Lesson 1: The Jigsaw Method


Lesson 1 Objectives

At the end of Lesson 1, participants will be able to identify and list the ten steps of a Jigsaw lesson.


Before you begin, on your own think about what steps a teacher must take to facilitate a Jigsaw lesson.

When you are ready, become familiar with The Jigsaw Classroom website. Check out every nook and cranny!

On this website you will find the following information...

  • An overview of a Jigsaw classroom
  • The ten steps of a Jigsaw lesson
  • Helpful tips for successful implementation
  • Description of Professor Elliot Aronson (the creator of the Jigsaw Method)

Also watch The Jigsaw Classroom.

When you are finished, move on to the Mini-Quiz


Here are two quick assessments of the Mini-Lecture. Feel free to use the website as a resource for the quiz.

1. Click here to begin the quiz!

2. List the ten steps

When you are finished, move on to Lesson 2

What's next?

Return to Module 3: The Jigsaw Method to move on to Lesson 2.



