Ken Oyanagi

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Hey, mister. Wanna play rock-paper-scissors?
—Ken Oyanagi, Chapter 371: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 1

Ken Oyanagi (大柳 賢, Ōyanagi Ken), alternatively referred to as Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid (ジャンケン小僧, Janken-kozō), is a tertiary antagonist featured in the fourth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Diamond is Unbreakable, specifically in the "Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!" story arc.

Ken is an ordinary child made into a Stand user by Yoshihiro Kira and prompted into challenging Rohan Kishibe in a game of rock-paper-scissors in which the latter must gamble his own Stand. Ken's ability is named Boy II Man.


Ken is a young boy of short stature, slim build, and medium straight hair. His attire consists of a headband, open ankle-high sandals and shortalls with both straps on one shoulder; the garment is adorned on all sides by several large safety pins.

On his left cheek, is a large hole produced after being impaled with the Arrow.

In the TV drama adaptation, Ken is still a young boy but with a large unkempt mane with many loose strands of hair and a long ponytail. He wears a white T-shirt, white shorts and white suspenders whose sides are tied with a row of large safety pins. He also possesses a hand bag and a thin black head band.

Color Schemes

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored MangaAnime
(Dark teal outfit with dark green lining and headband, silver pins, and purple-gray sandals.)
(Black outfit with green headband, silver pins, and brown sandals.)


Ken's wish is to become an adult who is respected just as much as Rohan. He has no real knowledge of Stands at the start, but he quickly learns more as the match progresses. He is decisive in his actions, willing to sacrifice himself after being defeated and taking a baby hostage to get another match against Rohan. He heavily believes that luck is on his side. Rohan describes him as a typical bouncy kid with an ordinary life and no family problems upon using Heaven's Door on him.

Otherwise, Ken is stated to behave like any ordinary bouncy child. According to Heaven's Door, Ken reads Shōnen Jump every week and is in sixth grade at his school. He loves soccer but played baseball until his coach complained about his long hair and he was forced to quit (while blowing his nose on the coach's hat). He also hates peppers and anpan, likes fatty cuts of meat, is afraid of the dentist and Namahage, and has never used a public restroom. He also has no family issues.

During the climax of his fight with Rohan Kishibe, Ken exclaims "Good!", similar to Daniel J. D'Arby.

In the TV drama adaptation, Ken's personality is altered to suit the plot. The drama's version of Ken is a precocious and smarter-than-average sixth grader. He is a devoted fan of Rohan Kishibe and of Pink Dark Boy, and particularly likes the 28th and 40th volumes of Pink Dark Boy, which he has reread around twenty times. The most prominent facet of Ken's personality is his obsession with the number three, which he believes to be the perfect number; as such, Ken grows to despise Rohan and wish for his downfall when the character Hot Summer Martha is introduced, believing that the fourth sphere that comprises its head is not only unnecessary but renders the character's design hideous. The mere sight of Hot Summer Martha is enough to make him unconsciously clench his fists in anger. After Ken acquires a gift from a haunted crossroads, his personality shifts to become much closer to his manga counterpart, though he demonstrates a greater degree of stubbornness by refusing to admit defeat until Rohan proves that luck is on his side. However, Ken seems to be easily satisfied when he gets what he wants, as he forgives Rohan when the latter signs his manga volume with a drawing of Hot Summer Martha with three circles.



Main article: Boy II Man

Boy II Man is a Stand that enables Ken to steal someone's Stand when the latter participates in a five-round game of rock paper scissors with him and loses. Each round lost causes the victim to lose a third of their power and Stand to Ken. An ultimate win from the victim's part returns the full Stand.

Boy II Man (ボーイ・II・マン)Link to this section



Ken Oyanagi is a citizen of Morioh. He lived an ordinary life as a kid until he crossed path with Yoshihiro Kira, whose Arrow recognized as a potential Stand user as he was climbing a telephone pole to steal fruits. Yoshihiro struck him in the cheek, creating his hole and making him a Stand user. The boy develops the ambition to defeat Rohan at a game of rock-paper-scissors to earn the respect of others.

Diamond is Unbreakable

Ken challenges Rohan

Ken Oyanagi proceeds to approach Rohan Kishibe and harasses him in order to play rock-paper-scissors with the mangaka. He confronts Rohan a first time at the train station, while Rohan is investigating the crowd of commuters. Rohan tries to ignore him but when Ken insists, he uses Heaven's Door to read his bio. Reassured that Ken isn't a Stand user (unaware that Ken just became one and isn't completely aware of his ability), Rohan tries to go away but Ken tries take a taxi in his stead. Angered by the kid's insistence, Rohan accepts to play to see who gets the taxi. Rohan wins with "rock". Later, Ken finds Rohan at the "Café deux magots" and takes his seat at the only free table; when Rohan protests, the boy makes a scene and loudly cries to embarrass Rohan. Thus, he forces Rohan again to play again to see who gets the table. However, Rohan wins with "paper".

Ken summons his Boy II Man

Ken follows Rohan up to a bookshop where he takes a book Rohan was interested in and wants to buy. Truly angered, Rohan accepts to play again but punches the kid instead. However, Ken takes the round as a win because Rohan's closed fist counts as a "rock" and he played "paper". Thus, Ken summons his Stand Boy II Man which takes a third of Heaven's Door's power. While Rohan turns Ken into a book, the power the boy has stolen allows him to cancel the ability. Moreover, he takes control of Rohan's right arm. Rohan realizes what the rules of the game are and is forced to win a third round of rock-paper-scissors to get his Stand back. However, Ken wins the fourth round with his "paper". Boy II Man steals Heaven's Door's legs, sapping Rohan's leg strength.

Ken and Rohan's final round

Ken now feels confident as his luck is on the rise. When Ken and Rohan play the fifth round, Rohan aims to play "rock" while Ken aims to play "paper". Luckly, Rohan trips and the unusual movement instills doubt in Ken's mind, who changes his "paper" to "rock". Rohan seems reassured, but Ken then tests his luck by shouting as a passing Josuke Higashikata and Joseph Joestar, betting that they will not come. Indeed, Josuke doesn't want to interact with Rohan and tells his father to smile and wave back, then leave. Then Ken breaks a window and purposefully stands under the falling shards, coming out unscathed while Rohan's hand is wounded. Thus, it proves that Ken's luck is at its peak.

Rohan saves Ken

However, Rohan is still determined to play the last round. Rohan plays "paper" while Ken plays "scissors", but his fist suddenly close, making it into a "rock". Ken loses the round and the game, thus Rohan's powers are returned to him. Rohan explains that he took Shizuka Joestar, the invisible baby, and made her close Ken's fist to win. Angry, Ken takes Shizuka hostage and demands a new game, to which Rohan accepts. However this time, Rohan easily wins. Rohan approaches to seal Ken's ability forever but desperate, the boy throws himself in the path of a truck to kill himself. Amused, Rohan steps in front of the truck too, as Yoshihiro Kira's photo flies into the truck's windshield, forcing the driver to swerve hard. Rohan and Ken are thus unharmed. Ken's impressed by Rohan's luck, is convinced not to use his Stand ability to harm others. However, they now have to look for Shizuka, which has turned invisible.

Chapters / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance
Novel Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Live Action Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


  • Hey, mister. Wanna play rock paper scissors?
    —Ken Oyanagi, Chapter 371: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 1
  • Rock paper scissors is not a game of chance, but a contest of force of will!
    —Ken Oyanagi's thoughts, Chapter 373: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 3
  • Rohan Kishibe, I've overcome your psychology! Now we're even! 2 to 2!
    —Ken Oyanagi, Chapter 374: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 4
  • With Lady Luck's favor protecting me, there's no way I can lose! I'd even win russian roulette with 5 of the chambers full!
    —Ken Oyanagi, Chapter 375: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!, Part 5

Video Games

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid
Lucky Best-of-Five Winner ver.
強運で勝ち取る五番勝負 ver.
Max Power: 1227 (Lvl 50) / 2517 (Lvl 80)
Release Date: August 12, 2020
Skill: Boy II Man
Erases panels in the central area
When the partner character's Skill Gauge is max, the erasing area is increased
Skill Lv 1
# of Erased Panels: 8
Cooldown: 70
Skill Lv 2
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 70
Skill Lv 3
# of Erased Panels: 12
Cooldown: 65
Skill Lv 4
# of Erased Panels: 19
Cooldown: 65
Skill Lv 5
# of Erased Panels: 19
Cooldown: 60
Contesting Boy II Man
Type: Normal & Shiny
Availability: Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid is Coming!
Date: August 12, 2020 - August 25, 2020
Requires: Red Unit
Cost: 20
Cost: 15
Stand Up Power + 120
Rock-Paper-Scissors - Rock
Type: Decoration
Availability: Rock-Paper-Scissors Battle 'Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid'
Date: August 12, 2020 - August 25, 2020

Cost: 0
No effect.
Rock-Paper-Scissors - Scissors
Type: Decoration
Availability: Rock-Paper-Scissors Battle 'Rock-Paper-Scissors Kid'
Date: August 12, 2020 - August 25, 2020

Cost: 0
No effect.
Rock-Paper-Scissors - Paper
Type: Decoration
Availability: Rock-Paper-Scissors Battle 'Rohan Kishibe'
Date: August 18, 2020 - August 25, 2020

Cost: 0
No effect.

All-Star Battle R (Various)

Unlock Condition: Win in the Jotaro Kujo (Part 4) vs. Yoshikage Kira All-Star Battle Mode Boss Battle
An antagonist from Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. He is the user of the Stand Boy II Man. A rock paper scissors fanatic whose character grows as he pursues Rohan Kishibe. Though he is defeated in the end, Rohan admires his mettle and doesn't retire him.
Stand: Boys Man Man. A rock, paper, scissors fanatic whose character grows as he pursues Rohan Kishibe. Though he is defeated in the end, Rohan admires his mettle and doesn't retire him.

Ken Oyanagi appears in All-Star Battle R as a Support Effect (サポート効果, Sapōto Kōka) titled Boy II Man Steals the Advantage (長所を奪うボーイ・II・マン, Chōsho o Ubau Bōi Tsu Man) (localized as "Boys Man Man Steals the Advantage"), costing 750G to 'seal' the opponent's Heart Heat Gauge, preventing it from filling up.

Ken also has a few Tag Lines (プレイヤーカード名言, Pureiyā Kādo Meigen). They can be unlocked by completing 200 Secret Missions in All-Star Battle Mode.

Tag Lines
Show AllEnglishJapanese
  • I'll never lose! I've got luck on my side! (今のぼくはぜんぜん負ける気がしないッ! ぼくは強運で守られているッ!)
  • Wanna play rock, paper, scissors? (ジャンケンがしたいんだよ…ねッ?)
  • You're... going down! (あんたは今…勝負の『(くだ)り坂』にいるンだッ!!)


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  • In the English dub, Ken's nickname is changed to "Rosham Boy" as a pun on "roshambo", another name for Rock-Paper-Scissors.


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