Name Variants

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For the purposes of this website, the articles use a naming convention that takes into account the most recent Japanese romanization found in the manga or artbooks, as well as their consistency throughout multiple official sources.

A list of English spelling variations and alternatives for many names and terms across various media in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series.

An example of Araki writing out a name in English

Due to a lack of proper localization for much of the series's history, as well as different localization groups with their own preferences, a common problem for fans of JoJo is determining the correct English spelling of names. Both official publishers and fan translation groups often translate these names based on assumption or other reference material, or to avoid trademark and copyright issues outside of Japan.

While many character, location, and Stand names are spelled exactly like their namesakes in Japanese, it is just as common for Japanese names to be slightly edited to distinguish them from the original artist or work. Complicating matters is a lack of consistency on the part of Hirohiko Araki and Shueisha: spelling changes in both languages become apparent even in the manga, and can vary wildly across other official sources as well.

JOJOVELLER is the most recent artbook to provide English names for all major characters through April 2014, while some volumes and supplementary materials provide English names for newer characters and Stands.

Name Variants

Phantom Blood

Phantom BloodDio BrandoDario BrandoGeorge Joestar IErina PendletonJonathan JoestarMark WatkinJack the RipperOgre StreetTattooAmatoRobert E. O. SpeedwagonWang ChanWill Anthonio ZeppeliRippleWindknight's LotPocoBrufordTarkusWinzaleoEijkmanCaineghisPoco's SisterTonpettyAdamsDireStraizoDoobiePage, Jones, Plant and BornnamFather Styx
Part 1: Phantom Blood (ファントムブラッド)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Fantomu Buraddo
Japan Japanese
Part 1 Jonathan Joestar: His Youth (第一部 ジョナサン・ジョースター ―その青春―)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
Phantom Blood (ファントム・ブラッド)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in SBR Extra Chapter 3.
Japan Japanese
Phantom Bloodline (ファントムブラッドライン)
Used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Japan Japanese
Phatom Blood
Used on a postcard commemorating the end of the anime's first season.
Japan Japanese
Inconsistently used in merchandise for the Phantom Blood musical.
United States of America English
The 1st Generation
Used in various Studio A.P.P.P. promotional material.
France French
Jonathan Joestar Adolescence: Phantom Bloodline
Used in the French collector's edition of the OVA.
Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dio Burandō
Japan Japanese
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Common nickname from Stardust Crusaders onward. Also used in Chapter 42, the title of Chapter 17, and the Weekly Shonen Jump title of Chapter 39. Exclusively used in Netflix's Latin American Spanish subtitles.
Japan Japanese
Dio Joestar (ディオ・ジョースター)
Legal name after his adoption in OVER HEAVEN.
China Chinese
Dior Brando
Spelled like the fashion brand. Used in the Chinese release.
Croatia Croatian
Dija Branda
Used in Netflix's Croatian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Dia Branda
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Norway Norwegian
Sweden Swedish
DIO brando
Used in Netflix's Norwegian and Swedish subtitles.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
ดีโอ บรันโด (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
迪奥·布朗度 (Dior Brando)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
迪奥布朗度 (Dior Brando)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
디오 브란도 (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Дио Брандо (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
ديو براندو (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Greece Greek
Ντίο Μπράντο (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
דיו ברנדו (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Dio Brandót
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Дiо Брандо (Dio Brando)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Dario Brando (ダリオ・ブランドー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dario Burandō
China Chinese
brandy Brendo
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
George Joestar I (ジョージ・ジョースターⅠ世)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jōji Jōsutā Issei
Japan Japanese
Sir Joestar (ジョースター卿)
Title used by himself, Inspector Archer, and his officers. Also used in the credits of the anime adaptation.
Japan Japanese
Jorge Joestar
Used for the address on Dario's letter in Chapter 6.
Japan Japanese
George Joestar (ジョージ・ジョースター)
Full name without the generational suffix. Used in the PS2 game, All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Sir Joster
Used in the English localizations of Capcom Fighters and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
China Chinese
Jorge Joestar 1st
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Erina Pendleton (エリナ・ペンドルトン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Erina Pendoruton
Japan Japanese
Erina Joestar (エリナ・ジョースター)
Married name.
Japan Japanese
Erina Pendolton
Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Elena Pendleton
Used in the first Italian release and the English release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Erina Pendorton
Used in the Malaysian release.
China Chinese
Elina Joestar
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jonasan Jōsutā
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Japan Japanese
JoJo (ジョジョ)
Common nickname throughout Phantom Blood.
Japan Japanese
Jonathan Joester
Used for his signature in Chapter 1 in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization, as well as the tankōbon, paperback, and digital releases. Also used in the Japanese version of J-Stars Victory VS.
Mark Watkin (マーク・ワトキン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Māku Watokin
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Mark Watkins
Used in the Brazilian release.
Jack the Ripper (切り裂きジャック)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kirisaki Jakku
Japan Japanese
Jack of the Darkness (闇のジャック)
Used by Dio in Chapter 18.
Japan Japanese
Jack the Ripper (ジャック・ザ・リパー)
Used by Dio in Chapter 18, as well as Adventure Battle Card.
Japan Japanese
Jack The Ripper
Used in the PS2 game.
Language Name Usage

Poland Polish
Kuba Rozpruwacz (Jack the Ripper)
Used in the Polish release.
Poland Polish
Mroczny Kuba (Dark Jack)
Used by Dio in Chapter 18 in the Polish release.
Ogre Street (食屍鬼街(オウガーストリート))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ōgā Sutorīto
Japan Japanese
Ogre Street (喰屍鬼街(オウガーストリート))
Alternate spelling used in JoJo 6251 and Adventure Battle Card.
Tattoo (刺青)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Japan Japanese
Cronin (クローニン)
Used in the musical adaptation.
Japan Japanese
Tattoo Guy
Used in the PS2 game's character profile.
United States of America English
Used in VIZ Media's release.
Amato (アマト)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Oriental Man (東洋人役)
Used in Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R, as well as the credits of Episode 2.
Japan Japanese
Kempo Fighter (中国拳法家)
Used in the PS2 game.
United States of America English
The Asian
Used in the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (ロバート・E・O・スピードワゴン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Robāto Ī Ō Supīdowagon
Japan Japanese
Reo Speedwagon (レオ・スピードワゴン)
Used for his signature in Chapter 48 and in the tailpiece of Chapter 311.
United States of America English
Robert Speedwagon
Exclusively used in the English release of the OVA.
Wang Chan (ワンチェン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wan Chen
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Italy Italian
Wang Chen
Used in the Italian release.
United States of America English
Wang Chung
Spelled like the band. Used in some fan translations.
Will Anthonio Zeppeli (ウィル・A(アントニオ)・ツェペリ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wiru Antonio Tseperi
Japan Japanese
Baron Zeppeli (ツェペリ男爵)
Self-proclaimed title in Chapter 18.
Japan Japanese
Will A. Zeppeli (ウィル・A・ツェペリ)
Common abbreviation. Exclusively used in the anime, the musical, All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Wirr A Zeppelie
Used for his signature in Chapter 36.
Japan Japanese
Used in one of the tailpieces of Chapter 44.
United States of America English
Will Antonio Zeppeli
Antonio Zeppeli
Used in the English release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Will A. Zepelli
Used in the prologue of VIZ Media's initial publication of Stardust Crusaders.
Italy Italian
Will Anthonio Zeppelie
Used in the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
William Antonio Zeppeli
Typo used in early editions of JOJOVELLER.
Ripple (波紋)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in VIZ Media's publication, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R, and bonus features in the English release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Wave Energy
Used in the English release of the OVA.
Windknight's Lot (風の騎士たちの町(ウインドナイツ・ロット))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Uindonaitsu Rotto
Japan Japanese
Wind Knight's Lot
Used in a newspaper article in Episode 9.
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Wind Knights Lot
Used in the Italian release, Crunchyroll's subtitles, and the anime's English dub.
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the Brazilian release.
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Windknights Lot
Used in the Brazilian release.
Poco (ポコ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the Italian and Brazilian releases.
Bruford (ブラフォード)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Dark Knight Bruford (黒騎士ブラフォード)
Full title.
Japan Japanese
Pruford (プラフォード)
Typo used in the Phantom Blood musical pamphlet.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Italy Italian
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Italian and Malaysian releases.
Language Name Usage

France French
Chevalier noir Bruford (Black Knight Bruford)
Used in Netflix's French subtitles.
Italy Italian
Cavaliere Nero, Blueford (Black Knight, Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Italian subtitles.
Spain European Spanish
Bruford, caballero negro (Bruford, the Black Knight)
Used in Netflix's European Spanish subtitles.
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Blueford el Caballero Oscuro (Blueford the Dark Knight)
Used in Netflix's Latin American Spanish subtitles.
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Cavaleiro das Trevas Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Brazilian Portuguese subtitles.
Portugal European Portuguese
Bruford, cavaleiro negro (Bruford, the Black Knight)
Used in Netflix's European Portuguese subtitles.
Poland Polish
Czarny rycerz Blueford (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Polish subtitles.
Poland Polish
Bruford Czarny (Bruford the Black)
Used in the Polish release.
Germany German
Schwarzer Ritter Bluford (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's German subtitles.
Flag of Thailand Thai
อัศวินรัตติกาล บลูฟอร์ด (Knight of the Night Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
Taiwan Traditional Chinese
黑騎士布魯福德 (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
黑骑士布鲁福德 (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
흑기사 브루포드 (Black Knight Bruford)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Темный рыцарь Блуфорд (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
فارس الظلام بلوفورد (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Croatia Croatian
Mračni vitez Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Croatian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Temný rytíř Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Netherlands Dutch
Zwarte ridder Blueford (Black Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Dutch subtitles.
Denmark Danish
Den mørke ridderen Blueford (The Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Danish subtitles.
Greece Greek
Σκοτεινέ Ιππότη Μπρούφορντ (Dark Knight Bruford)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
האביר האפל בלופורד (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Blueford, a Sötét Lovag (Blueford, the Dark Knight)
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Norway Norwegian
Mørke ridder Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Norwegian subtitles.
Romania Romanian
Cavaler Întunecat Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Romanian subtitles.
Sweden Swedish
Mörka ridaren Blueford (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Swedish subtitles.
Türkiye Turkish
Gece Şövalyesi Blueford (Night Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Turkish subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Темний лицар Блюфорд (Dark Knight Blueford)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Tarkus (タルカス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in JoJo 6251, the PS2 game, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, Volume 3 of VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Winzaleo (ウィンザレオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Winzaleo the Lion King (獅子王ウィンザレオ)
Full title in Chapter 28.
Language Name Usage

Poland Polish
Winzaleo Lwi Król (Winzaleo the Lion King)
Used in the Polish release.
Eijkman (アイクマン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Eijkman the Lightning Knight (イナズマの騎士アイクマン)
Full title in Chapter 28.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Language Name Usage

Poland Polish
Eijkman Błyskawica (Eijkman the Lightning)
Used in the Polish release.
Caineghis (カイネギス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Caineghis the One-Eyed Man (独眼のカイネギス)
Full title in Chapter 28.
Japan Japanese
Caighines (カイギネス)
Typo used in an advertisement for the PS2 game in Weekly Shonen Jump.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in the PS2 game.
Language Name Usage

Poland Polish
Caineghis Jednooki (Caineghis the One-Eyed Man)
Used in the Polish release.
Poco's Sister (ポコの姉)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Poko no Ane
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's description for Episode 8. Likely a misinterpretation of a noise Doobie makes in Chapter 37.
Tonpetty (トンペティ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Ngapoi Ngawang Tonpetty (ンガプー・ンガワン・トンペティ)
Full name in JORGE JOESTAR.
Spain Spanish
Used in the Spanish release.
United States of America English
Tom Petty
Spelled like the musician. Used in some fan translations.
Italy Italian
Ton Peti
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Adams (アダムス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Croatia Croatian
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Türkiye Turkish
Used in various Netflix subtitles.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
อดัม (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
亚当 (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
亞當 (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
애덤스 (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Адамс (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
آدم (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Arabian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
Άνταμς (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
אדם (Adam)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Адамс (Adams)
Used in Netflix's Ukranian subtitles.
Dire (ダイアー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Straizo (ストレイツォ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Straiz-oaf (アホレイツォ)
Insult used by Joseph Joestar in Chapter 49.
France French
Spain Spanish
Used in the French and Spanish releases.
Italy Italian
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the first Italian release and the Brazilian Portuguese dub.
Italy Italian
Poland Polish
Used in the Polish and second Italian releases.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Doobie (ドゥービー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Doobie the Monster (怪人ドゥービー)
Full name.
United States of America English
The Dreaded Doobie
Full name in Crunchyroll's subtitles.
United States of America English
Doobie the Phantom
Used in some fan translations.
United States of America English
Monster Dubee
Used in some fan translations.
Page, Jones, Plant, and Bornnam (ペイジ, ジョーンズ, プラント, ボーンナム)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Peiji, Jōnzu, Puranto, Bōnnamu
United States of America English
Pajyu, Jones, Pluton and Barnum
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and VIZ Media's publication.
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Poland Polish
Page, Jones, Plant and Bonham
Spelled like the members of Led Zeppelin. Used in the Italian, Brazilian and Polish releases. Also used internally in the PS2 game.
Father Styx (スティクス神父)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Used internally in the PS2 game.

Battle Tendency

Battle TendencySpeedwagon FoundationJoseph JoestarBrutoRudol von StroheimDonovanSantanaPillar MenCaesar Anthonio ZeppeliWamuuEsidisiKarsLisa LisaAir Supplena IslandRed Stone of AjaLogginsMessinaSuzi QGeorge Joestar IIVolcano Island
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sentō Chōryū
Japan Japanese
Part 2 Joseph Joestar: His Proud Lineage (第二部 ジョセフ・ジョースター ―その誇り高き血統)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
English subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
United States of America English
The 2nd Generation
Used in various Studio A.P.P.P. promotional material.
Speedwagon Foundation (スピードワゴン財団)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Supīdowagon Zaidan
United States of America English
Speed Wagon Foundation
Used in the English release of the OVA.
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Josefu Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
JoJo (ジョジョ)
Common nickname throughout Battle Tendency.
Japan Japanese
Malaysia Malay
Josef Joestar
Used in his character profile in Chapter 73, his gravestone in Chapter 113, his signature in Chapter 159, the OVA's soundtrack, and the Malaysian release. Also used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Japan Japanese
Joseph Joester
Used in a magazine advertisement for the anime adaptation and the Japanese version of J-Stars Victory VS.
Japan Japanese
Joseph-Joestar (ジョセフ=ジョースター)
France French
Jonathan Joestar
Used erroneously in some of the French release's character summary pages.
China Chinese
Joseph Josder
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Bruto (ブルート)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Used in the first French release.
Poland Polish
Used in the Polish release.
Rudol von Stroheim (ルドル・フォン・シュトロハイム)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rudoru fon Shutorohaimu
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Rudolf von Stroheim
Used in the Italian release and the English release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Donovan (ドノヴァン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
JOJOVELLER, Anime (English Dub)
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and VIZ Media's publication.
Santana (サンタナ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, merchandise for the anime, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
France French
San Tan
Used in Crunchyroll's French subtitles.
Pillar Men (柱の男)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hashira no Otoko
Japan Japanese
Tribe of the Pillar's Darkness (柱の闇の一族)
Used by Lisa Lisa in Chapter 95.
Japan Japanese
Tribe of Darkness (闇の一族)
United States of America English
Ultimate Lifeforms
Used in the English release of the OVA.
Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli (シーザー・アントニオ・ツェペリ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shīzā Antonio Tseperi
Japan Japanese
Caesar A. Zeppeli (シーザー・A・ツェペリ)
Common abbreviation. Exclusively used in Last Survivor.
Japan Japanese
Ceasar Anthonio Zeppeli
Used in a magazine advertisement for the anime adaptation.
United States of America English
Used by Joseph Joestar in Chapter 87 of VIZ Media's publication and Episode 19 of the anime's English dub.
Italy Italian
Cesare Antonio Zeppeli
Used in the Italian release.
China Chinese
Used in Crunchyroll's Chinese subtitles.
United States of America English
Caesar Antonio Zeppeli
Used in some fan translations.
Wamuu (ワムウ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
France French
Spain Spanish
Used in the Spanish and second French releases.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Poland Polish
Used in the Polish release.
Esidisi (エシディシ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Esidisi of Fire (炎のエシディシ)
Self-proclaimed title in Chapter 78.
Japan Japanese
Used by Heavy Gauge figures.
France French
Spain Spanish
Spelled like the band. Used in the Spanish and second French releases.
Poland Polish
Italy Italian
Used in the Polish and second Italian releases.
Italy Italian
Used in the first Italian release.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Kars (カーズ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Spain Spanish
Used in the Spanish and second French releases.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Lisa Lisa (リサリサ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Risa Risa
Japan Japanese
Elizabeth (エリザベス)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
Elizabeth Joestar (エリザベス・ジョースター)
Married name.
Japan Japanese
Elizabeth Straizo (エリザベス・ストレイツォ)
Used in JORGE JOESTAR and its official website.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Lisa Lisa (Elizabeth)
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Used in early editions of JOJOVELLER.
Air Supplena Island (エア・サプレーナ島)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ea Sapurēna-tō
United States of America English
Air Suplena Island
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Italy Italian
Isola di Easprina
Used in the Italian release.
United States of America English
Saplena Island
Used in some fan translations.
Red Stone of Aja (エイジャの赤石)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Eija no Sekiseki
Japan Japanese
Super Aja (スーパーエイジャ)
Used by Lisa Lisa in Chapter 76.
United States of America English
Red Stone of Asia
Used in the English release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Ruby Eijia
Used in the Malaysian release.
Loggins (ロギンズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Messina (メッシーナ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Suzi Q (スージーQ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sūjī Kyū
Japan Japanese
Suzi Q Joestar (スージーQ・ジョースター)
Married name.
Japan Japanese
Suzi Quatro
Spelled like the musician. Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Suzi Quatro Joestar
Married name used in JoJo 6251.
United States of America English
Malaysia Malay
Suzie Q
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, the Malaysian release, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Susie Q
Susie Quatro
Used in the English release of the OVA.
China Chinese
Sigi Q. Joestar
Married name used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
George Joestar II (ジョージ・ジョースターⅡ世)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jōji Jōsutā Nisei
Japan Japanese
Jorge Joestar (ジョージ・ジョースター)
Used in JORGE JOESTAR and its official website.
China Chinese
Jorge Joestar 2nd
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Volcano Island (ヴォルガノ島)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Isola di Vulcano
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
Isola di Volgano
Used in VIZ Media's publication.

Stardust Crusaders

Stardust CrusadersJotaro KujoHoly KujoSadao KujoMuhammad AvdolMagician's RedStand UserHermit PurpleJonathan's StandNoriaki KakyoinHierophant GreenStar PlatinumGray FlyTower of GrayJean Pierre PolnareffSilver ChariotImposter Captain TennilleMerlai AnneEnya the HagDevo the CursedEbony DevilRubber SoulYellow TemperanceHanged ManJ. GeilHol HorseEmperorEmpressZZSteely DanLoversArabia FatsSunDeath ThirteenMannish BoyJudgementSherry PolnareffCameoHigh PriestessMidlerIggyThe FoolN'DoulGebEgypt 9 Glory GodsOingoBoingoTohthKhnumAnubisChakaKhanBastetMariahAlessiSethanDaniel J. D'ArbyOsirisStephen MoorGarie MoorHorusPet ShopChibi and BuchiTelence T. D'ArbyAtumKenny G.Tenore SaxVanilla IceRosesNukesakuThe WorldWilson Phillips
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders (スターダストクルセイダース)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutādasuto Kuruseidāsu
Japan Japanese
Part 3 Jotaro Kujo: Heritage for the Future (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第三部 空条承太郎 ―未来への遺産―)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
English subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Stardust Travelers (スターダストトラベラーズ)
Used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Japan Japanese
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure The 3rd Chapter
Used in the intro of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1)'s Super Story Mode.
Japan Japanese
Stardust Crusader
United States of America English
-Part 3- Jotaro Kujo: Legacy to the Future
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Legacy to the Future
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
United States of America English
The 3rd Generation
Used in various Studio A.P.P.P. promotional material.
Japan Japanese
Stardust Crusaders (スターダスト・クルセイダース)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in early editions of the Shueisha JUMP REMIX release.
Jotaro Kujo (空条 承太郎)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Kūjō Jōtarō
Used in the first French release, as well as the bookmarks included in the French collector's edition of JJL Volume 25.
Japan Japanese
Common nickname in early chapters of Stardust Crusaders.
Japan Japanese
Qtaro Kujo
False name used for his signature in Chapter 159.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Jotaro Cujoh
Used inconsistently in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1) and Netflix's subtitles.
Japan Japanese
Used in Jump Novel Vol. 4.
Spain Spanish
Kujo Jotaro
Used in Netflix's Spanish subtitles for GW Episode 33.
Poland Polish
Jōtarō Kūjō
Used in the Polish release.
Malaysia Malay
Jyotaro Kujoh
Used in the Malaysian release.
United States of America English
Jotaro Joestar
Erroneously used in a deleted post by All-Star Battle R's official social media accounts.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
'ูโจ โจทาโร่ (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Chinese
空條承太郎 (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
쿠죠 죠타로 (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Ukraine Ukrainian
Джотаро Куджо (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Russian and Ukrainian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
جوتارو كوجو (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Greece Greek
Κούτζο Τζόταρο (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
ג'וטארו קוג'ו (Jotaro Kujo)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Holy Kujo (空条 ホリィ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kūjō Horyi
Japan Japanese
Seiko (聖子)
Japanese nickname.
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Holly Kujo
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication, the English localization of All-Star Battle, and the Italian release.
United States of America English
Holley Kujo
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
United States of America English
Holly Joestar
Used in bonus features in the English release of the OVA.
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Sadao Kujo (空条 貞夫)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kūjō Sadao
Malaysia Malay
Sadao Kujoh
Used in the Malaysian release.
China Chinese
Kujo zefu
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation's family tree.
Muhammad Avdol (モハメド・アヴドゥル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Mohamedo Avuduru
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Spain Spanish
Mohammed Abdul
Used in the OVA's soundtrack, the Italian and second French releases, the anime's Spanish dub, and the Italian release of the light novel.
Japan Japanese
Mohamed Avdol
Japan Japanese
M. Avdol (M・アヴドゥル)
Exclusively used in the OVA.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Germany German
Mohammed Avdol
Used in Crunchyroll and Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English and German dubs, VIZ Media's publication, merchandise for the anime, the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R, and the French release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Muhammad Abdul
Used in some fan translations.
Magician's Red (マジシャンズレッド(魔術師の赤))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Majishanzu Reddo
Japan Japanese
Magicians Red
Used in The Genesis of Universe, as well as the attract mode of JoJo's Venture and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Italy Italian
Magician Red
Used in the Italian releases of Stardust Crusaders and light novel.
Stand User (スタンド使い)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutando Tsukai
Japan Japanese
Stand Master
United States of America English
Stand Wielder
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Hermit Purple (ハーミットパープル(隠者の紫))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hāmitto Pāpuru
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Japanese
Hermit Purple (ハーミットパープル)
Japan Japanese
The Passion (受難(ザ・パッション))
Noriaki Kakyoin (花京院 典明)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kakyōin Noriaki
Used in the first French release.
Japan Japanese
Tenmei Kakyoin
Author's reading of his name. Used for his signature in Chapter 159.
Japan Japanese
Noriaki Kakyouin
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Hierophant Green (ハイエロファントグリーン(法皇の緑))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Haierofanto Gurīn
Japan Japanese
France French
Hierophant Emerald (法皇の緑(ハイエロファントエメラルド))
Used initially in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization and in the first French release.
Japan Japanese
High Erophant Green
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Star Platinum (スタープラチナ(星の白金))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutā Purachina
Japan Japanese
Star Silver (星の白金(スターシルバー))
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Star Platinum (スタープラチナム)
Spain Spanish
Malaysia Malay
Star Platina
Used in the Malaysian release, as well as the anime's Spanish dub.
Spain Spanish
Estrella Platino
Used in the Spanish localization of All-Star Battle.
China Chinese
Star Platium
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Gray Fly (グレーフライ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gurē Furai
Japan Japanese
Gray Fly (グレー・フライ)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in model sheets for the anime.
Italy Italian
Grey Fly
Used in the Italian release.
Tower of Gray (タワー・オブ・グレー(灰の塔))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tawā obu Gurē
Japan Japanese
Tower of Glay
Used internally in Heritage for the Future.
United States of America English
Tower of Grey
Used in the anime's English dub.
Jean Pierre Polnareff (ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jan Piēru Porunarefu
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Jean Paul Polnareff (J(ジャン).P(ポール). ポルナレフ)
Used in Chapter 127 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization, as well as the Italian and second French releases of Vento Aureo.
Japan Japanese
Jan. P. Polnaref
Used for his signature in Chapter 159.
Japan Japanese
Used in the OVA's soundtrack.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Italy Italian
Jean-Pierre Polnareff (ジャン=ピエール・ポルナレフ)
Used in JOJO magazine 2023 WINTER, All-Star Battle and the official website for All-Star Battle R, the English release of the OVA, both French releases of Stardust Crusaders, and the Italian release of the light novel.
Japan Japanese
Jun Pieal Polnareff
Japan Japanese
Jean-Pierre-Polnareff (ジャン=ピエール=ポルナレフ)
United States of America English
Jean Pierre Eiffel
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
United States of America English
Jean Pierre
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
France French
Jean-Pierre Polnaref
Used in the French release of the OVA.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Japan Japanese
Jean Polnareff
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Silver Chariot (シルバーチャリオッツ(銀の戦車))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shirubā Chariottsu
Japan Japanese
Silver Chariots
Used in The Genesis of Universe, internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future, and in the BODY WILD underwear collaboration.
Japan Japanese
Silver Chaliots
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Imposter Captain Tennille (偽キャプテン・テニール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Nise Kyaputen Tenīru
Japan Japanese
Captain Tennille
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Captain Teneil
Used in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), the Italian and first French releases, and Crunchyroll's French subtitles.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Captain Dragon
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Merlai Anne (マーライ・アン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Mārai An
Japan Japanese
Runaway Girl (家出娘)
Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Bad Girl (不良少女)
Used in the drama CD adaptation.
Enya the Hag (エンヤ婆)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Enya (エンヤ)
Legal name.
Japan Japanese
Enya Geil (エンヤ・ガイル)
Full name in JoJo 6251 and Japanese merchandise.
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Enya Gail
Used in JoJo 6251, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), and the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in JOJO magazine 2024 WINTER, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Enya BAA
United States of America English
N-Yah Gail
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Devo the Cursed (呪いのデーボ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Noroi no Dēbo
Japan Japanese
Devo (デーボ)
Legal name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Soul Sacrifice
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Used in the Mexican release.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Ebony Devil (エボニーデビル(悪魔))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ebonī Debiru
Japan Japanese
The Devil
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Rubber Soul (ラバーソール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rabā Sōru
United States of America English
Robber Soul
Used in VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251, as well as the English localizations of Heritage for the Future, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), and Eyes of Heaven.
Yellow Temperance (イエローテンパランス(黄の節制))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ierō Tenparansu
Japan Japanese
Yellow Temparanc
Used internally in Heritage for the Future.
Hanged Man (ハングドマン(吊られた男))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hangudo Man
Japan Japanese
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
United States of America English
The Hanged Man
Used in VIZ Media's publication, the English release of the OVA, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
J. Geil (J・ガイル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jei Gairu
Japan Japanese
John Geil (J(ジョン)・ガイル)
Used in Chapter 158 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization and tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Italy Italian
J. Gail
Used in JoJo 6251, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), the English release of the OVA, Crunchyroll's French subtitles, the anime's French dub, and the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC) and in the Mexican release.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
J. Gale
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Hol Horse (ホル・ホース)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Horu Hōsu
Japan Japanese
Hol Hource
Poland Polish
Hol Oates
Used in the Polish release. Based on his namesake, Hall & Oates.
Malaysia Malay
Hol Hoss
Used in the Malaysian release.
Japan Japanese
Horu Horse
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Emperor (エンペラー(皇帝))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
The Emperor
Used in VIZ Media's publication, the English release of the OVA, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Empress (エンプレス(女帝))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
The Empress
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
ZZ (ズィー・ズィー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Zī Zī
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Zii Zii
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Steely Dan (鋼入りの(スティーリー)ダン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutīrī Dan
Japan Japanese
Dan (ダン)
Legal name.
United States of America English
Dan of Steel
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
S-Terry Dan
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
United States of America English
Rubber Soul
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
Lovers (ラバーズ(恋人))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
France French
The Lovers
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English and French dubs, and VIZ Media's publication.
Arabia Fats (アラビア・ファッツ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Arabia Fattsu
United States of America English
Alabia Fats
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Sun (サン(太陽))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
The Sun (ザ・サン)
Used in Adventure Battle Card, Pocket JoJo, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English and French dubs, and VIZ Media's publication.
Death Thirteen (デスサーティーン(死神13))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Desu Sātīn
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Death 13
Spelled with Arabic numerals. Used in Chapter 168, the title of Volume 18, JoJo's Venture and its revisions, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Japan Japanese
Death (デス)
Used in Chapter 179.
Mannish Boy (マニッシュ・ボーイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Manisshu Bōi
United States of America English
Manishu Booi
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Judgement (ジャッジメント(審判))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication and the anime's English dub.
Sherry Polnareff (シェリー・ポルナレフ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sherī Porunarefu
Japan Japanese
Used internally in Stardust Shooters.
France French
Used in the first French release.
Cameo (カメオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
High Priestess (ハイプリエステス(女教皇))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hai Puriesutesu
United States of America English
The High Priestess
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Midler (ミドラー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Sidler (シドラー)
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and inconsistently in VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Iggy (イギー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
The Fool (ザ・フール(愚者))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Za Fūru
Japan Japanese
Used in the attract mode of JoJo's Venture and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
N'Doul (ンドゥール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
N'Dyoul (ンドュール)
Used initially in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Used in the OVA's soundtrack.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
France French
Used in the French release of the OVA.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Geb (ゲブ神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Geb
Translation of its full Japanese name.
United States of America English
Stylized in uppercase English. Used in the English release of the OVA.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Egypt 9 Glory Gods (エジプト9栄神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ejiputo Kyū Ei Shin
United States of America English
The Nine Egyptian Gods of Prosperity
Used in the English release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Nine Egyptian Gods
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
The Ennead
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Nine Great Gods of Egypt
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
Oingo (オインゴ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Mr. O (O氏)
Alias used in the afterword to Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventure.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's initial publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the Brazilian Portuguese dub.
Boingo (ボインゴ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's initial publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Used in the Brazilian Portuguese dub.
Israel Hebrew
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Tohth (トト神)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Tohth
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Spelled like the Egyptian deity. Used in JoJo 6251, Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Khnum (クヌム神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Khnum
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Anubis (アヌビス神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Anubis
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Chaka (チャカ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
Khan (カーン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Japan Japanese
Used internally in Heritage for the Future.
Bastet (バステト女神)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Goddess Bastet
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in JoJo 6251, JOJO A-GO!GO!, Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1), VIZ Media's publication, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Mariah (マライア)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Alessi (アレッシー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Italy Italian
Used in both Italian releases.
Italy Italian
Also used in official Italian releases.
Sethan (セト神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Set
Translation of its full Japanese name.
United States of America English
Spelled like the Egyptian deity. Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in JoJo's Venture and Heritage for the Future.
Daniel J. D'Arby (ダニエル・J・ダービー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Danieru Jei Dābī
Japan Japanese
Barbie (バービー)
Orby (オービー)
Facetiously used by Joseph Joestar in Chapter 212.
Japan Japanese
Used in the OVA's soundtrack.
United States of America English
D'Arby Elder
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
D'Arby the Elder
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Darby Elder
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Facetiously used by Joseph Joestar in the English release of the OVA.
United States of America English
Facetiously used by Joseph Joestar in Chapter 212 of VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Facetiously used by Joseph Joestar in Chapter 212 of VIZ Media's initial publication.
France French
Facetiously used by Joseph Joestar in the French release of the OVA.
France French
Facetiously used by Joseph Joestar in the anime's French dub.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Osiris (オシリス神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Osiris
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Stephen Moor (S(スティーブン)・ムーア)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Chapter 212, OVA (English Dub)
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutībun Mūa
Japan Japanese
Stephen Arm (S(スティーブン)・アーム)
Erroneously used in the OVA.
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Japanese
Daddy Moor
Used in the anime adaptation.
Horus (ホルス神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Horus
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Pet Shop (ペット・ショップ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Petto Shoppu
United States of America English
Used inconsistently in the English localizations of Heritage for the Future and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
United States of America English
Animal Shop
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Japan Japanese
Used internally in Heritage for the Future.
Chibi and Buchi (チビ, ブチ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Chibi, Buchi
Same as the English names.
United States of America English
Tiny and Buch
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
Tiny and Butch
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
Telence T. D'Arby (テレンス・T・ダービー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Terensu Tī Dābī
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Terence T. D'Arby
Used in the strategy guide for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC), as well as the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Telence Trent D'Arby (テレンス・トレント・ダービー)
United States of America English
Germany German
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Denmark Danish
D'Arby Younger
Used in various Crunchyroll and Netflix subtitles, as well as the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
D'Arby the Younger
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Romania Romanian
Darby Younger
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R, as well as Netflix's Romanian subtitles.
United States of America English
Terrence Trent D'Arby
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication.
France French
Terrence T. D'Arby
Used in the second French release.
Croatia Croatian
Netherlands Dutch
Terence T. Darby
Used in Netflix's Croatian and Dutch subtitles.
Language Name Usage

France French
Jeune Darby (Young Darby)
Used in the French localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Italy Italian
D'Arby il giovane (D'Arby the younger)
Used in Netflix's Italian subtitles.
Italy Italian
Darby il piccolo (Little Darby)
Used in the Italian localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Spain Spanish
Darby menor (Darby the Lesser)
Used in the Spanish localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Poland Polish
D’Arby Młodszy (D'Arby the Younger)
Used in Netflix's Polish subtitles.
Flag of Thailand Thai
เทเลนซ์ ที. ดาร์บี้ (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
泰伦斯T达比 (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
泰倫斯T達比 (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
테렌스 T. 다비 (Telence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Теренс Д'Арби (Terence D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
داربي الصغير (Young D'Arby)
Used in Crunchyroll's Arabic subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
تيرينس تي داربي (Terence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
D'Arby mladší (D'Arby younger)
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
Ντάρμπι ο Νεότερος (Darby the Younger)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
טרנס טי. ד'ארבי (Terence T. D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Ifjabb D'Arby (Younger D'Arby)
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Norway Norwegian
Darby den yngre (Darby the younger)
Used in Netflix's Norwegian subtitles.
Sweden Swedish
D'Arby den yngre (D'Arby the younger)
Used in Netflix's Swedish subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Дарбі-молодший (Darby Younger)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Vietnam Vietnamese
Darby Em (Darby Jr.)
Used in Netflix's Vietnamese subtitles.
Atum (アトゥム神)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
God Atum
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Kenny G. (ケニーG)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kenī Jī
United States of America English
Billie Jean
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Italy Italian
Kenni G.
Used in the Italian release of the light novel.
Tenore Sax (ティナー・サックス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tinā Sakkusu
United States of America English
Tenor Sax
Spelled like the musical instrument. Used in the English localization of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (PS1).
Vanilla Ice (ヴァニラ・アイス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Vanira Aisu
United States of America English
France French
Italy Italian
Spain Spanish
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Germany German
Denmark Danish
Netherlands Dutch
Norway Norwegian
Romania Romanian
Vietnam Vietnamese
Cool Ice
Used in various Crunchyroll and Netflix subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and various localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English release of the OVA, as well as the English localizations of JoJo's Venture and its revisions.
United States of America English
Vanilla Iced
Used in promotional material for Heritage for the Future.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
วานิลลา ไอซ์ (Vanilla Ice)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Chinese
瓦尼拉艾斯 (Vanilla Ice)
Used in Netflix's Simplified and Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
바닐라 아이스 (Vanilla Ice)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Ванилла Айс (Vanilla Ice)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
كول آيس (Cool Ice)
Used in Crunchyroll's Arabic subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
فانيلا آيس (Vanilla Ice)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Croatia Croatian
Ledeni (Icy)
Used in Netflix's Croatian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Ici (Ice)
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
Κουλ Άις (Cool Ice)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
קול אייס (Cool Ice)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Айс (Ice)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Roses (ローゼス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Nukesaku (ヌケサク)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in VIZ Media's initial publication and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
The World (ザ・ワールド(世界))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Za Wārudo
Japan Japanese
World 21 (世界(ワールド)21)
Used by Anubis in Chapter 198.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Wilson Phillips (ウィルソン・フィリップス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wiruson Firippusu
Japan Japanese
Senator Wilson Phillips (ウィルソン・フィリップス上院議員)
Title used by himself and his defender.
United States of America English
Senator Phillips
Exclusively used in Crunchyroll's subtitles.
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
William Phillips
Erroneously used in the glossary of volume 10 of the Brazilian release.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Diamond is UnbreakableKoichi HiroseJosuke HigashikataJozenjiTomoko HigashikataAqua NecklaceAnjuro KatagiriCrazy DiamondMoriohBad CompanyMansaku NijimuraRed Hot Chili PepperEchoesToshikazu HazamadaSurfaceLove DeluxeTonio TrussardiPearl JamAchtung BabyPink Dark BoyHeaven's DoorBug-EatenShigekiyo YanguSt. GentlemanReimi SugimotoYoshikage KiraKiller QueenCafé Deux MagotsCinderellaSheer Heart AttackAtom Heart FatherKen OyanagiBoy II ManMikitaka HazekuraEarth Wind and FireHighway StarYuya FungamiAkemi, Yoshie, and ReikoTamaStray CatToyohiro KanedaichiSuper FlyTerunosuke MiyamotoEnigmaCheap TrickBites the Dust
Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable (ダイヤモンドは砕けない)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Daiyamondo wa Kudakenai
Japan Japanese
Part 4: Josuke Higashikata (第4部 東方仗助)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
English subtitle used below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Part 4: Diamond is not Crash
Used in JOJO A-GO!GO!, the paperback edition, and the reveal trailer for and a background poster in All-Star Battle.
Japan Japanese
Part 4: Diamond is not Clash
Japan Japanese
Part 4: Diamond is unbreakable
Stylized in English sentence case. Used in JoJo's Bizarre Words and background posters in All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Japan Japanese
Part 4: Diamond is not Crush
Occasionally used in Japanese merchandise.
Israel Hebrew
Diamond: The Unbreakable
Used as the Hebrew name for the part by Netflix.
China Chinese
Series 4, Easter Jusuke
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Koichi Hirose (広瀬 康一)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hirose Kōichi
China Chinese
Guanglai Kangyi
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Josuke Higashikata (東方 仗助)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Higashikata Jōsuke
Japan Japanese
JoJo (ジョジョ)
Abbreviation used by a group of seniors in Chapter 266.
Japan Japanese
Used in Jump Novel Vol. 4.
United States of America English
Josuke Higashikata 4
Josuke 4
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Malaysia Malay
Jyosuke Higashikata
Used in the Malaysian release.
Germany German
Jotaro Higashikata
Used erroneously in the first chapter of the German release.
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Jozenji (定禅寺)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the Polish and first French releases, as well as Crunchyroll's French and German subtitles.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
China Chinese
Dingchan Road
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Tomoko Higashikata (東方 朋子)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Higashikata Tomoko
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Aqua Necklace (アクア・ネックレス(水の首飾り))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Akua Nekkuresu
China Chinese
Silver Chain
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Anjuro Katagiri (片桐 安十郎)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Katagiri Anjūrō
Japan Japanese
Angelo (アンジェロ)
Common nickname.
Italy Italian
Anjiro Katjiri
Used in the Italian release.
China Chinese
Anben Pianshilang
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Crazy Diamond (クレイジー・ダイヤモンド)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kureijī Daiyamondo
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Shining Diamond
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, merchandise for the anime, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Morioh (杜王町)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Morioh Town
Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian and second French releases.
France French
Used in the first French release.
Poland Polish
Used in the Polish release.
China Chinese
Chinese romanization of the kanji in its name. Used in and commonly refers to a fan translation of the Part.
Bad Company (極悪中隊(バッド・カンパニー))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Baddo Kanpanī
United States of America English
Worse Company
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
China Chinese
Destroying Army
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Mansaku Nijimura (虹村 万作)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Nijimura Mansaku
Japan Japanese
Nijimura Brothers' Father (虹村兄弟の父親)
Used in JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Nijimura's Father
Red Hot Chili Pepper (レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Reddo Hotto Chiri Peppā
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Chili Pepper (チリ・ペッパー)
Common nickname. Exclusively used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
China Chinese
Red Chili Hot Pepper
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Echoes (エコーズ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, merchandise for the anime, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
China Chinese
Echo Bomber
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Toshikazu Hazamada (間田 敏和)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hazamada Toshikazu
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation
Surface (サーフィス(うわっ面))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Show Off
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Love Deluxe (ラブ・デラックス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rabu Derakkusu
United States of America English
Love Extra
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Tonio Trussardi (トニオ・トラサルディー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tonio Torasarudī
Japan Japanese
Antonio Volpe (アントニーオ・ヴォルペ)
Birth name in Purple Haze Feedback.
United States of America English
Tonio Trendy
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Pearl Jam (パール・ジャム)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pāru Jamu
United States of America English
Pole Jam
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Opal Jam
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Achtung Baby (アクトン・ベイビー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Akuton Beibī
Japan Japanese
Achtug Baby
Typo used in early editions of JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Pink Dark Boy (ピンクダークの少年)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pinku Dāku no Shōnen
Japan Japanese
A Pink Dark Boy
Used on the covers of the manga in the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan TV Drama.
China Chinese
Red and Black Boy
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Heaven's Door (ヘブンズ・ドアー(天国への扉))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hebenzu Doā
Japan Japanese
China Chinese
Heaven's Gate
Used in the tailpiece of Chapter 320, Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventure, and the "Duwang" fan translation.
Japan Japanese
Heavens Door
Occasionally used in Japanese merchandise.
Bug-Eaten (虫喰い)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in JoJo 6251.
France French
Used in the French release.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
China Chinese
Bug Eye
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Shigekiyo Yangu (矢安宮重清)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Yangū Shigekiyo
Japan Japanese
Shige-chan (重ちゃん)
Nickname used by his parents.
Japan Japanese
Shigechi (重ちー)
Common nickname derived from the above.
United States of America English
Little Shige
Nickname used by his parents in VIZ Media's publication.
Italy Italian
Shigekyo Yanguu
Used in the Italian release.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
China Chinese
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
St. Gentleman (サンジェルマン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Used in Chapter 342.
Japan Japanese
Used in the anime adaptation.
United States of America English
St. Gentlemen
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
Reimi Sugimoto (杉本鈴美)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sugimoto Reimi
Japan Japanese
Reimi Suzumoto
Typo used in early editions of JOJOVELLER.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Yoshikage Kira (吉良吉影)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kira Yoshikage
Japan Japanese
Used in the cover of Chapter 431 and as the title of Kira's theme in All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Yoshigake Kira
Typo used in Chapter 403 of VIZ Media's publication.
Killer Queen (キラークイーン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kirā Kuīn
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Deadly Queen
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, merchandise for the anime, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Café Deux Magots (カフェ・ドゥ・マゴ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kafe du Mago
Japan Japanese
café de maigot
Cinderella (シンデレラ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Sheer Heart Attack (シアーハートアタック)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shiā Hāto Atakku
United States of America English
Heart Attack
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
China Chinese
Bomb No. 2
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Atom Heart Father (アトム・ハート・ファーザー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Atomu Hāto Fāzā
United States of America English
Heart Father
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Ken Oyanagi (大柳 賢)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ōyanagi Ken
Japan Japanese
Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid (ジャンケン小僧)
Common nickname.
United States of America English
Rosham Boy
Nickname in the anime's English dub and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Janken Boy
Nickname in Crunchyroll's subtitles.
Italy Italian
Ken Ooyanagi
Used in the Italian release and the "Duwang" fan translation.
Boy II Man (ボーイ・II・マン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Bōi Tsū Man
United States of America English
Boys Man Man
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
France French
Boy to Man
Used in the first French release.
China Chinese
Boy 2 Man
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Mikitaka Hazekura (支倉 未起隆)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hazekura Mikitaka
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Nu Mikitakazo Nshi (ヌ・ミキタカゾ・ンシ)
Self-proclaimed birth name. Exclusively used in the Italian release.
Earth Wind and Fire (アース・ウィンド・アンド・ファイヤー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Āsu Windo ando Faiyā
United States of America English
Terra Ventus
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Highway Star (ハイウェイ・スター)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Haiwei Sutā
United States of America English
Highway Go Go
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Yuya Fungami (噴上 裕也)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Fungami Yūya
Japan Japanese
Yu-chan (裕ちゃん)
Nickname used by his fangirls.
United States of America English
Nickname used by his fangirls in VIZ Media's publication.
Italy Italian
Yuuya Fungami
Used in the Italian release.
Akemi, Yoshie, and Reiko (アケミ, ヨシエ, レイコ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Akemi, Yoshie, Reiko
Same as the English names.
China Chinese
Yuriko, Mijiri, and Meio
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Tama (タマ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Former Tama (元タマ)
Used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Japan Japanese
Spelled in lowercase English. Used in JOJOVELLER.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Stray Cat (ストレイ・キャット(猫草))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutorei Kyatto
Japan Japanese
Catgrass (猫草)
Translation of its Japanese name. Common nickname.
Japan Japanese
Nickname in ultra-violence® merch and advertising.
United States of America English
Feral Cat
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
United States of America English
Nickname in VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Cat Plant
Nickname in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
Nickname in Crunchyroll promotional video.
Toyohiro Kanedaichi (鋼田一 豊大)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kanedaichi Toyohiro
Japan Japanese
Iron Tower Man (鉄塔男)
Used in The Book.
Italy Italian
China Chinese
Ichitoyohiro Kaneda
Used in the Italian release and "Duwang" fan translation.
Super Fly (スーパーフライ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sūpā Furai
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the Italian release.
Terunosuke Miyamoto (宮本 輝之輔)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Miyamoto Terunosuke
Japan Japanese
Enigma Boy (エニグマの少年)
Common nickname. Exclusively used in the manga.
United States of America English
Young Misterioso
Nickname in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
China Chinese
Ragazzo Enigma
Nickname used in the "Duwang" fan translation.
Enigma (エニグマ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Cheap Trick (チープ・トリック)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Chīpu Torikku
United States of America English
Cheap Trap
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Bites the Dust (バイツァ・ダスト)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Baitsa Dasuto
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Bite the Dust (BITE THE DUST(バイツァ・ダスト))
Used in Chapter 420, as well as the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Japan Japanese
Lose and Die (負けて死ね)
Parenthesized kanji used for its name in Chapter 420.
Japan Japanese
Another one Bites the Dust
Used in the cover of Chapter 422 and the tailpiece of Chapter 423.
China Chinese
Bomb No. 3
Used in the "Duwang" fan translation.

Vento Aureo

Vento AureoGiorno GiovannaLeaky-Eye LucaGold ExperienceBruno BucciaratiSticky FingersMan XPassioneBlack SabbathPannacotta FugoGuido MistaLeone AbbacchioSoft MachineMoody BluesSex PistolsKraft WorkSalePericoloTrish UnaDonatella UnaFormaggioLittle FeetAerosmithSorbet and GelatoMan in the MirrorPurple HazeAbbacchio's PartnerCoco JumboMr.PresidentBeach BoyThe Grateful DeadMeloneBaby FaceGhiaccioWhite AlbumKing CrimsonClashTizzanoTalking HeadNotorious B.I.GSpice GirlVinegar DoppioMetallicaEpitaphDiavoloCioccolataGreen DayOasisChariot RequiemGold Experience RequiemRolling Stones
Part 5: Vento Aureo (黄金の風)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ōgon no Kaze
Japan Japanese
Part 5 Giorno Giovanna: Golden Heritage (第5部 ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ【黄金なる遺産】)
Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
Used as a subtitle below the series logo in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization, as well as the Stands book of JOJO A-GO!GO! and the attract mode of GioGio's Bizarre Adventure.
Japan Japanese
Stylized in English uppercase. Used in the paperback edition, JoJo's Bizarre Words, and a background poster in All-Star Battle.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Parte 5: Vento Aureo
Used in JOJOVELLER, JOJO magazine, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Japan Japanese
Golden wind
Stylized in English sentence case. Used in background posters in All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Japan Japanese
JOJO's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind
Used in the anime adaptation.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Part 5: Golden Wind
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, the series's official website, VIZ Media's publication, and the French release.
United States of America English
The 5th Generation
Used in various Studio A.P.P.P. promotional material.
United States of America English
Parte 5: Golden Wind
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Gold Wing
Erroneously used by Netflix's Latin American Twitter account.
Giorno Giovanna (ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Joruno Jobāna
Japan Japanese
Haruno Shiobana (汐華 初流乃)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Italian transliteration of the name "JoJo." Used in the design of Vento Aureo's tankōbon release, the author's note of Volume 47, the planned English title of GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, and Purple Haze Feedback.
Japan Japanese
France French
Giorno Giovana
Used in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure and the French release.
United States of America English
Used in promotional material for the English release of GioGio's Bizarre Adventure.
United States of America English
Giorno Giovanni
Used in a Shonen Jump advertisement for GioGio's Bizarre Adventure's English release.
Malaysia Malay
Giorno Jobana
Used in the Malaysian release.
Leaky-Eye Luca (涙目のルカ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Namidame no Ruka
Japan Japanese
Luca (ルカ)
Legal name. Exclusively used in JOJOVELLER.
United States of America English
Leaky Eye Luca
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's release.
Italy Italian
Don Luca
Used in the Italian release.
Gold Experience (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス(黄金体験))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gōrudo Ekusuperiensu
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Golden Wind
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Bruno Bucciarati (ブローノ・ブチャラティ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Burōno Bucharati
Japan Japanese
France French
Bruno Buccellati
Spelled like the fashion brand. Used in the official English translation of Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI and early editions of JOJOVELLER, as well as the French release of Purple Haze Feedback.
Japan Japanese
France French
Blono Buccellati
Used in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure and the French release.
Vietnam Vietnamese
Bruno Bucarararati
Used in GW Episode 20 in Netflix's Vietnamese subtitles.
Malaysia Malay
Brono Bucarati
Used in the Malaysian release.
Japan Japanese
Blono Bucciarati
Used in packaging for early editions of his Super Action Statue.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
บรูโน่ บูจาราตี้ (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
布鲁诺·布加拉提 (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
布羅諾布加拉提 (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
브루노 부차라티 (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Бруно Буччарати (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
برونو بوشيارتي (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Greece Greek
Μπρούνο Μπουτσαράτι (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
ברונו בוצ'רטי (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Бруно Буччараті (Bruno Bucciarati)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Sticky Fingers (スティッキィ・フィンガーズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutikki Fingāzu
United States of America English
Zipper Man
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Man X (男X)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Otoko Ekkusu
Japan Japanese
Gang Star (ギャング・スター)
United States of America English
Mr. X
Used in the anime's English dub.
Passione (パッショーネ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
The Passiones
Inconsistently used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Black Sabbath (ブラック・サバス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Burakku Sabasu
Japan Japanese
Black Sabath
Used in the anime guidebook Sulle tracce dei gangster.
United States of America English
Shadow Sabbath
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Pannacotta Fugo (パンナコッタ・フーゴ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pannakotta Fūgo
Italy Italian
Fugo Pannacotta
Used in the Italian release of Golden Heart, Golden Ring.
Malaysia Malay
Pannacotta Hugo
Used in the Malaysian release.
Guido Mista (グイード・ミスタ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Guīdo Misuta
Japan Japanese
Kuido Mista (クイード・ミスタ)
Typo used in Chapter 575 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization and tankōbon release.
Spain Spanish
Guido Misto
Typo used in Netflix's Spanish subtitles for GW Episode 15.
Leone Abbacchio (レオーネ・アバッキオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Reōne Abakkio
Japan Japanese
Abbaccho (アバッキョ)
Used in Chapter 456 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Soft Machine (ソフト・マシーン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sofuto Mashīn
United States of America English
Tender Machine
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Moody Blues (ムーディー・ブルース)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Mūdī Burūsu
United States of America English
Moody Jazz
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Sex Pistols (セックス・ピストルズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sekkusu Pisutoruzu
United States of America English
Six Bullets
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Kraft Work (クラフト・ワーク)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kurafuto Wāku
United States of America English
Arts & Crafts
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
France French
Craft Work
Used in the French release.
Italy Italian
Spelled like the band. Used in the Italian release.
Sale (サーレー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pericolo (ペリーコロ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Nunzio Pericolo (ヌンツィオ・ペリーコロ)
Full name in Purple Haze Feedback.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Trish Una (トリッシュ・ウナ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Torisshu Una
Malaysia Malay
Teresa Una
Used in the Malaysian release.
Donatella Una (ドナテラ・ウナ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Donatera Una
Japan Japanese
Sardinian Girl (サルディニアの少女)
Used in the credits of GW Episode 26.
Formaggio (ホルマジオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Used in the French release.
Malaysia Malay
Used in the Malaysian release.
Japan Japanese
Formaggiro (ホルマジロ)
Typo used in early editions of the first Blu-Ray box set of the anime adaptation.
Little Feet (リトル・フィート)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ritoru Fīto
United States of America English
Tiny Feet
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Aerosmith (エアロスミス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Li'l Bomber
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Malaysia Malay
Aero Smith
Used in the Malaysian release.
Sorbet and Gelato (ソルベ, ジェラート)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sorube, Jerāto
Japan Japanese
France French
Sorbe and Gelato
Used in JOJO magazine 2024 WINTER, as well as the French release.
Italy Italian
Sorbetto and Gelato
Used in the Italian release.
United States of America English
Sorbei and Cante
Used in some fan translations.
Man in the Mirror (マン・イン・ザ・ミラー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Man in za Mirā
United States of America English
Mirror Man
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Purple Haze (パープル・ヘイズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pāpuru Heizu
United States of America English
Purple Smoke
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Purple's Smoke
Typo used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Abbacchio's Partner (アバッキオの同僚の警官)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Abakkio no Dōryō no Keikan
Japan Japanese
Police Officer ()
Used in the credits of GW Episode 6 and GW Episode 29.
Japan Japanese
Abbacchio's Superior (アバッキオの上司)
Coco Jumbo (ココ・ジャンボ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Koko Janbo
Japan Japanese
Coco Jamboo
Spelled like the song. Used in promotional material for Silver Chariot's Super Action Statue.
United States of America English
Coco Large
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Mr.President (ミスター・プレジデント)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Misutā Purejidento
Japan Japanese
The Turtle Stand (カメのスタンド)
Used in the tailpiece of Chapter 565.
Japan Japanese
T-Rex (T-レックス)
Tentative name used in an interview for Weekly Shonen Jump.
United States of America English
Mr. President
Used in VIZ Media's release of JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Beach Boy (ビーチ・ボーイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Bīchi Bōi
United States of America English
Fisher Man
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
The Grateful Dead (ザ・グレイトフル・デッド)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Za Gureitofuru Deddo
Japan Japanese
Grateful Dead (グレイトフル・デッド)
Common nickname.
United States of America English
The Thankful Death
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
United States of America English
Thankful Death
Used in VIZ Media's publication and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Italy Italian
The Greatful Death
Used in early editions of the Italian release.
Melone (メローネ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Typo used in Netflix's description for GW Episode 17.
Baby Face (ベイビィ・フェイス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Beibī Feisu
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Ghiaccio (ギアッチョ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Typo used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
White Album (ホワイト・アルバム)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Howaito Arubamu
United States of America English
White Ice
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
King Crimson (キング・クリムゾン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kingu Kurimuzon
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Emperor Crimson
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Language Name Usage

Spain Spanish
Emperador Carmesí (Emperor Crimson)
Used in Netflix's Spanish credits.
Clash (クラッシュ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Tizzano (ティッツァーノ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Italy Italian
Spelled like the Italian given name. Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, the French and Italian releases, and merchandise for the anime adaptation.
Japan Japanese
Used in Japanese merchandise.
Talking Head (トーキング・ヘッド)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tōkingu Heddo
United States of America English
Talking Mouth
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Notorious B.I.G (ノトーリアス・B・I・G(ビッグ))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Notōriasu Biggu
Japan Japanese
Notorious B・I・G
Japan Japanese
Notorius B.I.G
Used for graffiti written in Italian in GW Episode 24.
United States of America English
Notorious Chase
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Notorius Chase
Used for graffiti in GW Episode 24 in Crunchyroll's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
Spice Girl (スパイス・ガール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Supaisu Gāru
United States of America English
Spicy Lady
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Vinegar Doppio (ヴィネガー・ドッピオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Vinegā Doppio
Japan Japanese
Vinegar Doppio (ビネガー・ドッピオ)
Italy Italian
Aceto Doppio
Used in the Italian release.
Metallica (メタリカ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Epitaph (エピタフ(墓碑銘))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
King Crimson Epitaph (K(キング)・クリムゾン・エピタフ(墓碑銘))
Used in Chapter 585.
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Diavolo (ディアボロ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Boss (ボス)
Title within Passione. Common nickname.
Japan Japanese
Solid Naso (ソリッド・ナーゾ)
Faked identity by which Donatella Una knew him.
Japan Japanese
Used in JOJO A-GO!GO! DISC.3.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Solido Naso
Faked identity in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Cioccolata (チョコラータ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Cioccolato (チョコラート)
The male form of his Italian name. Used in the latter part of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Green Day (グリーン・ディ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gurīn Di
United States of America English
Green Tea
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Oasis (オアシス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Chariot Requiem (チャリオッツ・レクイエム)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Chariottsu Rekuiemu
Japan Japanese
Requiem (レクイエム)
Common nickname. Exclusively used in JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Japan Japanese
Silver Chariot Requiem (シルバーチャリオッツレクイエム)
Gold Experience Requiem (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス・レクイエム)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gōrudo Ekusuperiensu Rekuiemu
Japan Japanese
Requiem (レクイエム)
Common nickname.
United States of America English
Golden Wind Requiem
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Chariot Requiem
Erroneously used in Netflix's subtitles.
Rolling Stones (ローリング・ストーン(ズ))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rōringu Sutōn(zu)
United States of America English
Prophecy Stones
Used in Crunchyroll's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.

Stone Ocean

Stone OceanJolyne CujohGreen Dolphin Street PrisonErmes CostelloCorrupt LawyerLoccobaroccoGwessGoo Goo DollsStone FreeJohngalli A.Manhattan TransferWhitesnakeKissThunder McQueenHighway to HellEmporio AlninoAtroeFoo FightersMiraschonMarilyn MansonSavage GardenWeather ReportWeather Report (Stand)Lang RanglerJumpin' Jack FlashSports MaxxLimp BizkitNarciso AnasuiDiver DownSurvivorViviano WestwoodPlanet WavesKenzouDragon's DreamD an GYo-Yo MaEnrico PucciGreen, Green Grass of HomeSonny LikirMiuccia MiullerJail House LockBurning Down the HouseUngaloBohemian RhapsodyRikielSky HighDonatello VersusUnder WorldHeavy WeatherPerla PucciC-MOONRockyMade in Heaven
Part 6: Stone Ocean (ストーンオーシャン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutōn Ōshan
Japan Japanese
Part 6 Jolyne Cujoh: Stone Ocean (第6部 空条 徐倫―『石作り(ストーン)の海(オーシャン))
Used in SO Chapter 1 to fit with the original names of prior parts.
Japan Japanese
Stone Ocean (ストーン・オーシャン)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in the final page of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization and tankōbon release.
United States of America English
Stylized in uppercase English. Used in Netflix's English season dropdown. Also used as the name of the anime's first opening.
France French
Used in the French collector's edition of the OVA.
United States of America English
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Ocean Stone
Erroneously used by Netflix in promotional material for the anime.
Jolyne Cujoh (空条 徐倫)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kūjō Jorīn
Japan Japanese
JoJo (ジョジョ)
Nickname used by her mother and boyfriend.
Japan Japanese
Jolyne Cujo (空条(CUJO) 徐倫(JOLYNE))
Japan Japanese
Used in a post promoting JOJO magazine 2024 WINTER.
United States of America English
Typo used in the description of volume 5 of VIZ Media's publication.
France French
Italy Italian
Jolyne Kujo
Used in the French and Italian releases.
France French
Jolyne Kûjô
Used in the bookmarks included in the French collector's edition of JJL Volume 25.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
'ูโจ โจลีน (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
空条徐伦 (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
空條徐倫 (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
쿠죠 죠린 (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Джолин Куджо (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
جولين كوجوه (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Jolyne Cujohová
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
Τζολίν Κούτζο (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
ג'ולין קוג'ו (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Джолін Кудзьо (Jolyne Cujoh)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Green Dolphin Street Prison (グリーン・ドルフィン・ストリート刑務所)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gurīn Dorufin Sutorīto Keimusho
Japan Japanese
Green Dolphin Street State Maximum Security Prison (州立グリーン・ドルフィン・ストリート重警備刑務所)
Full name.
Japan Japanese
The Aquarium (水族館)
Common nickname.
Japan Japanese
G.D. st. Jail (刑務所)
Common abbreviation used throughout Stone Ocean, notably on prisoners' uniforms.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
G.D. St. Prison
Abbreviation used in JOJOVELLER and the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Green Dolphin Street State Prison
Full name used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Green Dolphin Street Maximum Security Prison
Full name used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Ermes Costello (エルメェス・コステロ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Erumēsu Kosutero
France French
China Chinese
Hermes Costello
Used in the French release and Corsair x JoJo.
France French
Hermes Coste
Typo used in the French release of SO Volume 13.
France French
Hermès Costello
First name spelled like the fashion brand. Used in the French localization of All-Star Battle R.
Corrupt Lawyer (悪徳弁護士)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Akutoku Bengoshi
United States of America English
Used in Netflix's subtitles and the anime's English dub.
Loccobarocco (ロッコバロッコ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
United States of America English
Rocco Barocco
Used in some fan translations.
Gwess (グェス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
France French
South Korea Korean
Spelled like the fashion brand. Used in the French and Korean releases, as well as the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Goo Goo Dolls (グーグー・ドールズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gūgū Dōruzu
United States of America English
G.G. Dolls
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Cry Cry Dolls
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven, Netflix's initial subtitles, and the initial version of the anime's English dub.
Italy Italian
GooGoo Dolls
Used in the Italian release.
Stone Free (ストーン・フリー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutōn Furī
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Stone Ocean
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Johngalli A. (ジョンガリ・A)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jongari Ē
France French
Jongalli A
Used in the French release.
Manhattan Transfer (マンハッタン・トランスファー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Manhattan Toransufā
United States of America English
Downtown Transfer
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Whitesnake (ホワイトスネイク)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Pale Snake
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, the anime's soundtrack and English dub, Netflix's subtitles, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
France French
White Snake
Used in the French release.
Kiss (キッス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
The Kiss (ザ・キッス)
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Spain European Spanish
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Portugal European Portuguese
Germany German
Indonesia Indonesian
Denmark Danish
Netherlands Dutch
Malaysia Malay
Norway Norwegian
Romania Romanian
Sweden Swedish
Türkiye Turkish
Vietnam Vietnamese
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
คิส (Kiss)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
亲吻 (Kiss)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
親吻 (Kiss)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
키스 (Kiss)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
القبلة (Kiss)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Croatia Croatian
Poljubac (Kiss)
Used in Netflix's Croatian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Facka (Smack)
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
ΦΙΛΙ (Kiss)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
סמאק (Smack)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Pofon (Smack)
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Finland Finnish
Läimäys (Smack)
Used in Netflix's Finnish subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Thunder McQueen (サンダー・マックイイーン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sandā Makkuiīn
France French
Xander McQueen
Used in the French release.
France French
Alexander McQueen
Spelled like the fashion designer. Full name on his privilege card in the French release.
Highway to Hell (ハイウェイ・トゥ・ヘル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Haiwei tu Heru
United States of America English
Freeway Thru Hell
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Highway to Death
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Emporio Alnino (エンポリオ・アルニーニョ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Enporio Arunīnyo
Japan Japanese
France French
Enporio Alninio
Used in the French release.
United States of America English
Emporio Alniño
Used in some fan translations.
Atroe (エートロ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
France French
Spelled like the fashion brand. Used in Anime 10th Anniversary Exhibition and the French release.
Foo Fighters (フー・ファイターズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Fū Faitāzu
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
F.F. (F・F)
Common nickname. Exclusively used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R. Used to refer to the Stand's "user" in the Stands book of JOJOVELLER and JOJO magazine 2024 WINTER.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
斗魂骇客 (Soul Hacker)
Used in the Chinese releases of the manga and anime.
China Chinese
幽浮一族 (UFO Family)
Used in the Chinese localization of Monster Strike and Path to Nowhere.
Miraschon (ミラション)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Italy Italian
Used in the French and Italian releases.
Marilyn Manson (取り立て人 マリリン・マンソン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Toritatenin Maririn Manson
Japan Japanese
Debt Collector Marilyn Manson
Translation of its full Japanese name.
United States of America English
Debt Collector Mary Lynn Manson
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Savage Garden (サヴェジ・ガーデン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Saveji Gāden
United States of America English
Savage Guardian
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Weather Report (ウェザー・リポート)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wezā Ripōto
Japan Japanese
Domenico Pucci (ドメニコ・プッチ)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
Wes Bluemarine (ウェス・ブルーマリン)
Adopted name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Domenic Pucchi
Birth name in SO Episode 31 and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Weather Forecast
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Wes Aquamarine
Adopted name in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Japan Japanese
Domenic Pucci
Birth name in initial releases of SO Episode 31.
Weather Report (ウェザー・リポート)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wezā Ripōto
United States of America English
Weather Forecast
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Lang Rangler (ラング・ラングラー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rangu Rangurā
France French
Lang Wrangler
Family name spelled like the fashion brand. Used in the French release.
Italy Italian
Wrang Wrangler
Used in the Italian release.
Jumpin' Jack Flash (ジャンピン・ジャック・フラッシュ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Janpin Jakku Furasshu
United States of America English
Jumpin' Jack Spark
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Sports Maxx (スポーツ・マックス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Supōtsu Makkusu
United States of America English
Sports Maximum
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
France French
Sports Max
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven and the French release.
Italy Italian
Sport Max
Used in the Italian release.
Limp Bizkit (リンプ・ビズキット)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rinpu Bizukitto
United States of America English
Limp Viscuit
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Flaccid Pancake
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Narciso Anasui (ナルシソ・アナスイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Narushiso Anasui
United States of America English
Narciso Anastasia
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Narc Anastasia
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
France French
Narcisso Annasui
Used in the French localization of All-Star Battle R.
Diver Down (ダイバー・ダウン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Daibā Daun
United States of America English
Diver Drive
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Israel Hebrew
Diving Jump
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Survivor (サバイバー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Used in the anime's soundtrack.
Viviano Westwood (ヴィヴァーノ・ウエストウッド)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Vivāno Uesutouddo
Japan Japanese
Vibiano Westwood (ヴィビアーノ・ウェストウッド)
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Viviano Westwood (ヴィヴィアーノ・ウエストウッド)
Alternate spelling used in SO Chapter 96 of the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization, SO Chapter 66 of the tankōbon edition, Eyes of Heaven, and Chara Heroes. Also initially used in SO Episode 16.
Planet Waves (プラネット・ウェイブス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Puranetto Weibusu
Japan Japanese
Earth Wind and Fire (アース・ウインド・アンド・ファイヤー)
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
United States of America English
Starlight Waves
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Planet Ripple
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Kenzou (ケンゾー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
China Chinese
Used in the French and Chinese releases.
Dragon's Dream (ドラゴンズ・ドリーム(龍の夢))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Doragonzu Dorīmu
Japan Japanese
Dragon (ドラゴン(龍))
Nickname used by Kenzou.
United States of America English
Drake's Dream
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
D an G (DアンG)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dī an Jī
United States of America English
D an' G
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
France French
Spelled like the abbreviated fashion brand. Used in the French release.
Italy Italian
D and G
Used in the Italian release.
Yo-Yo Ma (ヨーヨーマッ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Yō Yō Ma
United States of America English
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Ya-Ya Ma
Used in the description of volume 5 of VIZ Media's publication.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Enrico Pucci (エンリコ・プッチ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Enriko Pucchi
Japan Japanese
Father Pucci (プッチ神父)
Religious title. Exclusively used in Adventure Battle Card.
Japan Japanese
Father Enrico Pucci (エンリコ・プッチ神父)
Full name with title. Used in SO Chapter 145, character sheets in the tankōbon release, and "JoJo 25th Anniversary" Memorial Card.
Japan Japanese
Roberto Pucci (ロベルト・プッチ)
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization, as well as SO Chapter 85 and SO Chapter 145 in early editions of the tankōbon release.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Father Pucchi
Religious title in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication. Exclusively used in JOJO magazine 2022 SPRING and the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Enrico Pucchi
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Father Enrico Pucchi
Full name with title. Used in SO Chapter 145 of VIZ Media's publication.
Japan Japanese
Erinco Pucci (エリンコ・プッチ)
Typo used in early editions of the third Blu-ray box set of the anime adaptation.
Green, Green Grass of Home (グリーン・グリーン・グラス・オブ・ホーム)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gurīn Gurīn Gurasu obu Hōmu
United States of America English
Green, Green, Green Home
Used in Netflix's subtitles.
Sonny Likir (ソニー・リキール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sonī Rikīru
France French
Sonny Rikyel
Used in the French release.
Miuccia Miuller (ミュッチャー・ミューラー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Myutchā Myūrā
Japan Japanese
Miu Miu (ミューミュー)
Common nickname.
United States of America English
Mew Mew
Nickname in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven. Exclusively used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Italy Italian
Miccia Müller
Used in the Italian release.
Jail House Lock (ジェイル・ハウス・ロック)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jeiru Hausu Rokku
Japan Japanese
JAIL(ジェイル) HOUSE(ハウス) LOCK(ロック)
Stylized in uppercase English. Used in the tailpieces of SO Chapter 97 and SO Chapter 98, as well as Adventure Battle Card.
United States of America English
Jailhouse Lock
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Burning Down the House (バーニング・ダウン・ザ・ハウス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Bāningu Daun za Hausu
United States of America English
Burn the House Down
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Burning Down
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Ungalo (ウンガロ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the French and Italian releases.
Bohemian Rhapsody (ボヘミアン・ラプソディー(自由人の狂想曲))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Bohemian Rapusodī
United States of America English
Bohemian Ecstatic
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Rikiel (リキエル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Italy Italian
Spelled like the fashion designer. Used in the French and Italian releases.
Sky High (スカイ・ハイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sukai Hai
United States of America English
Sky Guy
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Donatello Versus (ドナテロ・ヴェルサス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Donatero Verusasu
France French
Donatello Versace
Spelled like the fashion designer. Used in the French release.
United States of America English
Typo used in SO Chapter 130 of VIZ Media's publication.
Under World (アンダー・ワールド)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Andā Wārudo
United States of America English
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Heavy Weather (ヘビー・ウェザー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hebī Wezā
United States of America English
Heavy Forecast
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
Perla Pucci (ペルラ・プッチ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Perura Pucchi
United States of America English
Perla Pucchi
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, and VIZ Media's publication.
France French
Pearla Pucci
Used in the French release.
Japan Japanese
Berla Pucci (ベルラ・プッチ)
Typo used in early editions of the third Blu-ray box set of the anime adaptation.
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shī Mūn
Japan Japanese
Stylized in English title case. Used in the anime's soundtrack.
United States of America English
See Moon
Used in Netflix's subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Full Moon
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Japan Japanese
Typo used in the tailpiece of SO Chapter 144 in early editions of the tankōbon release.
Rocky (ロッキー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Barry (バリー)
Used in the anime adaptation.
Made in Heaven (メイド・イン・ヘブン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Meido in Hebun
Japan Japanese
Used in the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
France French
Italy Italian
Spain European Spanish
Mexico Latin American Spanish
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Portugal European Portuguese
Germany German
Indonesia Indonesian
Denmark Danish
Netherlands Dutch
Finland Finnish
Malaysia Malay
Romania Romanian
Sweden Swedish
Türkiye Turkish
Maiden Heaven
Used in Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, various Netflix subtitles, the anime's English dub, VIZ Media's publication, and various localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Language Name Usage

Flag of Thailand Thai
เมดอินเฮฟเว่น (Made in Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Thai subtitles.
China Simplified Chinese
天堂制造 (Made in Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Simplified Chinese subtitles.
China Traditional Chinese
天堂製造 (Made in Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Traditional Chinese subtitles.
South Korea Korean
메이드 인 헤븐 (Made in Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Korean subtitles.
Russia Russian
Сделанный на небесах (Made in Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Russian subtitles.
Flag of the Arab League Arabic
النعيم البكر (Pure Bliss)
Used in Netflix's Arabic subtitles.
Croatia Croatian
Novi raj (New Paradise)
Used in Netflix's Croatian subtitles.
Czech Republic Czech
Panenské Nebe (Maiden Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Czech subtitles.
Greece Greek
Παρθενικός Παράδεισος (Maiden Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Greek subtitles.
Israel Hebrew
נערת גן עדן (Garden of Eden Girl)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew subtitles.
Hungary Hungarian
Mennyek Művének (Work of Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Hungarian subtitles.
Norway Norwegian
Jomfruhimmel (Maiden Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Norwegian subtitles.
Türkiye Turkish
Cennetin Eseri (Work of Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Turkish subtitles.
Ukraine Ukrainian
Новостворений рай (Newly-Created Paradise)
Used in Netflix's Ukrainian subtitles.
Vietnam Vietnamese
Tạo Vật Của Thiên Đường (Creature of Heaven)
Used in Netflix's Vietnamese subtitles.

Steel Ball Run

Steel Ball RunSandmanSteven SteelUrmd AvdulDiego BrandoGyro ZeppeliSteel BallJohnny JoestarSilver BulletTomb of the Boom 1 2 3Boku no Rhythm wo KiitekureJesus ChristPork Pie Hat KidFunny ValentineDr. FerdinandScary MonstersMandomDark DeterminationLucy SteelIn a Silent WaySugar MountainSugar Mountain (Stand)Tubular BellsWekapipo20th Century BOYAxl ROChocolate DiscoDirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapPhiladelphia CoastlineParallel World DiegoTHE WORLD
Part 7: Steel Ball Run (スティール・ボール・ラン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutīru Bōru Ran
Japan Japanese
Steel Ball Run (スティール・ボール・ラン)
Lacks the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure connection. Original name during serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump and in the corresponding tankōbon volumes.
Japan Japanese
China Chinese
Stylized in English uppercase. Used in volume cover art and digital listings for the tankōbon and paperback editions, JOJO magazine, JoJo's Bizarre Words, JOJO's Bizarre Quizzes 500, Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, the series's official website, and both Chinese releases.
Sandman (サンドマン(砂男))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Soundman (サウンドマン)
Birth name.
United States of America English
Sand Man
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Steven Steel (スティーブン・スティール)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sutībun Sutīru
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Stephen Steel
Used in SBR Chapter 36, the inside covers of the tankōbon release, and the Italian release.
Urmd Avdul (ウルムド・アブドゥル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Urumudo Abuduru
United States of America English
Urmd Avdol
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Italy Italian
Urmud Abdul
Used in the Italian release.
Diego Brando (ディエゴ・ブランドー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Diego Burandō
Japan Japanese
Dio (ディオ)
Common nickname.
Japan Japanese
Dio the Emperor (帝王Dio(ディオ))
Nickname used by announcers for the Steel Ball Run race in SBR Chapter 50.
Gyro Zeppeli (ジャイロ・ツェペリ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jairo Tseperi
Japan Japanese
Julius Caesar Zeppeli (ユーリウス・カイザー・ツェペリ)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
Used on the cover of SBR Chapter 22.
France French
Jayro Zeppeli
Used in the French release and the French localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Italy Italian
J. Lo Zeppeli
Used in the Italian release.
Italy Italian
Julius Kaiser Zeppeli
Birth name in the Italian release.
United States of America English
Iulius Caesar Zeppeli
Birth name in some fan translations.
Steel Ball (鉄球)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Iron Ball
Literal translation of the Japanese name. Used in promotional material for the Stands Collection Figure Keyholder keychain.
Johnny Joestar (ジョニィ・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jonyi Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
Joe Kid (ジョーキッド)
JoJo (ジョジョ)
Common nicknames in his prime.
Japan Japanese
Jonathan Joestar (ジョナサン・ジョースター)
Birth name.
France French
Johnny Star
Used in the bookmarks included in the French collector's edition of JJL Volume 25.
Silver Bullet (シルバーバレット)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shirubā Baretto
France French
Silver Barrette
Used inconsistently in the French release.
China Chinese
Used in the Chinese release.
Tomb of the Boom 1 2 3 (トゥーム・オブ・ザ・ブーム ワン・ツー・スリー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tūmu Obu Za Būmu Wan Tsū Surī
United States of America English
Tomb of the Noise
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure (ボクのリズムを聴いてくれ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Boku no Rizumu o Kiitekure
Japan Japanese
Listen to My Rhythm
Translation of its Japanese name.
Jesus Christ (イエス・キリスト)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Iesu Kirisuto
Japan Japanese
The Saint (聖人)
Title used throughout the story.
Pork Pie Hat Kid (ポーク・パイ・ハット小僧)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pōku Pai Hatto Kozō
Italy Italian
Porky Pie Hat Kid
Used in the Italian release.
Funny Valentine (ファニー・ヴァレンタイン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Fanī Varentain
Japan Japanese
President Valentine (ヴァレンタイン大統領)
Government title.
Japan Japanese
President Funny Valentine (ファニー・ヴァレンタイン大統領)
Full name with title. Used in a deck of playing cards sold at Ripples of Adventure.
Dr. Ferdinand (フェルディナンド博士)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Italy Italian
Professor Ferdinando
Used in the Italian release.
Scary Monsters (スケアリー モンスターズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sukearī Monsutāzu
Japan Japanese
Scary Monsters (スケアリー・モンスターズ)
Spelled with an interpunct. Used in SBR Chapter 63 and inconsistently in Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Frightening Monsters
Used in the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
Mandom (マンダム)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Used in SBR Chapter 34 and the Italian release.
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Dark Determination (漆黒の意志)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shikkoku no Ishi
United States of America English
Pitch Black Will
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Lucy Steel (ルーシー・スティール)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Rūshī Sutīru
Japan Japanese
Lucy Pendleton (ルーシー・ペンドルトン)
Maiden name.
France French
Lucie Steel
Used in the French release.
In a Silent Way (イン・ア・サイレント・ウェイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
In a Sairento Wei
United States of America English
Silent Ways
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Spain Spanish
The Silent Siren
Used in the Spanish release.
Sugar Mountain (シュガー・マウンテン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shugā Maunten
United States of America English
Snow Mountain
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Sugar Mountain (シュガー・マウンテンの泉)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shugā Maunten no Izumi
Japan Japanese
Sugar Mountain's Spring
Translation of its full Japanese name.
Tubular Bells (チューブラー・ベルズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Chūburā Beruzu
United States of America English
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Wekapipo (ウェカピポ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
20th Century BOY(トウェンティースセンチュリーボーイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Towentīsu Senchurī Bōi
Japan Japanese
20th Century Boy (20th センチュリー・ボーイ)
Used in the tailpiece of SBR Chapter 53, as well as a deck of playing cards sold at Ripples of Adventure.
Axl RO (アクセル・RO(ロー))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Akuseru Rō
United States of America English
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Chocolate Disco (チョコレート・ディスコ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Chokorēto Disuko
Japan Japanese
Chocolate Disco (チョコレイト・ディスコ)
Spelled like the song. Used in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap いともたやすく行われるえげつない行為Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dātī Dīzu Dan Dāto Chīpu
Itomo Tayasuku Okonawareru Egetsunai Kōi
Japan Japanese
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Stylized in English sentence case. Used in SBR Chapter 69, JOJOVELLER, and a deck of playing cards sold at Ripples of Adventure.
Japan Japanese
Abbreviation used in SBR Chapter 69.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Common abbreviation. Exclusively used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Dirty deeds done dirt Cheep
Japan Japanese
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (ダーティー・ディーズ・ダン・ダート・チープ)
Stylized in Japanese katakana. Used in All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Filthy acts, at a reasonable price
Alternate translation of its Japanese name. Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle, Eyes of Heaven, and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Filthy acts, performed at a reasonable price
Alternate translation of its Japanese name. Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
Philadelphia Coastline (フィラデルフィアの海岸沿い)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Firaderufia no Kaigan-zoi
United States of America English
Philadelphia Seaside
Used in the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Philadelphia Countryside
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Parallel World Diego (並行世界から来たディエゴ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Heikō Sekai kara Kita Diego
Japan Japanese
Diego from a Parallel World
Translation of his full Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
Diego Brando (ディエゴ・ブランドー)
Legal name, and the name of his counterpart. Used by announcers for the Steel Ball Run race, as well as All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Common nickname.
Japan Japanese
The World Diego (世界ディエゴ)
Shortened name used in Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Alternate World Diego
Used in the English localizations of Eyes of Heaven and All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Diego Brando (THE WORLD)
Shortened name used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Za Wārudo
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
The World (ザ・ワールド)
Spelled like DIO's Stand. Used in the tailpiece of SBR Chapter 92 and inconsistently in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.


JoJolionYasuho HiroseSoft & WetOjiro SasameNorisuke Higashikata IVJosuke HigashikataMitsuba HigashikataKei NijimuraCalifornia King BedNorisuke Higashikata IINorisuke Higashikata IIIHoly Joestar-KiraPaisley ParkBorn This WayShakedown RoadLes FeuillesNut King CallPaper Moon KingKing NothingI Am a RockIwasukeLocacacaJosefumi KujoA. Phex BrothersSchott KeyTamaki DamoMilagromanUrban GuerrillaBrain StormDoremifasolati DoOzon BabyWu TomokiDoctor WuToruWonder of UDo Do Do, De Da Da DaOb-La-Di, Ob-La-DaGo BeyondSpace TruckingJoseph Joestar
Part 8: JoJolion (ジョジョリオン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
JOJOmenon (ジョジョメノン)
Scrapped title during pre-production. Later used as the title of a mook.
Japan Japanese
JoJo Town (ジョジョタウン)
Scrapped title during pre-production.
Japan Japanese
France French
Italy Italian
Used in JOJOVELLER, the French and Italian releases, and background posters in All-Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven.
Poland Polish
Used in the author biography for the Polish release.
Flag of Thailand Thai
Used in the Thai release.
Taiwan Taiwan Chinese
Used in the Taiwan Chinese release.
Hong Kong Hong Kong Chinese
Used in the Hong Kong Chinese release.
Yasuho Hirose (広瀬 康穂)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hirose Yasuho
Japan Japanese
Little Strawberry (ストロベリーちゃん)
Nickname used by Joshu Higashikata in JJL Chapter 101.
Soft & Wet (ソフト&ウェット)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sofuto ando Wetto
Japan Japanese
Used in the Stand book in JOJOVELLER.
China Chinese
soft & wet
Stylized in lowercase English. Used in the Chinese release.
Ojiro Sasame (笹目 桜二郎)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sasame Ōjirō
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Norisuke Higashikata IV (4代目 東方 憲助)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Yondaime Higashikata Norisuke
Japan Japanese
Josuke Higashikata (東方 常助)
Birth name.
Josuke Higashikata (東方 定助)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Higashikata Jōsuke
Japan Japanese
Used on the cover of JJL Volume 9.
Japan Japanese
Hat Josuke (帽子をかぶった定助)
United States of America English
Josuke Higashikata 8
Josuke 8
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
United States of America English
Higashikata Jousuke
Used in some fan translations.
Mitsuba Higashikata (東方 密葉)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Higashikata Mitsuba
Japan Japanese
Miss Cherry (ミスさくらんぼ)
Nickname in her youth.
Kei Nijimura (虹村 京)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Nijimura Kei
Japan Japanese
Kei Kira (吉良 京)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Kyo Nijimura
Misreading of her given name. Exclusively used prior to JJL Chapter 102. Also used in JOJOVELLER and the Italian release.
California King Bed (カリフォルニア・キング・ベッドちゃん)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kariforunia Kingu Beddo-chan
United States of America English
King Bed
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Norisuke Higashikata II (2代目 東方 憲助)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Nidaime Higashikata Norisuke
Japan Japanese
Johei Higashikata (東方 常平)
Birth name.
Norisuke Higashikata III (3代目 東方 憲助)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sandaime Higashikata Norisuke
Japan Japanese
Josho Higashikata (東方 常照)
Birth name.
United States of America English
Joshou Higashikata
Birth name in some fan translations.
Holy Joestar-Kira (吉良・ホリー・ジョースター)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kira Horī Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Holly Joestar-Kira
United States of America English
Holly Kira
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Paisley Park (ペイズリー・パーク)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Peizurī Pāku
Japan Japanese
Paislay Park
Used in a post promoting JOJO magazine 2024 WINTER.
United States of America English
Flower Park
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Born This Way (ボーン・ディス・ウェイ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Bōn Disu Wei
Japan Japanese
Used in the tailpiece of JJL Chapter 15.
Japan Japanese
Used on the cover of JJL Chapter 16 of the Ultra Jump serialization.
Shakedown Road (カツアゲロード)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Katsuage Rōdo
Japan Japanese
Mutsu-kabe Promenade (六壁遊歩道)
Official name.
Japan Japanese
Deadman's Curve (デッドマンズ・カーブ)
Another nickname.
Les Feuilles (オータム・リーブス)Link to this section
Official Usage:
JJL Chapter 20 (Tailpiece)
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ōtamu Rībusu
Japan Japanese
The Leaves
Translation of its French name.
Japan Japanese
Autumn Leaves
Translation of its Japanese name.
Nut King Call (ナット・キング・コール)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Natto Kingu Kōru
Japan Japanese
Used in the tailpiece of JJL Chapter 21.
United States of America English
Nuts N. Bolts
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Paper Moon King (ペーパー・ムーン・キング)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pēpā Mūn Kingu
Japan Japanese
Paper Moon (ペーパー・ムーン)
Used in JJL Chapter 26 in the Ultra Jump serialization.
King Nothing (キング・ナッシング)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kingu Nasshingu
United States of America English
King of Nothingness
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
I Am a Rock (アイ・アム・ア・ロック)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ai Amu a Rokku
United States of America English
I, Rock
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
Iwasuke (岩助)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
Japan Japanese
Inusuke Higashikata (東方 犬助)
France French
Used in the French release.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Locacaca (ロカカカ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Used in the French and Italian releases, as well as the Spanish localization of All-Star Battle R.
Japan Japanese
Stylized in uppercase English. Used in JJL Chapter 92 and Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!.
Josefumi Kujo (空条 仗世文)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kūjō Josefumi
Japan Japanese
Se-chan (セッちゃん)
Nickname used by Karera Sakunami.
Japan Japanese
Jyosefumi Kujo
Japan Japanese
Spain Spanish
Josephmi Kujo
Used in JJL Chapter 52, Learn a Lot of English with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure!, and the Spanish release of the manga.
A. Phex Brothers (エイ・フェックス兄弟)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ei Fekkusu Kyōdai
Japan Japanese
Aphex Brothers (エイフェックス兄弟)
Used in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Schott Key No.1 and No.2 (ショット・キーNo.1(ナンバーワン), No.2(ナンバーツー))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shotto Kī Nanbā Wan
Shotto Kī Nanbā Tsū
Japan Japanese
Schottkey (ショットキー)
Spelled like the song. Used in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Tamaki Damo (田最 環)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Damo Tamaki
Japan Japanese
Kan-chan ((かん)ちゃん)
Nickname used by Hato Higashikata.
Japan Japanese
Kan Damo (田最 (かん))
Alternate reading of his name used in the author's note of JJL Volume 14.
Milagroman (ミラグロマン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
France French
Italy Italian
Spain Spanish
Milagro Man
Used in the French, Italian, and Spanish releases.
Urban Guerrilla (アーバン・ゲリラ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Āban Gerira
Japan Japanese
Ryo Shimosato (下里 良)
Stolen identity.
Taiwan Taiwan Chinese
Urban Guerilla
Used in the Taiwan Chinese release.
Brain Storm (ブレイン・ストーム)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Burein Sutōmu
Taiwan Taiwan Chinese
Spelled like the song. Used in the Taiwan Chinese release.
Doremifasolati Do (ドレミファソラティ・ド)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Doremifasorati Do
Japan Japanese
Solati Do (ソラティ・ド)
Common nickname.
China Chinese
Used in the Chinese release.
Ozon Baby (オゾン・ベイビー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Stand design
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ozon Beibī
Italy Italian
Ozone Baby
Spelled like the song. Used in the Italian release.
Wu Tomoki (羽 伴毅)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Ū Tomoki
Japan Japanese
Doctor Wu (ドクターウー)
Used in concept artwork shown at the Ripples of Adventure exhibition.
Japan Japanese
China Chinese
Woo Tomoki
Used in the tailpiece of JJL Chapter 81, as well as the Chinese release.
United States of America English
Uu Tomoki
Used in some fan translations.
Doctor Wu (ドクター・ウー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dokutā Ū
Japan Japanese
DocToR Woo
Stylization used on Wu Tomoki's apparel and in the tailpiece of JJL Chapter 81.
China Chinese
Doctor Woo
Used in the Chinese release.
Toru (透龍)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Spain Spanish
Used in the Italian release, storefront pages for All-Star Battle R's Wonder of U DLC, and the Spanish localization of All-Star Battle R itself.
Wonder of U (ワンダー・オブ・U)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Wandā obu Yū
Japan Japanese
Satoru Akefu (明負 悟)
Japan Japanese
Hospital Director (院長)
Title within TG University Hospital. Common nickname.
Japan Japanese
The Wonder of U
United States of America English
Head Doctor
Title in some fan translations.
Do Do Do, De Da Da Da (ドゥードゥードゥー・デ・ダーダーダー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dūdūdū De Dādādā
United States of America English
Dee dududu, De dadada
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
China Chinese
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
Spelled like the song. Used in the Chinese release.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (オブラディ・オブラダ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Oburadi Oburada
United States of America English
Obla dee, Obla da
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle R.
Go Beyond (ゴー・ビヨンド(越えて行く))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gō Biyondo
Japan Japanese
China Chinese
go beyond
Used in JJL Chapter 106 in the Chinese release.
Space Trucking (スペース・トラッキング)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Supēsu Torakkingu
France French
Space Truckin'
Spelled like the song. Used in the French release.
China Chinese
Used in the Chinese release.
Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Josefu Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
Josefumi (仗世文)
Japanese spelling of his first name.
Japan Japanese
Fumi ()
Common nickname derived from the above.

The JOJOLands

The JOJOLandsJodio JoestarDragona JoestarPaco LaburantesMeryl Mei QiNovember RainSmooth OperatorsThe HustleCharming ManBags GrooveYokohamaAcca Howler
Part 9: The JOJOLands (ザ・ジョジョランズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
JOJO magazine, Ultra Jump, VIZ Media (SBR Volume 1 Author Biography)
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Za JoJoranzu
Japan Japanese
Tentative name announced in the author's note of JJL Chapter 110.
Japan Japanese
Scrapped title during pre-production.
Japan Japanese
Scrapped title during pre-production.
Japan Japanese
The JOJOLand(s)
Scrapped title during pre-production.
Japan Japanese
China Chinese
The JOJO Lands
Used by official sources prior to serialization. Also used in the Chinese release.
United States of America English
Used in the author biography for volume 2 onward of VIZ Media's publication of Steel Ball Run.
Jodio Joestar (ジョディオ・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jodio Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
Noir (ノワール)
Alias used when posing as a bank associate.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
乔迪奥·乔斯达 (Jodio Joestar)
Used in the Chinese release.
Dragona Joestar (ドラゴナ・ジョースター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Doragona Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
Pink-chan (ピンクちゃん)
Codename used by Usagi Alohaoe.
Japan Japanese
Dragomi (ドラゴミ)
Mistaken name used by a teacher in TJL Chapter 13.
Japan Japanese
Pink Nagasaki (ピンク・ナガサキ)
Alias used when posing as a bank associate.
Japan Japanese
Dragona Jiyostar (ドラゴナ・ジヨースター)
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
德拉格纳·乔斯达 (Dragona Joestar)
Used in the Chinese release.
Paco Laburantes (パコ・ラブランテス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pako Raburantesu
France French
Paco Lovelantes
Used in the French release.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
帕克·拉布兰特斯 (Paco Laburantes)
Used in the Chinese release.
Meryl Mei Qi (メリル・メイ・チー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Meriru Mei Chī
France French
Meryl May Qi
Used in the French release.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
梅丽露·梅·奇 (Meryl Mei Qi)
Used in the Chinese release.
November Rain (ノーヴェンバー・レイン(11月の雨))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Nōvenbā Rein
Japan Japanese
November Rain (ノーベンバー・レイン)
Used in TJL Chapter 1 through 6 in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
十一月雨 (November Rain)
Hanzi used in the Chinese release.
Smooth Operators (スムース・オペレイターズ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sumūsu Opereitāzu
China Chinese
Smooth Operator
Used in the Chinese release.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
调情圣手 (Master of Flirting)
Hanzi used in the Chinese release.
The Hustle (THE()ハッスル)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Za Hassuru
Japan Japanese
The Hustle (The()ハッスル)
Used in the character pages for TJL Chapter 2 through 6 and TJL Chapter 18 onward in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
THE Hustle (THE()ハッスル)
Used in the tankōbon release. Also used in TJL Chapter 1 and the character pages for TJL Chapter 7 through 17 in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Japan Japanese
THE() HUSTLE(ハッスル)
Used in TJL Chapter 4 in the Ultra Jump serialization.
China Chinese
the Hustle
Used in the Chinese release.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
强夺哈娑 (Theft Hustle)
Hanzi used in the Chinese release.
Charming Man (チャーミング・マン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Chāmingu Man
Japan Japanese
Charmingman (チャーミングマン)
Used in TJL Chapter 12 in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
查明曼 (Charmingman)
Used in the Chinese release.
Bags Groove (バグス・グルーヴ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Bagusu Gurūvu
Japan Japanese
Bagz Groove (バグズ・グルーヴ)
China Chinese
Bags' Groove
Used in the Chinese release.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
袋之律动 (Bags' Groove)
Hanzi used in the Chinese release.
Yokohama (ヨコハマ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Japanese
Mack (マック)
Used in TJL Chapter 17 in the Ultra Jump serialization.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
马克 (Mack)
Used in the Chinese release.
Acca Howler (アッカ・ハウラー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Akka Haurā
Japan Japanese
Hacah Howler
Used for his signature in TJL Chapter 22.
Language Name Usage

China Chinese
雅克·豪拉 (Jack Howler)
Used in the Chinese release.

Other Works

Poker Under ArmsSay Hi to VirginiaOutlaw ManCool Shock B.T.Baoh the VisitorSumireSunny Stefen NozzoDr. KasuminomeDress Organization22nd ManBaoh (Parasite)ShirasawaGorgeous IreneFamicom Jump IIJoJo 6251Under Execution, Under JailbreakDolce, and His MasterJOJO A-GO!GO!Thus Spoke Kishibe RohanMutsu-kabe Hill YokaiNanase FujikuraVerginaDeadman's QuestionsJoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel)MichalThe Genesis of UniverseJoJo's VentureHeritage for the FutureTy CobbConiglioSogliola LopezGioGio's Bizarre AdventureCollyer BrothersSarah WinchesterMary MallonPurple Haze FeedbackPurple Haze DistortionJorge Joestar (Joji)The Eyed BalloonThe Iron LadiesStepmomAll-Star BattleHeaven-Attained DIOLast SurvivorCrazy Diamond's Demonic HeartbreakPet SoundsEl AlephIggy the Stray Dog
Poker Under Arms (武装ポーカー)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Busō Pōkā
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Busô Poker
Used in a background poster in Eyes of Heaven, as well as the author biography for VIZ Media's initial publication of Stardust Crusaders.
Japan Japanese
Porker Under Arms
United States of America English
Armed Poker
Translation of the Japanese name. Used in the author biography for VIZ's publication of Baoh the Visitor, as well as some fan translations.
Say Hi to Virginia (バージニアによろしく)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Bājinia ni Yoroshiku
Japan Japanese
Virginia ni Yoroshiku
Used in a background poster in Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Meet Virginia
Used in some fan translations.
Outlaw Man (アウトロー・マン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Autorō Man
Japan Japanese
Used in a background poster in Eyes of Heaven.
Cool Shock B.T. (魔少年ビーティー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Mashōnen Bītī
Japan Japanese
Devil Boy B.T.
Translation of the Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
United States of America
B.T. "The Wicked Boy"
Used as the title of the pilot chapter in Gorgeous Irene and VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Mashounen Bt
Used in a background poster in Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Devil Boy: Bee Tee
Used in the author biography for VIZ's publication of Baoh the Visitor.
United States of America English
Mashonen B.T.
Used in the author biography for VIZ Media's initial publication of Stardust Crusaders.
France French
Italy Italian
Poland Polish
Magical B.T.
Used in various releases.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Baoh the Visitor (バオー来訪者)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Baō Raihōsha
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
Italy Italian
Spain Spanish
Used on the covers of the tankōbon volumes and OVA, as well as in JoJo 6251 and HIROHIKO ARAKI WORKS. Exclusively used in VIZ Media's publication and the Italian and Spanish releases.
Japan Japanese
Used on the cover of the volume Joseph Joestar reads in Episode 10.
Japan Japanese
Baoh Raihousha
Used in a background poster in Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Baoh: The Visitor
Used in VIZ Media's release of Hirohiko Araki's Manga Techniques, as well as the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
Italy Italian
Used in a special JoJo focused issue of the 1996 Italian magazine Rock' N' Comics.
Sumire (スミレ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in VIZ's publication.
Sunny Stefen Nozzo (サニー・ステフェン・ノッツォ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
ultra-violence® Advertising
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sanī Sutefen Nottso
United States of America English
Used in VIZ's publication.
United States of America English
Sonny-Steffan Nottsuo
Used in the English release of the OVA and VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251.
Dr. Kasuminome (霞の目博士)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
United States of America English
Professor Hazyeye
Used in VIZ's publication.
Dress Organization (秘密組織ドレス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Himitsu Soshiki Doresu
Japan Japanese
Secret Dress Organization
Translation of its full Japanese name.
United States of America English
Judas Group
Judas Laboratory
Used in VIZ's publication.
United States of America English
Doress Organization
Used in the English release of the OVA, VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251, and the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
22nd Man (第22の男)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Dai Nijūni no Otoko
United States of America English
Number 22
Used in VIZ's publication.
United States of America English
Used in the next issue notice in the first issue of VIZ's initial publication.
Baoh (Parasite) (寄生虫バオー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kiseichū Baō
United States of America English
Parasitic Worm Baoh
Used in VIZ's publication.
Shirasawa (白沢)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Same as the English name.
United States of America English
Used in VIZ's publication.
Gorgeous Irene (ゴージャス★アイリン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Volume cover art, JoJo 6251
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Gōjasu Airin
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
The Gorgeous Irene
Used in the aizōban and bunkoban releases, as well as HIROHIKO ARAKI WORKS and VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251.
Famicom Jump II: The Strongest Seven (ファミコンジャンプII 最強の7人)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Famicon Janpu Tsū: Saikyo no Shichinin
United States of America English
Famicon Jump II
Used in VIZ Media's release of JOJO A-GO!GO!.
JoJo 6251: The World of Hirohiko Araki (JOJO 6251 荒木飛呂彦の世界)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo 6251 Araki Hirohiko no Sekai
United States of America English
Used in VIZ Media's release of JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Japan Japanese
Scrapped tentative title.
United States of America English
JoJo 6251: Hirohiko Araki's World
Scrapped title used in early promotional material for VIZ Media's release.
Under Execution, Under Jailbreak (死刑執行中脱獄進行中)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Shikei Shikkō-chū Datsugoku Shinkō-chū
United States of America English
Shikei Shikkōchū Datsugoku Shinkōchū
Used in VIZ Media's release of JOJO A-GO!GO!.
Dolce, and His Master (ドルチ ~ダイ・ハード・ザ・キャット~)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Doruchi ~Dai Hādo Za Kyatto~
Japan Japanese
Italy Italian
Dolce: Die Hard The Cat
Translation of the Japanese name. Used in the Italian release.
Japan Japanese
Dolce, and His Master.
Stylized as an English sentence. Used in Under Execution, Under Jailbreak.
Japan Japanese
Dolce and His Master.
Used in PIIT merchandise.
Official Usage:
Cover art
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo A Gō Gō
Japan Japanese
Used in the tailpiece of SO Chapter 18 and an interview published in Aomaru Jump.
Japan Japanese
United States of America English
JoJo A-Go!Go!
Used in VIZ Media's release.
United States of America English
JoJo A-Go! Go!
Used in the copyright text for preview images of VIZ Media's release and the tailpiece of SO Chapter 18 in VIZ Media's publication.
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (岸辺露伴は動かない)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Volume and chapter covers, Netflix, Amazon Prime
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai
Japan Japanese
Rohan Kishibe Does Not Move
Translation of the Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
Thus spoke Kishibe Rohan
Used in JOJOVELLER and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's official website.
Japan Japanese
Rohan Kishibe Series (岸辺露伴シリーズ)
Used in JOJO magazine and an obi strip for reprints of JoJo 6251.
Japan Japanese
Kishibe Rohan ha Ugokanai
Used in a background poster in Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
France French
Rohan Kishibe
Used in the French release.
Language Name Usage

Italy Italian
Così parlò Rohan Kishibe (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan)
Used in the Italian release.
Spain Spanish
Así habló Kishibe Rohan (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan)
Used in the Italian release.
China Simplified Chinese
岸边露伴一动不动 (Rohan Kishibe Does Not Move)
Used in the Chinese release.
South Korea Korean
키시베 로한은 움직이지 않는다 (Rohan Kishibe Does Not Move)
Used in Korean release.
Israel Hebrew
כה אמר רוהאן קישיבה (Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan)
Used in Netflix's Hebrew branding
Mutsu-kabe Hill Yokai (妖怪 六壁坂)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Yōkai Mutsukabe-zaka
United States of America English
Mutsu-kabe Hill Specter
Used in Netflix's subtitles.
United States of America English
The Monster of Mutsu-kabe
Used in the OVA's English dub.
United States of America English
The Spirit of Mutsu-kabe Hill
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
Nanase Fujikura (藤倉 奈々瀬)Link to this section
Official Usage:
English, French, and Italian releases
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Fujikura Nanase
Japan Japanese
Nanase Kishibe (岸辺 奈々瀬)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
Nanase Yamamura (山村 奈々瀬)
Married name in the live-action film.
Vergina (ヴェルジーナ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Hatsune Morishima (森嶋 初音)
Used in the TV drama adaptation.
United States of America English
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
United States of America English
Used in some fan translations.
Deadman's Questions (デッドマンズQ(クエスチョンズ))Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Deddomanzu Kuechonzu
Japan Japanese
Deadman's Q (デッドマンズ・Q)
Abbreviation used during serialization in Manga Allman.
Japan Japanese
Deadman's Q. (デッドマンズQ.)
Abbreviation used on its cover in Under Execution, Under Jailbreak.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Light novel cover, VIZ Media (JoJo 6251)
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken
Italy Italian
The Genesis of Universe
Subtitle used on the Italian publisher's website.
Michal (ミカル)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Italy Italian
Used in the Italian release.
Official Usage:
Light novel illustration
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sōsei no Sho
Japan Japanese
Book of Genesis
Translation of its Japanese name.
Japan Japanese
Ptah (プタハ神)
The Egyptian god it represents.
United States of America English
The Genesis of the Universe
Used in VIZ Media's release of JoJo 6251.
JoJo's Venture (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険)Link to this section
Official Usage:
American and European releases
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken
Japan Japanese
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Translation of its Japanese title. Used in the game's soundtrack, VIZ Media's release of JOJO A-GO!GO!, and Capcom's "Super Election" survey for their 40th anniversary.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 未来への遺産)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Mirae e no Isan
Japan Japanese
Used in Capcom's "Super Election" survey for their 40th anniversary.
United States of America English
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Used in the American and European releases.
Ty Cobb (タイ・カッブ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tai Kabbu
Japan Japanese
Tyrus Raymond Cobb (タイラス・レイモンド・カッブ)
Full name. Used in the biographical afterword of Eccentrics Episode 2.
Coniglio (コニーリオ)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Japan Japanese
Coni the Immortal (不死身のコニー)
Coni the Witch (魔女のコニー)
Childhood nicknames.
Sogliola Lopez (ソリョラ・ロペス)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Soryora Ropesu
Japan Japanese
Seppia (セッピア)
Old Man Seppia (セッピア老人)
Alias as a Passione capo.
GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の旋風)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Game soundtrack, European promotional material
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Ōgon no Kaze
Japan Japanese
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Whirlwind
Translation of its Japanese title.
Japan Japanese
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第5部)
Tentative title used in early promotional material.
Japan Japanese
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
Used in Capcom's "Super Election" survey for their 40th anniversary.
United States of America English
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Tentative title used in American promotional material.
Collyer Brothers (コリヤー兄弟)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Koriyā Kyōdai
Japan Japanese
Homer Collyer (ホーマー・コリヤー)
Langley Collyer (ラングレー・コリヤー)
Individual names.
Japan Japanese
Colliar Brothers
Used in the cover of Eccentrics Episode 3.
Japan Japanese
H. and R. Colliar
Used in the biographical afterword of Eccentrics Episode 3.
Sarah Winchester (サラ・ウィンチェスター)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Sara Winchesutā
Japan Japanese
Sarah Pardee Winchester (サラ・P(パーディー)・ウィンチェスター)
Full name. Used in the biographical afterword of Eccentrics Episode 5.
Japan Japanese
Sarah Pardee (サラ・パーディー)
Maiden name.
Mary Mallon (メアリー・マロン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Eccentrics Episode 6 (Biographical afterword)
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Mearī Maron
Japan Japanese
Typhoid Mary (腸チフスのメアリー)
Common nickname.
Purple Haze Feedback (恥知らずのパープルヘイズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Light novel cover
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Hajishirazu no Pāpuru Heizu
Japan Japanese
Shameless Purple Haze
Translation of the Japanese name.
United States of America English
Brazen Purple Smoke
Used in the English localization of All-Star Battle.
Purple Haze Distortion (パープル・ヘイズ・ディストーション)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Pāpuru Heizu Disutōshon
United States of America English
Purple Smoke Distortion
Used in the English localizations of All-Star Battle and All-Star Battle R.
Jorge Joestar (城字・ジョースター)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Light novel cover
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Jōji Jōsutā
Japan Japanese
Jorge Joestar (ジョージ・ジョースター)
Birth name.
Japan Japanese
Joji Joestar (譲児・ジョースター)
Tentative Japanese spelling of his name.
The Eyed Balloon (アイドバルーン)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Aido Barūn
Japan Japanese
Eyed Baroon
English spelling used in the novel.
The Iron Ladies (アタック・ナンバーハーフ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Written besides the Japanese name
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Atakku Nanbā Hāfu
Japan Japanese
Attack Number Half
Translation of the Japanese name. Spelled like the Japanese title of the film The Iron Ladies.
Japan Japanese
Cool Runnings
Scrapped name.
Stepmom (グッドナイト・ムーン)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Written besides the Japanese name
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Guddonaito Mūn
Japan Japanese
Goodnight Moon
Translation of the Japanese name. Spelled like the Japanese title of the film Stepmom.
Japan Japanese
The Quilt
Scrapped name.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 オールスターバトル)Link to this section
Official Usage:
American and European releases
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Ōru Sutā Batoru
Japan Japanese
Used in the Japanese release.
Heaven-Attained DIO (天国に到達したDIO)Link to this section
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Tengoku ni Tōtatsu-shita Dio
Japan Japanese
Heaven DIO (天国DIO)
Abbreviation used in the heads-up display.
United States of America English
DIO, Gone to Heaven
Used in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Heavenly DIO
Abbreviation in the English localization of Eyes of Heaven.
United States of America English
Heaven Ascension DIO
Used in some fan translations.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Last Survivor (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ラストサバイバー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Rasuto Sabaibā
Japan Japanese
Rasu Saba (ラスサバ)
Common abbreviation.
Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak (クレイジー・D(ダイヤモンド)の悪霊的失恋)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Italian and Spanish releases
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Kureijī Daiyamondo no Akuryō-teki Shitsuren
Japan Japanese
Crazy Heartbreakers
Used as the title of the novel adaptation.
Japan Japanese
Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak (クレイジーD(ダイヤモンド)の悪霊的失恋)
Spelled without the interpunct. Used as the novel adaptation's Japanese name.
United States of America English
Shining Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak
Used in VIZ Media's publication.
France French
Crazy Diamond Demonic Heartbreak
Used in the French release.
Pet Sounds (ペット・サウンズ)Link to this section
Official Usage:
French, Italian, and Spanish releases
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Petto Saunzu
Japan Japanese
Petsounds (ペットサウンズ)
Used in the manga adaptation.
Las extrañas aventuras de JOJO: El Aleph (無限の王(エル・アレフ))Link to this section
Official Usage:
Light novel cover
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Eru Arefu
Japan Japanese
La Extraña Aventura de JOJO: rey infinito (無限の王)
Original name during serialization in JOJO magazine.
Japan Japanese
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Infinity King
Translation of the original name during serialization.
Iggy the Stray Dog (野良犬イギー)Link to this section
Official Usage:
Name Variants:
Language Name Usage

Japan Romanization
Norainu Igī
Japan Japanese
Used on the cover of the light novel.

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