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Michal is my sister! Michal and I are a unit!

Michal (ミカル, Mikaru) is a secondary antagonist featured in the light novel The Genesis of Universe, based on Stardust Crusaders. She particularly appears in the first chapter, "The Train from the Desert to Hell City".

Michal is a Stand user and wields Dark Mirage which can create dizzying illusions from mirages.


Michal is a young girl hailing from the Egyptian desert. She is said to have the same brown skin as her brother Absalom, long hair, and to have a pretty face but a shy look. Michal wears a tunic but illustrations suggest that she also only wears a bra and panties under her tunic, plus a transparent shawl. The bra is decorated with a leaves themed decoration and Michal wears several jewels like earrings and a necklace.


Michal is a nearly mute girl who supports her brother in any way she can, even with contrasting goals. She is reluctant to fight, but does so to help her brother, going as far as to pledge loyalty to DIO just to follow him. Her Stand, Dark Mirage, represents the life she had in the desert, as mirages were something constant and fascinating for her.



Main article: Dark Mirage

Michal's Stand Dark Mirage can materialize mirages, but requires light to work.

Dark Mirage (ダーク・ミラージュ(闇の蜃気楼))Link to this section
Mirage Materialization



Michal was raised in the deserts of Egypt and got along incredibly well with her family. She had a passion for mirages and would sometimes watch them with her brother, Absalom. she lost her parents in a train accident four years ago, as well as her ability to speak because of wounds suffered in her throat. She was rejoined with her brother thanks to DIO and both pledged loyalty to him, as he promised to create a world different from the desert and civilization. DIO also healed her throat but Michal seldom talks. Absalom, growing great hatred towards civilization, accepted the offer right away, but Michal wasn't interested in DIO's concept of the world as Absalom was.

The Genesis of Universe

She begins terrorizing the Joestar Group with Dark Mirage after they've been wandering the desert for the past three days. On their journey, an oil tanker, a fuel tank truck, and a medieval European castle fly over their heads. At night, besieged by a sandstorm, having no other choice, they board her brother's Satanic Coupler. The sandstorm stops an hour before arriving at the destination and is immediately replaced by a mirage, which manifests itself as countless pieces of the United States. After the group attempts to escape, numerous tentacles emerge from Satanic Coupler, wrapping around the group and releasing a paralyzing liquid. The walls of the train become transparent to reveal a nightmarish mirage of a city. Jotaro, Polnareff, and Iggy manage to escape. Satanic Coupler abruptly stops and begins moving towards them. The three turn left into a narrow alley, followed by the train smashing through the walls. Jotaro realizes that the ability to create mirages comes from another Stand user. He looks at the driver's cabin with Star Platinum and sees Michal sitting beside Absalom. They run into a dead end, so Jotaro tells Iggy to call out his Stand. He grabs The Fool as it extends its huge wings and steers it towards Satanic Coupler's cabin. The Fool crashes into the windshield, terrifying the woman into recalling her Stand. Jotaro and Polnareff, now surrounded by a desert, use their Stands to create a wave of sand, which briefly engulfs the train. Absalom regains vision after two or three seconds, but the three are now out of his sight. He assumes that they went flying into the air with The Fool. He turns to Michal and berates her for calling back her Stand, but promptly apologizes for losing his temper. Satanic Coupler vanishes beyond the line of the horizon in search of the three.

Michal, afraid, hands out food to Joseph, Kakyoin, and Avdol, who are still constrained by the Stand. Absalom proclaims his intention to keep them alive to make them see the painful deaths of Jotaro and Polnareff. Avdol ironically points out Michal's lack of enthusiasm regarding the upcoming events. Absalom, enraged, kicks Avdol's side, scaring the girl even more.

The next day, Absalom encounters Jotaro and Iggy in the desert. Jotaro separates the locomotive from the passenger car, while Absalom is distracted by his sand copy made by The Fool. Absalom screams in desperation and stops the train with a turnabout. In a flash, the passenger car turns into a pile of steel beams with Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin. Absalom and Michal are in shock. Absalom, pale and drenched in sweat, yells at Michal to use Dark Mirage. She takes a step back with a perplexed look in her eyes. Absalom tells her that they only have DIO to turn to, and the only way to show their devotion is to kill the Joestar group. Michal, with watering eyes, silently nods, and the mirages begin to appear. Cisterns, factories, chimney stacks, intire office districts begin raining down, forming an industrial zone as maddening as the mirage-city.

Polnareff, back on the battlefield in the mirage-city, notices a trail of blood leading towards the entrance of the gatehouse. He follows it to the entrance of the gatehouse, where it stops. After realizing that it was actually paint, countless petroleum cisterns begin materializing and flying into the hall. They explode, spreading fire everywhere. As Polnareff attempts to escape, he becomes drenched in fuel and is subsequently set ablaze. Polnareff musters up enough energy to summon Silver Chariot to remove the flames engulfing him. While fending off the cisterns with his Stand, he thinks of a location from where Michal could be watching him. He then notices that one of the curtains doesn't flutter, so he rushes towards it and pulls out his sword. Polnareff strikes Michal, which causes the mirage to dissolve completely. At the same time, Jotaro completely destroys Satanic Coupler.

Michal is unconscious, while Absalom is spitting out blood. He reveals that he has sent a microscopic version of his Stand inside Avdol's body and that, if his psychic link with it ends, the boiler will explode. Jotaro shrinks Star Platinum and uses Star Finger to destroy the boiler. Suddenly the villagers appear, and, after witnessing the scene, the elder decides that the Joestar group are the subjects of a devil called Ababasubombo. He says that Absalom and Michal are very precious to them, so he and the other villagers drive them off. Absalom, left alone with Michal, cries as he realizes that there is a place where he and his sister belong.[1]

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