advancement flap

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1. a mass of tissue for grafting, usually including skin, only partially removed from one part of the body so that it retains its own blood supply during transfer to another site.
2. an uncontrolled movement.
advancement flap sliding flap.
axial pattern flap a myocutaneous flap containing an artery in its long axis.
free flap an island flap detached from the body and reattached at the distant recipient site by microvascular anastomosis.
island flap a flap consisting of skin and subcutaneous tissue, with a pedicle made up of only the nutrient vessels.
jump flap one cut from the abdomen and attached to a flap of the same size on the forearm. The forearm flap is transferred later to some other part of the body to fill a defect there.
myocutaneous flap a compound flap of skin and muscle with adequate vascularity to permit sufficient tissue to be transferred to the recipient site. See also axial pattern flap and random pattern flap.
pedicle flap a flap consisting of the full thickness of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, attached by tissue through which it receives its blood supply. Called also pedicle graft.
random pattern flap a myocutaneous flap with a random pattern of arteries, as opposed to an axial pattern flap.
rope flap tube flap.
rotation flap a local pedicle flap whose width is increased by having the edge distal to the defect form a curved line; the flap is then rotated and a counterincision is made at the base of the curved line, which increases the mobility of the flap.
skin flap a full-thickness mass or flap of tissue containing epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.
sliding flap a flap carried to its new position by a sliding technique; called also advancement flap.
tube flap (tubed pedicle flap) a bipedicle flap made by elevating a long strip of tissue from its bed except at the two extremities, the cut edges then being sutured together to form a tube.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

advancement flap

a section of skin, usually without discrete sides and a base, moved forward perpendicular to its leading edge into a defect.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

bi·ped·i·cle flap

(bī-ped'i-kĕl flap)
A flap with two pedicles, one at each end.
Synonym(s): advancement flap.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
The advantages of BFP in affecting closure of oro- antral fistula have been cited to be a thoroughly vas- cularized flap, availability in the immediate proximity, minimal donor site morbidity, rapid mucosalization and the return of the buccal flap to its original anatomical position to avoid obliteration of the buccal vestibule.6 It has been shown in studies that the BFP does not need to be covered by a skin graft when exposed to heal in the mouth, because of its inherent ability to epitheli- alize readily within 2 to 3 weeks.17 It is considered the primary choice for repair of oroantral fistula by some surgeons, whereas others like Samman et al18 justify its use only in cases where the buccal advancement flap is damaged and can be used as a primary option.
In 1820, Delpech described a surgical treatment for genital elephantiasis, involving complete excision of all lymph-edematous skin and subcutaneous tissue of the penis and scrotum; this was followed by split-thickness skin grafting to the penis and advancement flaps of uninvolved posterior perineal skin to reconstruct the scrotum.[sup.4] The alternative treatment described in the literature is lymphangioplasty[sup.5,6] and lymphaticovenous anastomasosis.[sup.7] This excision is also termed "the physiological approach"[sup.8] and it is applicable to reversible states (i.e., reversible skin changes) of minor lymph stasis and easily identifiable lymphatic obstruction.
The corresponding interdigital skin on the dorsal surface of the foot was also incised to create a single pedicle advancement flap. The pedicle was made as wide as possible (1 cm) to preserve blood flow to the flap.
Y-U antral advancement flap pyloroplasty and inverted pylorus duodenal plasty to treat the cases of pyloric stenosis in dogs.
Palmar (Moberg) advancement flaps may be used for tip deficits that are 2 to 2.5 cm.
In this case, the cosmetic result is excellent, and we agree to the principle of mobilizing the entire aesthetic subunit in a single advancement flap. We came to the conclusion, however, that for the mobilization of relatively small areas, such as the eyebrow, it is not necessary to perform a fine skeletonization of the perforator.
In this study, all patients have been treated with surgical intervention in the form of administering anesthesia, curettage and irrigation of the socket to cleanse it of necrotic bone, tooth fragments, induce bleeding and primary closure by advancement flap, to protect the clot and enhance healing by primary intention.
Parallel to the current knowledge, the most common technique used in the patients included into the study was the V-Y advancement flap for defects up to 10 mm, because it was a single stage operation and could be easily applied in emergency settings.
Today, these methods have been replaced by excision and closure with advancement flap techniques, which have lower recurrence and complication rates and shorter return-to-work times.
and 5 V-Y advancement flap. Two rotational flaps had partial necrosis that required another flap and 03 flaps had suture line dehiscence which healed by secondary intention.
Surgical technique used to close the fistula was buccal advancement flap. Recurrence of fistula occurred in 2 patients (6.7%) and were re-operated using the palatal flap.

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