to spy on Jolyne's call with the Speedwagon Foundation.[4]
Female Wing Dining HallLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 4: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 2: Stone Free
The area in the Female Wing where the female inmates are served food and where they eat. Simply put, a set quantity of food is served while the inmates get in line with trays and portions are served. Breakfast begins at 7AM. There is usually enough food for everyone but inmates can take double portions and anyone arriving late is left starving. Inmates that work on outside facilities are given their lunch there at breakfast.[5] The food is quite varied and high quality, including boxes of milk, fresh fruits like bananas or even salmon.[6] Alternatively, set lunches are served in boxes and all inmates must present a meal ticket to get one.[7]
FarmLink to this section
Green Dolphin Street possesses farmlands where inmates can work. The farmlands are situated near a swamp and there is an on-site barn where most of the farming equipment, including a tractor, is stored. Most importantly, it is the hiding spot for all of Enrico Pucci's Stand DISCs. The DISCs are hidden in the wheel of a tractor and F.F. used to be their guardian.[8]
LibraryLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 2: Stone Free
The library is one of the recreational areas in the Female Wing of the prison. It naturally contains books, from classics like "The Count of Monte Cristo" in French apparently[3] or comic books. There is also a TV set and the inmates can watch movies.[9]
Visiting RoomsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 11: The Visitor, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 3: The Visitor, Part 1
The visiting rooms, where people from the outside can come visit the inmates. A typical visiting room has a table and several chairs for the inmates and the visitor(s). There are two doors, one for the visitor(s) leading to the exit,[10] one for the inmates leading to the cells. The rules of the visits are the following: each visit lasts up to 30 minutes tops, holding hands is allowed but kissing or getting naked is prohibited. Any conversation is recorded, foreign languages are prohibited and the staff can prematurely cancel the visit because of the topics of discussion.[11]
Punishment WardLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 21: Ermes's Sticker, Part 1 (Mentioned)
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 6: Ermes's Sticker
The Punishment Ward (懲罰房, Chōbatsu-bō), also known as the Isolation Ward[9] (独房, Doku-bō), the Disciplinary Wing, or the Punishment Building[12][13] (懲罰房棟, Chōbatsu-bō Tō), is where prisoners who are caught infringing on the rules of the prison are isolated. As punishment, they are placed in solitary confinement for weeks. Jolyne is first placed in the ward after her attempted escape from prison,[14], and later meets Miuccia Miuller here after returning due to a separate incident.[15]

Despite their similar names, this location is not to be confused with the Ultra Security House Unit, which is reserved for stricter punishments.[16]

InfirmaryLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 1: Stone Ocean
The medical facility of the prison is equipped with a large visiting room where the doctor can examine each new inmate.[17] It is located in the Female Wing and full of beds where sick inmates can rest.[14]
ToiletsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 22: Ermes's Sticker, Part 2
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 6: Ermes's Sticker
A women's restroom located in the Female Wing for personal relief. Nothing too interesting happens there except for the time Ermes confronted McQueen for the first time.[18]
Female Wing Recreation GroundsLink to this section
A large open courtyard, complete with basketball courts and benches located outside the Female Wing. Female inmates are lent recreational items like basketballs, baseballs and gloves.[19] If "outdoor time" is over, the prisoners are required to give everything back to the guards, but one can bribe them to have a little more time.[20]
Pucci's OfficeLink to this section
Enrico Pucci's office. It is there that he can meet and discuss in private with prisoners, for instance Miraschon. As a prison priest, Pucci can apparently voice his opinion when inmates request a parole and prisoners may come to him to put in a good word for them. Pucci used the occasion once to put a DISC inside of a prisoner.
G.D. StoreLink to this section
Female inmates can spend their money at an on-site store that sells non-essential items located in the Female Wing. Examples include: diet gum at 85c, shampoo at $2.85, sports newspapers, TV sets, boomboxes, baseball gloves, makeup, shoes, CDs, hair dye, mineral water, towel, soap and so on. For unknown reasons, Rolex watchs or Louis Vuitton bags are for sale here too. This is one of the seven wonders of the prison.[21]
Music RoomLink to this section
The music room located in the Female Wing, where various musical instruments (e.g. a piano or drums) are stored and can be used. Jolyne meets with Emporio and Weather Report here to plan on how to break into the interior courtyard to deliver the Star Platinum DISC to the Speedwagon Foundation.
Laundry RoomLink to this section
A large facility next to the factory equipped with large machines used to wash the inmates' clothes. It was the main battlefield of the fight between Jolyne, Weather Report and Lang Rangler.
Surveillance StationLink to this section
A guard station equipped to monitor what happens in Green Dolphin Streets. Equipped with multiple work stations and many screens, it allows two guards to watch the entire prison. Any alarm is being sent there, and one can also consult the call logs of the prisoners.
ChapelLink to this section
A place for both male and female inmates to worship God and seek spiritual redemption. It is equipped with several chairs and benches so that the believers can sit during the mass, and an altar with a cross. Enrico Pucci naturally dwells here often and it has become a place for meetings between Whitesnake and Sports Maxx.[22]
CourtyardLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 47: Operation Savage Garden, Part 8
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 2: Stone Free
A rather large open courtyard. A revolving door is used as the gate into the courtyard and isn't locked since it's in the middle of the prison and inmates can't break out from there. A small monument resembling a mini clock tower is built at the center of the courtyard with staircases leading into it. It is unremarkable except for its status as the battlefield between Jolyne, Weather Report and Whitesnake.[23]
Florida MansionLink to this section
A mansion situated somewhere in Florida. DIO and Enrico Pucci would meet there during the 1980s whenever DIO came to Florida.
MausoleumLink to this section
An indoor graveyard next to the Chapel where deceased prisoners are buried. It was the location of the battle between Ermes and Sports Maxx.[24]
WorkshopLink to this section
A small indoor workshop where both male and female inmates can practice their handicraft. Sports Maxx worked on taxidermy here.[25]
Ultra Security House UnitLink to this section
The Ultra Security House Unit[22][26] (厳正懲罰隔離房(ウルトラセキュリティハウスユニット), Urutora Sekyuriti Hausu Yunitto, lit. Strict Punishment Isolation Ward), also known as the Maximum Security Disciplinary Wing or simply the Punishment Building[15][7] (懲罰房棟, Chōbatsu-bō Tō), is a separate section of the prison designed to isolate prisoners who are unable to coexist with the rest. This includes those who are in need of protection, child murderers, and prisoners who are prone to violence or frequently try to escape. The facility is located on the southern section of the men's exercise ground, situated 520 meters away from the women's ward.[26]

The location is remarkably more austere than the ordinary living quarters. The inmates are confined in their cells 24/7 and they are washed with a waterhose. The walls of the cells are padded and there is only a window on the door. The toilets are squat toilets. The meal consists in a simple bread infested with insects and a cup of soup full of roaches.[22] A staircase leads to an execution room where inmates condemned to the death sentence are killed with an electric chair.[27]

Despite their similar names, this location is not to be confused with the Punishment Ward, which is reserved for less severe punishments.[16]

MarshlandsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 79: Yo-Yo Ma is Coming!, Part 2
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 19: Birth of the "Green"
Marshlands that surround Green Dolphin Street Prison, full of wildlife and covered in water. Jolyne and Anasui try to escape through here with Yo-Yo Ma and but are soon forced to let themselves to be captured.
Hell's GateLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
An ominous impassable gate that leads outside the prison beyond the visitor rooms. Emporio suspects the gate must have some of ability as, despite the prison holding lots of Stand users with abilities that should make it easy to escape, not a single person has been able to get past it.

The gate is later revealed to be the Stand ability of the prison's chief guard, and Jolyne and the others are able to get past once they're defeated.

Florida SwampsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 106: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 3
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 27: Sky High
The swamps of Florida. Rikiel challenges Jolyne Cujoh and Ermes Costello in one of these swamps. Vehicles can easily become stuck in the mud if they are not parked on stable ground.
OrlandoLink to this section
A city in Florida near the Kennedy Space Center. It falls victim to Heavy Weather's snail ability, causing many of its inhabitants to temporarily be turned into snails.
Orlando HospitalLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 103: Three Men Taken to the Hospital
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 25: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
A hospital in Orlando, only noteworthy for being the place where Enrico Pucci meets Ungalo, Rikiel and Donatello Versus. A hole appears in Donatello Versus's room, leading to a tunnel where Jolyne Cujoh encounters Under World for the first time. In the anime, it is known as the Florida Lucky Land West Hospital.
MotelLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 104: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 25: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 1
A motel where Weather Report and Narciso Anasui hide after they escape from Green Dolphin Street Prison. The police actually surrounds them here, but they manage to slip through the blockade when an old man gives them a ride.
Romeo's HouseLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 111: It's Been a While, Romeo
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 26: Bohemian Rhapsody, Part 2
A humble mansion with a luxurious interior, several cars parked nearby, and a heliport. Romeo Jisso meets Jolyne Cujoh here when she escapes from prison, and gives her the key to a helicopter.
DisneylandLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 122: Under World, Part 4 (Debut)
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 29: Under World
The Disneyland resort in Florida. Donatello Versus visited the theme park during his childhood.
Pucci MansionLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 127: Heavy Weather, Part 3
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 31: Heavy Weather, Part 2
A mansion where the prestigious Pucci family lived.
The OceanLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 153: Made in Heaven, Part 5
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 37: Made in Heaven, Part 2
The Atlantic Ocean. In a misguided attempt at depriving Enrico Pucci of cover, Jolyne and the others fly to there. However, they soon realize that the tide provides ample cover for Pucci. It is here that Jotaro Kujo, Ermes Costello, Narciso Anasui and Jolyne Cujoh die, killed by Enrico Pucci and Made in Heaven.
End of the UniverseLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 156: Made in Heaven, Part 8
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 37: Made in Heaven, Part 2
A great vortex where all the life forms on Earth are pulled. Beyond it lies a new universe.
Gas StationLink to this section
Manga Debut: Stone Ocean Chapter 158: What a Wonderful World
Anime Debut: Stone Ocean Episode 38: What a Wonderful World

A gas station near Green Dolphin Street Prison. There is a bus stop close to the gas station. Emporio Alnino finds himself here after Enrico Pucci's death and the rebirth of the universe. It is here where he meets the counterparts of his former companions, such as Irene, Anakiss, and Eldis.

The anime adds an additional scene set near the gas station in the original universe: Emporio suggests taking the bus to Orlando, but Jolyne and Ermes shoot down the idea, as they are currently wanted fugitives.


  1. Shueisha Jump Remix Stone Ocean Vol.3 - G.D.st LIFE
  2. Stone Ocean Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3, p.11
  3. 3.0 3.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 10: Green Dolphin Street Prison
  4. Stone Ocean Chapter 44: Operation Savage Garden, Part 5
  5. Stone Ocean Chapter 5: Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh, Part 2
  6. Stone Ocean Chapter 51: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 1
  7. 7.0 7.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 98: Jail House Lock!, Part 3
  8. Stone Ocean Chapter 26: There's Six of Us!, Part 1
  9. 9.0 9.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 99: Jail House Lock!, Part 4
  10. Stone Ocean Chapter 156: Made in Heaven, Part 8
  11. Stone Ocean Chapter 11: The Visitor, Part 1
  12. Stone Ocean Episode 6: Ermes's Sticker
  13. Stone Ocean Episode 23: Jail House Lock!
  14. 14.0 14.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 21: Ermes's Sticker, Part 1
  15. 15.0 15.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 96: Jail House Lock!, Part 1
  16. 16.0 16.1 Stone Ocean Episode 15: Ultra Security House Unit
  17. Stone Ocean Chapter 3: Stone Ocean, Part 3
  18. Stone Ocean Chapter 22: Ermes's Sticker, Part 2
  19. Stone Ocean Chapter 34: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 1
  20. Stone Ocean Chapter 36: Debt Collector Marilyn Manson, Part 3
  21. Stone Ocean Chapter 40: Operation Savage Garden (Head to the Courtyard!), Part 1
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Stone Ocean Chapter 58: Ultra Security House Unit
  23. Stone Ocean Chapter 47: Operation Savage Garden, Part 8
  24. Stone Ocean Chapter 55: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 5
  25. Stone Ocean Chapter 52: Kiss of Love and Revenge, Part 2
  26. 26.0 26.1 Stone Ocean Chapter 59: His Name is Anasui
  27. Stone Ocean Chapter 72: Enter the Foo Fighters

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