Amanda Luz Henning Santiago
Latest From Amanda Luz Henning Santiago
12 places for thrifty bookworms to download the best free e-books
There's no better price than free.
By Kyli Singh
17 gifts for your friend who wants to rock that zero waste lifestyle
Reusable and responsible gifting.
Feeling stressed? Watch some relaxing snow fall on YouTube.
Nothing like a little snow fall to perk you up.
Frasier was Photoshopped into a bookstore on Google Maps, and it's perfect
Fraiser has entered the building!
Watch a very small knife get made out of a ruler
Everything is better in miniature.
17 weird but great stocking stuffers
Perfect for your weirdest and nicest friends and family.
This 'Elf on the Shelf' challenge might just make holiday travel bearable
A beautiful rhyming bonanza.
This 4-year-old ordering from the drive-thru is so cute it will make you scream
Give this kid all the burgers he wants!
11 festive holiday light shows you can watch without leaving the house
Nothing says the holidays like a techno remix of 'Amazing Grace.'
Watch in delight as these cats keep their owner company while he makes French toast
Purr-fect little sous chefs.
Please enjoy this photo of a seal with an eel stuck up its nose
We've all been there. Kinda.
Adorable dogs mistake their owner's braid for a chew toy
The cutest mistake.
Watching YouTubers use paint-by-numbers kits is wildly soothing
Think: Retro ASMR.
Bootcut jeans are apparently making a comeback that nobody wants
Please don't do this.
Man who really loves tea legally changes his middle name to 'Yorkshire Tea'
A brew-tea-ful story.
Here are the 10 most used GIFs of 2018, according to Giphy
A surprisingly wide spectrum.
Someone made a Gritty out of cheese, and it's perfect
So legen-dairy.
How to make group texting suck less for you and the whole group
Group texts don't need to be torturous.
Half Christmas trees hope to stop your pets and kids from messing with the tree
A tree Charlie Brown would approve of.