Gravity Well
Nova Pulse
Signature Ability:
Nebula / Dissipate
Astral Form / Cosmic Divide
Astra is an Agent in VALORANT and the fourth Controller to be released.
Ghanaian Agent Astra harnesses the energies of the cosmos to reshape battlefields to her whim. With full command of her astral form and a talent for deep strategic foresight, she's always eons ahead of her enemy's next move.
Ability: Passive
Cost: 150
Default diameter: 10m
Recall cooldown: 25s
ACTIVATE (X) to enter Astral Form where you can place Stars with PRIMARY FIRE. Stars can be reactivated later, transforming them into a Nova Pulse, Nebula, or Gravity Well.
Nova Pulse
Ability: Basic
Cost: Free
Cast time: 1s
Stun duration: 4s
Cooldown: 45s
ACTIVATE a Star to detonate a Nova Pulse. The Nova Pulse charges briefly then strikes, concussing all players in its area.
Gravity Well
Ability: Basic
Cost: Free
Cast time: 1.25s
Gravity duration: 2.4s
Cooldown: 45s
ACTIVATE a Star to form a Gravity Well. Players in the area are pulled toward the center before it explodes, making all players still trapped inside fragile.
Ability: Signature
Full duration: 15s
Dissipate duration: 1.5s
Charges: 2
Cooldown: 25s
ACTIVATE a Star to transform it into a Nebula (smoke). Use (F) on a Star to Dissipate it, returning the star to be placed in a new location after a delay. Dissipate briefly forms a fake Nebula at the Star’s location before returning.
Astral Form / Cosmic Divide
Ability: Ultimate
Ultimate Cost: 7 
ACTIVATE (X) to enter Astral Form where you can place Stars with PRIMARY FIRE. Stars can be reactivated later, transforming them into a Nova Pulse, Nebula, or Gravity Well. When Cosmic Divide is charged, use SECONDARY FIRE in Astral Form to begin aiming it, then PRIMARY FIRE to select two locations. An infinite Cosmic Divide connects the two points you select. Cosmic Divide blocks bullets and audio.
Version History[edit]
Balance Changes
- Nebula (E):
Visual cues have been added to the inside of the smoke before it expires.
Fixed a bug where Astra would not receive the alert sound effect when being watched by Cypher's Spycam
- Cosmic Divide (X):
Agent ability projectiles, walls, and AOEs have been updated to have more consistent audio presentation when clipping/passing through Cosmic Divide
- Stars (X):
Charges increased from 4 >>> 5
- Nebula (E):
Smokes will play an audio and visual cue 1.5 seconds before they are about to fade
- Astral Form (X):
Astra will now be able to hear everything happening around her physical body while in Astral form
- Cosmic Divide (X):
Fixed a bug where there was a small audio deadzone
- Gravity Well (C):
Startup time increased .6s >>> 1.25s
Gravity time duration decreased 2.75s >>> 2.0s
- Nova Pulse (Q):
Startup time decreased from 1.25s >>> 1.0s
- Cosmic Divide (X):
Audio now is blocked completely by the wall rather than muffled
- Nebula (E):
Can no longer cast Dissipate right at round start before stars are charged up
- Stars (X):
Fixed a bug where you would sometimes see the location of enemy Astra Stars
4.04 Hotfix
- Stars (X):
Fixed a bug where Astra was able to sell her starting star
- Astral Form (X):
Increased the speed of the overlay that covers Astra's screen when transitioning in and out of Astral form
Astra's targeting ring in Astral form is reduced to one ring that reflects the now unified size of all her utility
While in Astral form, pings are no longer blocked by level geometry that Astra cannot see
Astra's targeting ring no longer randomly disappears when aiming across some map locations
Fixed the boom not showing up for Astra if planted while in Astral form
- Stars (X):
Can now pick up placed Stars during the Buy Phase to refund their charge immediately
Max distance of Star Placement increased 10000 >>> 30000 to allow her to place Stars across
Max Stars reduced 5 >>> 4
Cooldown on retrieving a Star increased 14s >>> 25s
Fixed an issue where Stars were placed slightly above the location Astra was targeting
- Gravity Well (C):
Cooldown Increased 25s >>> 45s
Size Decreased 525 >>> 475
No longer affects anyone fully underneath the Gravity Well
- Nova Pulse (Q):
Cooldown Increased 25s >>> 45s
No longer affects anyone fully underneath the Nova Pulse
- Nebula (E):
Nebula size increased 410 >>> 475
Cooldown Increased 14s >>> 25s
Cooldowns are now sequential instead of simultaneous
- Astral Form (X):
Will no longer equip weapons slower than intended after exiting
- Gravity Well (C):
Can no longer pull people while they are attached to ascenders
- Nebula (E):
Dissipate can no longer be activated while Astra is attached to ascenders
- Astral Form (X):
On Attack, Can now see the Spike's location in Astral form
- This representation does not animate so it will not provide additional info on the status of the Spike
- Stars (X):
Cost decreased  200 >>>  150
Recall cooldown increased 8s >>> 15s
Granted signature charges decreased 2 >>> 1
Stars are now inactive when placed during the buy phase
- When the barriers drop, Stars charge for 1.4 seconds before becoming active and usable
- Gravity Well (C) & Nova Pulse (Q):
Cooldown time increased 12s >>> 25s
- Nebula (E):
Fixed issue where Nebula was slightly offset once fully formed
- Nebula (E):
No longer blocks flashes even when you are not fully inside the smoke
- Astral Form (X):
Fixed an unintended dome in the sky that Astra saw if she came out of Astral Form while Omen is ulting
- Gravity Well (C):
Now pulls Agents that are defusing the Spike
- If they are pulled out of defuse range, the defuse will be interrupted
- Stars (X):
Fixed an issue where it looks like Astra is casting a Star but doesn't actually create one when targeting close to another Star
Fixed an issue with Astra's Star targeting being unreliable on stairs and slopes
- Astral Form (X):
Fixed a rare bug that could leave players unable to move or process inputs until they died when entering or returning from Astral Form
- Stars (X):
Fixed Astra having trouble placing Stars on the defender side boxes of Icebox mid from the A site
Notable Players[edit]
External Links[edit]