The remote island of Yamijima has been uninhabited since one fateful night in 1976 when every resident mysteriously vanished. Now, this decades-old mystery is about to unfold. Join the shipwrecked survivors of a timely expedition as they confront the horrors of the island to uncover the truth about its past - and themselves.
The legendary X980 game which XUXXS XXXH XXE PXXXR. Freedom is slavery.
Believe it or not, today is the 10 year anniversary of the archive opening its doors.
On 2nd of February 2007 From Earth posted the very first archive announcement thread, with only 7 LPs at first: Dungeon Explorer, Final Fantasy VIII by Leovinus, Flashback, Silent Hill 1 & 2 by From Earth, and Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Now the archive is hosting Two Thousand (count them - that's 2000!) LPs. That's an amazing milestone to hit, congratulations to all the LPers in these hallowed halls!
To celebrate this landmark we're enjoying a retro day! Experience the archive almost approximately similar to how it was when it first launched!