
  • After submission your post could take up to 48 hours/2 business days to be posted on The LINGUIST List.
  • Please note that our business hours are weekdays 9AM-5PM.
  • Posts submitted on Friday or during the weekend may not get posted until the following Monday.

Mailing List

  • Go to either LINGUIST or LINGLITE.
  • Look for the section marked "Subscribing to [LISTNAME]" and fill in the boxes.
  • Go to either LINGUIST or LINGLITE.
  • Look for the section marked "LISTNAME subscribers" (usually found near the bottom of the page).
  • There should be a button marked "Unsubscribe or Edit Options." Enter your email address in the box beside this button and press the button.
  • You should be brought to a new page which has an "Unsubscribe" button. Press it to unsubscribe and follow the instructions given.
  • Afterwards you will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in that mail to complete the unsubscription.
  • If you do not receive this confirmation mail with instructions make sure that
    • you typed your email address correctly
    • the address you tried to unsubscribe is, indeed, actually subscribed to that list.
    • the confirmation email did not ended up in your spam mail folder
  • If you do not remember the email address with which you subscribed to the list, you should look at the detailed email header of one of the mails that you received from the LINGUIST List server.
  • Go to either LINGUIST or LINGLITE.
  • Look for the section marked "LISTNAME subscribers" (usually found near the bottom of the page).
  • There should be a button marked "Unsubscribe or Edit Options." Press the button.
  • Login using your email and password.
  • If you do not remember your password, fill in your email address and click "Remind" to receive a password in your email inbox.
  • Digest Mode
    • On, subscribers receive one email a day containing the full text of every email that was sent out over LINGUIST.
    • Off, subscribers receive each email separately as they are sent out over LINGUIST.
  • Topic Filters
    • Every message LINGUIST sends out is tagged by its topic area (jobs, calls for papers, books, etc.).
    • If you prefer only to receive messages from certain areas, just select those areas under "Which topic categories would you like to subscribe to?".


  • It costs $250 USD to post a job on The LINGUIST List.
  • Internships and Supports are free to post on the LINGUIST List.
  • Each submission may only contain one position being advertised.
  • Please note that multiple positions must be submitted separately, and each advertisement will cost $250 USD.
  • The LINGUIST List is not responsible for hiring for the jobs that we advertise.
  • Please refer to the organization’s/university’s contact information on the post.
  • If you are an advertising agency/company, please put the payer information (your information) in the payer information box and the organization/university information in the submitter information box.
  • Please note that the submitter information is publicly visible and the payer information is not.
  • Jobs are limited to five (5) linguistic specialties.
  • If you have more than five (5) specialties, please select General Linguistics.
  • If possible, please provide a direct link to the job application
  • If there is no job link, please provide the email address to which you would like applications to be sent.
  • Please be sure to include what documents the applicants should send in. (resume, cover letter, etc)
  • You cannot select multiple locations for a job post.
  • If the advertisement is for one person but they can work in either location please indicate this in the job description.
  • If the advertisement is looking to hire multiple people for multiple locations then each location must be an individual job post.


  • The fee for a single TOC posting is $250 USD.
  • Major Publishers may become supporting publishers for an annual fee, which includes TOC postings. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
  • Publishers who are not-for-profit and open-access may be eligable to have the $250 USD fee waived.


  • If your conference still has a call for papers left (each conference is allowed 3) then you can submit a new call for papers with the updated deadline and it will be announced over the mailing list.
  • You can also make other revisions to the conference when you submit the new call for papers.
  • Alternatively, if your conference has used all of its calls or if you would like to save your calls for a later date, you can email callconf to have the current conference page updated manually.
  • Manual updates are not announced over the mailing list.
  • If a typo was made in your conference submission, you can send an email to callconf with the typo and the replacement text and we will gladly update it for you.
  • Be sure to specify the name of your conference and/or the submission id in the subject header of your email.
  • If you would like to submit a call without an attached conference, please submit the call under the FYI submission category.


  • Our finances are handled by Indiana University. After the invoice is generated you will be sent an email containing a PDF of the invoice along with payment instructions.
  • The simplest way to pay an invoice is to pay is to log onto our secure website and pay by credit card.
  • If you would like to pay by check or bank transfer please contact us for further instructions.
  • Please note that - unlike for credit card fees - bank fees are not calculated into our prices. We encourage our customers to use credit cards as the mode of payment. If you prefer to pay by bank transfer please cover the bank fees.
  • We do not accept payment over the phone.
  • To ensure that you receive your invoice as quickly as possible, please put down a complete and accurate billing address.
  • If you are paying via credit card an invoice with a billing address still needs to be generated.
  • If there are special invoice instructions please email [email protected] as soon as possible since our invoices must be hand generated and must be re-created if corrections need to be made.
  • Please be sure to include your university/organization name and a building name and room number, a street address, or PO Box along with city, state/region/province, postal code, and country.
  • Invoices are not automatically generated and must be created by hand. You will receive your invoice as soon as possible.