I have scoped the WUWU FM station ID’s I recorded in 1982 for You Tube and you can hear the full and unscoped version here:
Can you help me ID this song I found on a tape from the early 70’s:
I have scoped the WUWU FM station ID’s I recorded in 1982 for You Tube and you can hear the full and unscoped version here:
Can you help me ID this song I found on a tape from the early 70’s:
Have not been very prolific as of late and one reason has been the fact that I have not been happy with people recording my material and then putting in up for sale. Maybe a hiatus will stop them from coming around.
In any case this upload is something that will not catch the attention of those shady merchants. The three clips above are taken from the radio station I used to operate. The songs I play are mostly those I remember hearing on the radio when it was worth listening to and at least one of the clips also features some vintage progressive era commercials. My version of Deep Tracks and I will periodically add more such clips. The audio quality mimics dusty old radio air checks and so definitely not audiophile.
I still have quite a bit of vintage radio material waiting to be uploaded and hopefully I will get around to that soon.
EDIT : Just noticed a few of the tracks on the middle track got cut prematurely. Also I incorrectly said that the 10 CC track Blackmail was from their second album, it was actually off their third album. The second album was Sheet Music with the Wall Street Shuffle, which I used to have for a little while but sadly traded. Finally the Joni Mitchell track on the third clip has a glitch.
October 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the release of the landmark Nuggets comp on Electra records put together by Lenny Kaye. This was the first look back at the classic garage rock era which spanned roughly from 1964 to 1968. The original album was sub-titled “Original Artifacts from the First Psychedelic Era.” This was not the long meandering jams emanating from San Francisco but rather more concise singles created to be heard on AM radio by regional garage bands from the USA.
The comp has been highly influential and indeed “Psychedelic Punkitude” still lives on.
I could not find the original Electra copy of the album upon release as it was not available in Canada but I did get the Sire Records re-release in 1976.
The audio above is actually taken from a Rhino Records CD Nuggets spin off from 1986. They expanded the concept to include content like the Australian group the Easybeats and the non garage based Monkees, I played the CD via my AM stereo transmitter to capture what things may have sounded like if AM stereo existed when the tracks were originally played on the radio,
Some of the songs on the original comp did not have any true stereo mixes at the time and in a way the garage aesthetic does not necessarily fit with wide stereo. The songs I have taken from the Rhino comp however are in stereo ( except for the Seeds track ) and the the effect can best be heard on the last song, Journey to the Center of the Mind by the Amboy Dukes.
Below is a review which appeared in the December 1972 issue of Cream magazine written by Ben Edmunds and which I have kept in my 1976 Nuggets re-issue since the 70’s. I have also added at the bottom a two part article on garage rock published in Cream in June and July of 1979 by Robot A Hull. Lenny Kaye’s “garage” was a bit more inclusive than Mr. Hull’s but the two visions were related. Click and then enlarge on the image for a better view and read.
Pictured up the cassette deck pictured below at a flea market. I believe the deck is old stock new. Have recorded some vinyl from the cassette era to inaugurate the machine . All material is taken from 45 RPM singles. Most from the 1980’s with some 1970’s. Much of the music would be considered alternative/new wave back in the day but there are also some pop/rock hits or near hits.
Currently I use two decks to transfer my reel to reel air checks and I am trying to determine which sounds better. Below is side 2 of the Cat Stevens album Teaser and the Firecat played on both decks. Clip one on one deck and clip two on the other.
Which sounds better or is there no difference ?
Drop me a line.
The decks are pictured below under the album cover.
I recorded this in 1987 because my friend and co-worker Jay was on the show and we get a stellar performance by him.
[fb_button] Here are some commercials and PSA’s from one of my WBCN tapes. from 1971. Some excellent music and movie ads, a spoof ad for inflatable smiles, an anti war PSA and an appearance by Captain Squid:
Here’s some interviews that I had posted as air checks previously but have now put on You Tube. Rather humorous interviews with the Lovin’ spoonful and Box Tops on Ed Baer’s “The Guard Scene” from 1968.
Plus the Mael brothers and Sparks as interviewed by Jim Reid ( JR) on CFNY from 1983. The group mentions a fan calling in and asking about the group opening for Rick Springfield and that was myself. Had forgotten that until I just listened.
Uploaded this to You Tube. Taken from a tape that I have which was recorded off KSAN FM San francisco in 1971.