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I met Tonio. I tasted his dishes. I even cooked alongside him. Just with these moments of joy, I've lived the happiest life. Even after I pass on, as long as Tonio is alive and well... I can stay by his side and watch over him.
—Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9.5 (TV Drama): The Other Poaching Seashore
Vergina (ヴェルジーナ, Verujīna) is a secondary ally featured in the sixth episode of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, Poaching Seashore. She is the lover of Tonio Trussardi and has a tumor in her head, which Tonio plans on curing by poaching black abalones with Rohan Kishibe.

In the TV drama, she is named Hatsune Morishima (森嶋 初音, Morishima Hatsune) and is specified as Tonio's fiancée.


Vergina is a fair woman with dark wavy hair that falls just past her shoulders. She sits in a wheelchair, wearing a light dress with long sleeves and slip-on shoes. After being cured, she wears a light blouse with short sleeves and a textured pattern along with a skirt that has a ruffle trim at the hem. She also has closed low-cut shoes with a strap.

In the TV drama, Hatsune has fair skin and red lipstick. Her hair is short and dark, styled in a bob cut. She wears a gray knit hat which covers most of her hair. Her outfit consists of a red blouse with ruffles along the front and buttons down the center. She also has a colorful, patterned skirt or a blanket that drapes over her legs while sitting in the wheelchair. After being cured, she wears a white chef's uniform, which includes a double-breasted jacket with visible buttons on either side, white pants, and a white chef's cap.


Nothing is known of Vergina's personality in the manga as she has no speaking role. However, her personality as "Hatsune Morishima" is expanded on a lot in the TV drama.

The information below derives from the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan TV drama which was not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.

Despite having a terminal illness, Hatsune remains calm and accepts her fate, finding peace in the efforts of those who care for her. She feels bad for involving others like Rohan Kishibe and Kyoka Izumi in her struggles and is protective of those she loves, urging Tonio not to break the law for her sake.[2]

Even when facing death, Hatsune draws strength from her grandmother's wisdom, believing that loved ones stay close in different forms after they pass away. This belief helps her live each day fully, without fear or regret. Her life, filled with moments of joy from cooking and sharing meals, brings her a sense of fulfillment and happiness.[3]

Hatsune bakes a crostata after being healed

Hatsune loves food and cooking. She has vivid memories of her birth, particularly the sweet, nostalgic scent of raspberries, which has influenced her life and career as a pastry chef. She admits that ever since she was born, her appetite has been twice the size of anyone else's. Hatsune's passion for cooking is deeply tied to these memories. She dreams of creating pastries that evoke the same sweet, tart scents she finds comforting, which she believes Tonio's cooking has. She finds joy in standing beside Tonio in the kitchen, losing track of time as they cook together.[3]

After being cured of her tumor, she celebrates by baking and sharing desserts, continuing to cherish her bond with Tonio. She immediately carries out the promise they made to each other by baking a crostata using his mother's recipe.[2]

Concludes non-canon section.


The information below derives from the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan TV drama which was not written by Araki. As such, it may not be considered canon.

Extraordinary Olfactory Memory

In the TV drama, Hatsune Morishima has a supernatural sense of smell, capable of vividly recalling her memories from when she was just born. She remembers the scent of raspberries, as well as explicit details such as her actions upon smelling the scent and her grandmother's words.[3]

Concludes non-canon section.



Vergina lived in Tonio's hometown, Amalfi. The two met at some point and became lovers. Later, it was discovered that she has a tumor the size of a grapefruit in her head and could eventually no longer stand or walk, requiring a wheelchair. Tonio attempted to cure her with Pearl Jam but was unable to. Thus, he left his hometown and moved to Morioh in 1999 in hopes of finding the black abalones that could potentially cure her since they were the food of the gods. Some time later, he was finally able to bring Vergina to Japan.[1]

Poaching Seashore

At Trattoria Trussardi while Rohan is having a meal, he sees Vergina sitting in a wheelchair in Tonio's kitchen. Tonio asks Rohan to help him poach abalones from Hyogara Rocks, eventually explaining that it is for Vergina's sake. Some time after they succeed, Tonio feeds the dish to Vergina. Rohan is glad to see Vergina together with Tonio in the kitchen, with her standing and no longer in a wheelchair.[1]

TV Drama

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canon.


Hatsune Morishima was born on a November morning in a hospital over a century old in the mountains of the Shikoku region of Japan. She smelled raspberries which stimulated her appetite and led to her clutching to her mother. Her grandmother chuckled seeing the scene and predicted that Hatsune would grow up to love cooking since she loved eating. Just as her grandmother thought, Hatsune grew up to love cooking food and became a pastry chef.[3]

Before her grandmother passed away, Hatsune anxiously asked her if she would become a star. Her grandmother responded that some become stars, some become butterflies, and others could become raspberries. She comforted Hatsune by telling her that no matter what they become, they'll stay close to their loved ones.[3]

Two years prior to meeting Rohan Kishibe and Kyoka Izumi, Hatsune met Tonio Trussardi when he came to Japan to study medicinal cuisine.[2] She was suffering from hay fever and a stuffy nose. Tonio cooked lasagna for her, which ended up healing her allergies.[3]

Shortly afterward, it was discovered that Hatsune had a tumor in her head. Tonio tried everything he could to heal her and fed her one of his special dishes, but it didn't work. Tonio then recalled that he heard a rumor while visiting Taiwan about a mythical Japanese abalone that could heal any sickness. He eventually found a clue near a fishing village in Morioh where an old fisherman told him more about the legend in the Hyogara Rocks. Thus, Tonio opened the Trattoria Trussardi restaurant, hoping to learn more about the abalones.[2]

Poaching Seashore

Tonio telling Hatsune not to give up

In August, Rohan and Kyoka are about to leave after eating at Trattoria Trussardi, but Tonio hears Hatsune get up in her room. He brings her out in a wheelchair to greet Rohan and Kyoka. Hatsune introduces herself and accepts that she's fated to die. Rohan tells Tonio more about the abalones, but informs him that it's illegal in Japan to harvest them. After telling Tonio not to break the law, Hatsune faints. Tonio brings her back to her room and she falls asleep after Tonio gives her medication to stabilize. Rohan and Tonio decide to poach the abalones for her sake.[2]

Two days later during the full moon, Kyoka stays with Hatsune to keep her company while she's alone. The two sip tea together, with Hatsune sharing stories about her past. Kyoka encourages Hatsune, believing Rohan won't fail to deliver. She also tells Hatsune of how she has come to realize the importance of eating delicious food.[3]

Rohan manages to catch an octopus which ate a large number of Hyogara black abalones that were clinging onto him. Due to eating them, the octopus's healing properties are just as potent as the black abalone's. Tonio cooks the octopus and feeds the dish to Hatsune.

Some time later, Rohan and Kyoka return to the restaurant and Hatsune is healed. She bakes them a crostata using the recipe of Tonio's mother. The four of them happily eat the dessert together.[2]

Chapters / Episodes

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Live Action Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance


  • There's a tumor the size of a grapefruit inside my head.
    —Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9 (TV Drama): Poaching Seashore
  • I'm content with how hard Tonio tried to help me. Even his cooking can't cure me, so I've accepted that I'm fated to die.
    —Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9 (TV Drama): Poaching Seashore
  • Don't do this, Tonio. You can't break the law for me...
    —Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9 (TV Drama): Poaching Seashore
  • Can you recall the moment you were born?
    —Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9.5 (TV Drama): The Other Poaching Seashore
  • My dream is to bake treats that smell just as sweet and tart as Tonio's cooking.
    —Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9.5 (TV Drama): The Other Poaching Seashore
  • Even now, they say there's one fate that's inevitable as much as inescapable. One day, we will die. But if it's as my grandma says, then I don't fear death. Every day, I try to live my life to the fullest so that when my time comes, I won't have any regrets.
    —Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9.5 (TV Drama): The Other Poaching Seashore
  • I met Tonio. I tasted his dishes. I even cooked alongside him. Just with these moments of joy, I've lived the happiest life. Even after I pass on, as long as Tonio is alive and well... I can stay by his side and watch over him.
    —Hatsune Morishima, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Episode 9.5 (TV Drama): The Other Poaching Seashore



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