Les actes pontificaux
Un trésor à exploiter
Große, Rolf
Guyotjeannin, Olivier
Morelle, Laurent
Basdevant-Gaudemet, Brigitte
Bédague, Jean-Charles
Berger, Daniel
Bourgain, Pascale
Engl, Hannes
Friedrich, Robert
Große, Rolf
Guyotjeannin, Olivier
Herbers, Klaus
Lubich, Gerhard
Margue, Michel
Morelle, Laurent
Müller, Harald
Perreaux, Nicolas
Stutzmann, Dominique
Unger, Veronika
German; otherAbstract
This volume contains the proceedings of an international conference on the diplomatics of medieval papal documents held in 2019 at the German Historical Institute in Paris. From the pontificate of Alexander III (1159-1181) at the latest, direct appeals to the Roman curia, permitted even to lay people, reinforced the pope’s jurisdictional primacy and contributed to the proliferation and wide distribution of papal acts, which numbered some 30,000 by the end of the twelfth century. The papers deal with a number of topics touching on papal history, including new techniques for the analysis of papal acts and regional variations in their issuance. Particular attention is paid to France, whose papal charters the German Historical Institute in Paris is analyzing in the Gallia Pontificia.
history of religion; Curie romaine; pope Alexander 3rdDOI
Universitätsverlag GöttingenPublication date and place
Science: general issues