Welcome to the KSA-CORS Network Web Application!
The KSA-CORS (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Continuously Operating Reference Station) is a national network of continuously operating GNSS stations streaming GNSS data in real-time to General Authority for Survey and Geospatial
Information's (GEOSA) data center in Riyadh. The data center archives the data and provides "data correction" in real-time. The network is active and expanding with new stations constantly. All KSA-CORS network products and services
are in KSA-GRF17 reference frame.
KSA-CORS Network Services include:
- Network Real-Time Kinematic (NRTK) Positioning
- Single Station RTK Positioning
- Differential GNSS Positioning
- Online GNSS Post Processing
- Sensor Map
KSA-CORS Network Products include:
- GNSS Raw data Files
- Virtual RINEX Files
- CORS Site Logs
Download Resources for KSA-CORS Network:
Below are essential resources to help you get startedwith the KSA-CORS Network. Click each link to download:
Contact Us:
- For Technical Support : ksa-cors@geosa.gov.sa
- Call Center : 920000427 | Ext: 8009