Alessi (アレッシー, Aresshī) is a tertiary antagonist featured in the third part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Stardust Crusaders, specifically the ""Sethan" Alessi" story arc.
This cowardly assassin attempts to assassinate Polnareff in Luxor as Mariah battles Joseph and Avdol. He is a Stand user who wields Sethan of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods, a shadow that forcibly de-ages those who step foot on it.
Alessi is a man of average height and a square build. His biggest hallmark is his bizarre hairstyle, which resembles a dust mop with decorative bells hung underneath. He wears a loose-fitting dress shirt that conceals his weapon of choice: an over-sized hatchet engraved with the letters "Ax". Over his shirt is a pair of suspenders attached to a belt that holds two pouches.
Alessi also wields a Stechkin APB pistol with a non-standard underbarrel rail and suppressor, which he fires eight times at Polnareff before re-holstering it and never using it again.
Color Schemes
Alessi is a sadistic yet cowardly man who will only fight those who are weaker than him. He takes extreme pleasure in taunting and humiliating his opponents before finishing them off, and will exploit any underhanded method to gain an unfair advantage.
Despite this cowardice, he has an odd sense of pride in his work and will go out of his way to take revenge on those who humiliate him, even if it leaves him vulnerable. He will avoid attacking people who appear to be stronger than him, due to his cowardice. Alessi also seems to take immense gratification in attacking defenseless women and children, showing no signs of compassion or remorse in actions. Unsurprisingly, his relationship status remains "single."[2]
The mercenary takes odd leaps of "logic" to rationalize his sadism and creepiness, which he seems to acknowledge and deny at the same time (employing what could be considered doublethink), claiming that "people who always say that they are weird aren't actually weird... So I'm not weird."
His Stand Sethan is named after Set, the Egyptian God of Tornadoes and Storms. The fact that the Ancient Egyptians considered Set the embodiment of evil may have also played a role in the naming of the Stand of such a twisted and malicious personality.
Alessi's Stand is Sethan, with which he is able to turn back the age of those who step in his shadow.
Stardust Crusaders (1989)
Alessi is deployed in Egypt by DIO to kill the members of the Joestar Group. He makes his move in Luxor: as Mariah fights Joseph Joestar and Muhammad Avdol, he trails Jotaro Kujo and Jean Pierre Polnareff. In his first appearance, he bumps into a boy whose bucket of mud splashes on his pants. Feigning sympathy, he asks the boy where his parents are to make sure they aren't nearby and when he learns that the boy's alone, he uses the opportunity to beat him up.
Alessi keeps following Jotaro and Polnareff but the Frenchman spots him. Alessi tries to deflect suspicion off him by pretending to have lost a coin but Polnareff isn't fooled and summons Silver Chariot. In turn, Alessi uses Sethan and sends his shadows toward Polnareff, grazing it. Surprisingly, he then runs away. In reality, Alessi is gaining time for Sethan's power to take its full effect. Polnareff, who had isolated himself while running after Alessi, is eventually turned into a little boy. Once Polnareff is turned, Alessi returns and corners him in a back alley. He violently kicks Polnareff in the air, causing the boy to get stuck on the wooden underside of a balcony. Alessi draws a gun but Polnareff summons a child version of Silver Chariot that manages to deflect the bullets. Alessi thus decides to give Sethan an ax and make it swing at Silver Chariot, but the blade breaks and stabs Alessi in the neck, driving him away.
Polnareff is found by a woman named Malèna who mistakes him for a lost boy. Humiliated, Alessi hides from them but vows to take his revenge. He follows Malèna and Polnareff up to her house and sneaks in. As she bathes Polnareff, Alessi turns Malèna into fetus and confronts Polnareff. Alessi uses Sethan to pin Silver Chariot against a wall with the ax and decides to drown Polnareff in the bathtub. However, Polnareff then poops and throws his feces at Alessi, making him back up in disgust.
Polnareff gets out and looks for Malèna but Alessi reveals what he's done to her and sends Sethan again toward Polnareff. Turning younger and younger, Polnareff has no choice but to run and lock himself in a room. Alessi breaks down the door and notices that the room is empty. He quickly realizes that Polnareff must be hiding in the room and sees three potential hiding spots: a teddy bear, a bucket, and a drawer. In a sick game of hide-and-seek, Alessi swings his ax at a fourth potential hiding place, a clock, but comes empty. Then, he destroys each of the other hiding spots but Polnareff is nowhere to be seen. Seeing a fish in an aquarium disappear, Alessi tries to take a closer look but is ambushed by Polnareff, who had been hiding in the aquarium thanks to a mirror and a balloon. Silver Chariot stabs his nose and slashes at his face, driving Alessi away again. Alessi falls down a window and incidentally meets Jotaro.
Jotaro is curious but unaware that Alessi is the enemy, allowing the latter to pretend he merely is a window cleaner who slipped. Polnareff appears and distracts Jotaro, allowing Alessi to summon Sethan and turn Jotaro into a young boy. Remembering that Jotaro didn't have a Stand until recently, Alessi gloats and approaches the young Jotaro, thinking he's helpless. Nonetheless, Jotaro proves to be tougher than Alessi, even as a child, and pummels Alessi. Alessi is temporarily knocked out, allowing Polnareff and Jotaro to regain their real age. Polnareff decides that the beating wasn't enough and thus, both Jotaro and Polnareff summons their respective Stands to beat him up so violently he's blown far away and is retired.
Chapters / Episodes
- Chapter 184: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 2 (Mentioned)
- Chapter 185: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 3 (Mentioned)
- Chapter 188: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 6 (Mentioned)
- Chapter 204: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 6
- Chapter 205: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 1
- Chapter 206: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 2
- Chapter 207: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 3
- Chapter 208: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 4
- Chapter 209: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 5 (Retired)
- Chapter 210: Shooting DIO?! (Mentioned)
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 31: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 2
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 32: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 1
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 33: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 2 (Retired)
- Stardust Crusaders Episode 39: The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop, Part 2 (Flashback)
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 10 (Mentioned)
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 49 (Mentioned)
- OVER HEAVEN Chapter 59 (Mentioned)
- “Joestar and Avdol are fighting Mariah and I'll handle Jotaro and Polnareff. They're strong, so I'll do whatever it takes. Ha ha ha he he heheheh!”—Alessi, Chapter 204: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 6
- “I can't say this out loud, but I adore picking on weak things. I like it a little too much. Heeheeeheehee... I'm sick in the head, but you know what they say... "If you think you're crazy then you probably aren't"? That must mean I'm okay!”—Alessi, Chapter 204: "Bastet" Mariah, Part 6
- “Can you wash your hair yourself? [...] Oh my... What a good boy... Ukuh kuh kuh kuh kuh. Yes, that's right... Attaboy.”—Alessi, Chapter 207: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 3
- “Polnareff, you said the shampoo stings, right? Did it get in your eyes? Then wash it off! Wash it off reaalll goood.”—Alessi, Chapter 207: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 3
- “Don't you have any basic human decency? A main character would never do a thing like that! You're not a good boy! Not a good boy at all!”—Alessi, Chapter 207: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 3
- “She got what she deserved for helping you. What a fool.”—Alessi, Chapter 207: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 3
- “What do you think you're doing, running around holding a dying fetus? I'll turn you into a fetus too!”—Alessi, Chapter 208: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 4
- “Perororororo peperoro pero~! I'm coming in, Polnareff~! (ぺロロロロロぺぺロロぺロ~~~ 入るよおお~~~~~~~ん ポルナレフ~~~っ)”—Alessi, Chapter 208: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 4
- “Ugyaaaaa!! Not a good boy! Not a good boy! Bad boy! V-V-Very bad boy!”—Alessi, Chapter 208: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 4
- “I win! Master DIO! I'm gonna kill Jotaro! You better give me a damn good reward! Die, Jotaro!”—Alessi, Chapter 209: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 5
- “Even as a kid...when push comes to shove, Jotaro gets the job done... (承太郎は……子供のときからやるときはやる……)”—Alessi, Chapter 209: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 5
Video Games
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC)
Alessi is one of the bosses fought by the heroes during the game. Unlike in the original manga, Alessi works in concert with Oingo and Boingo to ambush the Joestars and their companions. The Oingo Boingo brothers lead the Joestar Group into a library (after taking Iggy and confiscating the group's equipment) in which the group scatters to search the different aisles until Jotaro and Polnareff find themselves alone. Alessi turns Joseph, Avdol and Kakyoin into children offscreen, forcing Jotaro and Polnareff to fight him in a two vs. one boss battle.
Capcom Fighters (Various)
Alessi or Alessy in the English localization, appears as a playable character in the Capcom games. He was part of the original roster in JoJo's Venture.
Regular | Sethan Transformation
A child form unable to use Star Platinum. | |
A child form able to use Silver Chariot. | |
A child form that uses Hierophant Green. | |
A child form holding a canvas and using a maskless Hierophant Green. | |
A child form able to use Magician's Red. | |
A child form that attacks with an Ebony Devil that isn't possessing a doll. | |
A child form that hides within a smaller, floating Cream. | |
A child form that uses High Priestess. | |
A child form that uses Sethan. | |
The younger Joseph from Battle Tendency. | |
An even younger 13-year-old Joseph from a flashback in Battle Tendency. | |
A young form that hides in a partially hatched egg and uses Horus. | |
The old woman that Joseph encounters during Mariah's fight. | |
An unnamed possessed boy who holds the broken Anubis. | |
An unnamed possessed boy who holds the broken Anubis. | |
The cow that Anubis gets stuck in and attempts to possess before sinking into the Nile. | |
Disguise as a fat woman with Yellow Temperance. | |
An unnamed boy with Hanged Man in his eye. | |
Hol Horse swaps places and hides under the crate as Boingo fights. | |
JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)
触れると若返る影 ver.
Cooldown: 85
Cooldown: 85
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 75
All-Star Battle R (Various)
Sethan, Stand of Alessi, returns from All-Star Battle in All-Star Battle R to appear as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Sethan's Reverse Aging (子どもに戻すセト神, Kodomo ni Modosu Seto-shin), costing 500G, and decreasing the defense of the opponent of the player who applies it.
- Concept art for the Capcom fighting games reveals child forms for N'Doul and DIO. DIO interestingly would've reverted back to his adolescent self wearing boxing gloves.
- When he chops through the door to the bedroom in which Polnareff is hiding, the shot resembles the famous "Heeeeeere's Johnny!" scene from The Shining.
- His voice actor, Masaya Onosaka, previously voiced Robert E. O. Speedwagon in the Phantom Blood PS2 game.
- ↑ N'Doul's Geb - Vol.6 "Shueisha Jump Remix Stardust Crusaders Edition" P132 The Secret of JOJO Characters
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Chapter 209: "Sethan" Alessi, Part 5
- ↑ JOJO A-GO!GO!: STANDS, p.104
- ↑ "Sethan" Alessi (Story Arc)