Lolskinshop Support


Lolskinshop started up mid-June 2013, and have since then sold a lot of skins to 1000’s of people. We continued evolving into both accounts and elo boosts, which now are our biggest products.

Lolskinshop received a long-overdue overhaul mid 2019, and things are looking good for the future! We strive to be as fast on delivery as possible and continuing to improve every day.

Our goal is to offer a 100% updated skin database, so you can always find the relevant skin information here at Lolskinshop. This will be our main goal, we want people to use us to learn everything about their favorite skins.

Lolskinshop Support

If you are wondering how to get in contact with the Lolskinshop Support you can contact us through our official support channel is through [email protected]

Yous can reach us there every day, and we try to answer as fast as possible.

Company Information

  • Company Name:
  • Registered country:
  • VAT/business ID:
  • Office address:
  • Lolskinshop
  • Norway
  • 996 233 804
  • Norway