Level Up Gaming Accelerator

Cultivating Sustainable Saudi Indie Game Studios

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Level Up Gaming Accelerator

Cultivating Sustainable Saudi Indie Game Studios

Register Interest

Transforming Vision Into Reality for KSA Indie Gaming Studio Start-Ups

person in circle centered concept
  • Focussing on commercial viability
  • Boosting production and development skills
  • Publishing and marketing support
3 people mentor concept
World Class Mentorship
  • More than 150 years of collective gaming experience
  • Personalized and supportive
  • Delivered by DigiPen, world leading gaming academy
hands with support extended concept
Extended Support
  • 12 month duration
  • Delivered online and face to face
  • Support from game idea to launch
hand giving financial assistance
Financial Support
  • Cash incentives
  • Based on milestone achievements
  • Sufficient funding to game launch

Level Up Dual Phase Program Approach

Laying Foundations and Accelerating Success

Building a commercially viable indie game studio requires more than just a capable production team; it demands a robust business development and operations team to navigate industry changes and implement a dynamic marketing strategy to build and sustain a vibrant community. The NEOM Level Up Accelerator provides holistic support, ensuring studios evolve from hobbyist ventures into sustainable businesses. The program empowers studios to adapt to industry challenges by fostering a deep understanding of business operations, financial management, legal considerations, and strategic marketing. Participants receive rigorous training in evaluating market data, exploring various business opportunities, and developing the best strategies for producing successful games.

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Prepare the studio for acceleration and pitch day

  • Self learning platform access
  • In person bootcamp and online mentoring
  • Game design and commercial opportunity validation
  • Business, financial and production plan validation
  • Pitch preparation support for entry to phase 2
  • Selection for acceleration phase

Execute acceleration plan to game launch

  • Access to regular incentive payments
  • Online and face to face mentoring
  • Production support
  • Publishing and marketing mentorship
  • Access and introductions to publishers and investors

Meet Our Mentors

Level Up is driven by industry leaders who bring a wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in game development, business strategy, marketing, and more. Through personalized mentorship and hands-on support, our mentors provide invaluable insights and expertise, so participating studios can learn to thrive in the competitive gaming industry.

News & Events

Application Requirements

Registration Closing Date

February 2, 2025

Saudi Leadership

Founders must be Saudi nationals

Key Roles/Skills Filled

Studio has designated leads in key disciplines such as game design, production, finance, business development


Willing and able to commit to working full-time on building your studio


Already have an MVP, game demo or vertical game slice

How To Apply

Ready to elevate your gaming studio with the Level Up Accelerator Program?
Follow these simple steps:
person in center check mark concept
Register Interest
  • Click “Register Interest”
  • Fill in basic details of your company
  • Sign the non – disclosure agreement (NDA)
person in center information concept
Learn More
  • You will be invited to attend a program information session
  • Learn more about the program mentorship structure, incentives & studio commitments
  • Receive application link
paper with pen concept
  • Fill in the online application form
  • DigiPen will review & let you know next steps

Take the First Step Today

We look forward to supporting your studio in innovation and growth.

register interest