LifeKids is our Sunday Morning kids program, where music, games, craft, and a range of creative ideas to help our kids learn more about God’s love for them, and how to live as disciples of Jesus every day of their lives.

During the school term, our younger kids (age 3 – grade 6) remain with you for the first ½ hour of the service, then meet from 10:30am – 11:20am for morning tea followed by a time of games, music, and teaching. We have a littlies group for age 3 – grade 1, and a separate group for the older kids.

We also have activity sheets available for the kids to use during the service to help them focus on the theme of the sermon in an age-appropriate way. These resources are available year-round.

If you would like your kids to join us, why not come along on a Sunday, and please fill out the permission form found below!


We meet in Maryborough every Friday through the school term from 7-9pm to provide High School Students with a space to have fun, get to know eachother and get to know God, through exciting events, games and teaching times.
Please fill out a Permission Form, or join us on a Friday night at LifeChurch Maryborough

Check out our amazing programme here!

Wednesday Playtime

Playtime is about connecting mums, dads, caregivers and littlies, 0 to 5 years of age. It is a place where adults can talk with each other, develop friendships and become part of a support group.

We offer craft, painting, songs, rhymes, dancing and many other activities that engage children’s physical and social skills.

Family activities are held during the term allowing families to gather together to have fun.

Playtime is held (during the school term) from 9:30am to 11:30am at LifeChurch Maryborough (68 Gayndah Road) in the Children’s shed

We have a lovely time together each week and we would love for you to be there!