Melting Man

Melting Man

My name is Doug, the owner, creator and head cheese of Melting Man Studio. I'm an artist and horror nerd. That’s all you need to know..

Favorite films

  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Evil Dead II
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Halloween

Recent activity

  • Flight Risk


  • Y2K


  • Nine Miles Down


  • Get Away


Recent reviews

  • Flight Risk

    Flight Risk


    This has to be the worst Mel Gibson or Mark Wahlberg film ever. The story was a snore fest. The lead actress was a drag. Topher Grace plays a Thoper Grace character, meaning he’s the same neurotic character that he plays in every single movie or show he’s ever been in.
    Who decided Mark should be bald?? Shaving your head does not count as being bald. You can see the stubbled hairline. Terrible.
    Mark does ok, he’s played crazy before.…

  • Y2K



    Jeez, no one cares about Y2K. If they were pushing for a nostalgic vibe, they missed the mark. The cast was droll, the plot was weak. The music was ok. If you take out the language this flick would have been a perfect Nickelodeon movie. But it wasn’t, it was just a very sad attempt to make dark comedy.
    I want this Y2K to be like the real Y2K and just vanish into obscurity.

Popular reviews

  • Summer School

    Summer School


    When I was in high school I had the nickname Chainsaw. My locker was covered in horror pics instead of bikini babes.. I wanted to be in Special Effects like my idols Tom Savini and Rick Baker.
    I loved this movie, I loved the characters. Probably two of my favorite duo; Chainsaw and Dave.

    This is why I love this movie very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,…

  • 555



    Since 1988, I have been looking for this movie. I remember when it came out, only one video store in my neighborhood had it. It was rented and was never returned...

    15 years later, after I had moved away from my childhood home, I came across it again. Another mom and pops video store with those beautiful big box VHS’s lining the shelves. But again it alluded me. Someone had rented my great white whale and it was never returned.…