The answer is down below ↓

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I forgot that I have this blog. But I’m too lazy to post anything even with good ideas so add me on PSN, Steam and Skype and let’s play games someday.

PSN and Steam Username: leonicb
Skype: leoni_xd (ignore the xd, I was 10 years old when I created this account OK?)




That’s it. Coming on September 17 (only one week to go :D)


Hello to all you people who don’t read my blog because it sucks ass, HOW ARE Y'ALL?

I’m just excited with nothing, but I’m excited and I want to share this beautiful moment in my day with you. Rare moments like these should be spread all around :P

That’s it for today, I’ll see you later. Bye :D


Okay so I’m jobless again and procrastinating as hell. Let’s POST LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROOooOOOOOooOOooooOOoOoOOOooOOOOoooOOOOoOoOOOoOOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoOoOoooOoOOoOoOoOooOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoOOoOoOOOOoOoOoOoOOoWWwWwWwWWwwWWWw1!!11!11!!

but not, I have more important things to do.


Let’s blog about it!

So hi again. It’s me once more.

It’s my last day here having a lot of spare time so I wanna just update here for one last time before I get into my new job and get back to college. If anyone here wants to talk or something, today is the day.

I really miss some stuff around here. When I’m done with my work (because it’s temporary) I will start some fandub and/or dramatic reading page some come check here in about 3 months (probably).

If I get some spare time, I’ll come and update you guys.


So I got a job! Temporary for 3 months. I had time but no motivation, now I don’t have both BUT I’ll still keep posting here so you don’t have to cry, ok?


then bye.

Here comes the end

Hello my great readers, how are you today?

I just realized that my birthday is coming January 3 and Christmas is here too BUT the world ends 21/12/2012 so I guess no one will be alive at my birthday D: because… of course, I’ll survive to the end of the world, just like the cockroaches MWAHAHAHA I’m sorry for you all but i’m surviving it haha, just kidding. I don’t believe such a thing.


I’ve got my drivers license, i’m a driver now, i’m playing my guitars and studying a lot in college so my updates will increase it’s amount as soon as my school close for summer holidays.



I know you heard this before BUT

Now I’ll try to update this shit more often. Sorry about everything.

Just updating: I’ve got my driver’s license, I’m on college, I’m still single and I’m still the pretty same ever so I don’t know what to write but I have to write something for you, I guess.

well… I’ll see you later. Read this shit, ok?  bye.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the pic.

It’s been one week that I shaved my head, so here’s the pic :D

me, bald

My head is almost covered already (my hair grows super fast :S), but I promised you a picture.

I’m taking pictures weekly so when my hair come back as it was, i’ll post a grid with my hair growing progress.

I guess that’s it. If you have me on Facebook, you can check the whole process of my friends shaving my head.

I guess I’ll text you later.

Driver’s License


I’m getting my license in about 4 months.

If you’re not from Brazil, read this: Here we must have 18 years old and pay for required classes to get our license so I’M SUPER HAPPY ‘CAUSE MY GRAMMA IS PAYING IT FOR ME 


So get out of the streets and wait for me to run over you.


Just kidding, but seriously, watch out.

Ok, see you later.

YouTubers #2

Hey there again.

I’m making another post about YouTubers that I didn’t comment about on the last one but still worth a post.


imageOk so if you know any of these guys, you’re gonna like it. JonTron and Egoraptor made a channel for playing old (and cool) games. I laugh a lot watching that and you should try it too.


azoazotubeThis guy is just awesome. Kung-fu fighter, parkour trainer, 3D and 2D game animator… Just watch his videos and you will see that he’s awesome.


Mega64Another cool group doing shit on the streets, with games costumes and “trolling” everyone. I laugh every time I watch. Search for Luigi’s Mansion (or just click on the hyperlink) ROFLMAO


TerminalPackmanTerminalMontage is a channel made by Jeremy Chinshue. He used to do comics but now he’s animating and putting voices on his comics, just check it out!


PewDiePieWanna see a guy getting scared, yelling like a girl, falling from the chair and playing scary games? You just found your man. PewDiePie is a Sweden guy (but he speaks in English on his videos, don’t worry) that plays the scariest games and show his reaction all the time. You can laugh a lot with him getting scared so… GO CHECK IT TOO!

I guess that’s enough of YouTubers for today. But I still have something to tell you about. Did you watch Dick Figures last time? Did you like it? I guess you must know that THEY’RE GONNA MAKE THEIR OWN MOVIE!


It comes out in about 6 months so I’ll probably make a post about it.

I hope you liked it, see you next time.


Hey fellows. How are you?

I’m making an update before my college start. Can’t wait ‘til my first day. I can’t sleep well and even if I get really really really REALLY REALLY tired, I can’t sleep.

So, forgetting about my insomnia problems, I’m really excited about my college and I hope it goes all good. And DO EXPECT a pic of me with a shaved head. If someone don’t shave it, I will.

I guess that’s it, I see you tumbleers some other day.



I’ll start college next week so I guess it will be hard to post here again BUT if I get a break, I’ll try to tumblr yall again.

Thanks everyone and I see you later.


FINALLY DONE! I guess I can live my life again.

Hello everyone, how are you?

I’m just updating to say that I’m back. I’ll try to post more now that I have enough time, ‘til I start to study again haha

Post ya later.