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a footlike, stemlike, or narrow basal part or structure, such as a narrow strip by which a graft of tissue remains attached to the donor site.
pedicle of vertebral arch one of the paired parts of the vertebral arch that connect a lamina to the vertebral body.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


(ped'ĭ-kĕl), [TA] Do not confuse this word with pedicel.
1. A constricted portion or stalk. Synonym(s): pediculus (1) [TA]
2. A stalk by which a nonsessile tumor is attached to normal tissue. Synonym(s): pedunculus [TA], peduncle (2)
3. A stalk through which a flap of tissue is vascularized, permitting transfer to another site.
[L. pediculus, dim. of pes, foot]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Biology A small stalk or stalklike structure, especially one supporting or connecting an organ or other body part. Also called pedicel.
2. Medicine
a. A slender footlike or stemlike part, as at the base of a tumor.
b. Part of a skin or tissue graft that is left temporarily attached to the original site.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


(ped'i-kĕl) [TA]
1. A constricted portion or stalk.
Synonym(s): pediculus (1) .
2. A stalk by which a nonsessile tumor is attached to normal tissue.
Synonym(s): peduncle (2) , pedunculus.
3. A stalk through which a flap receives nourishment until its transfer to another site results in the nourishment coming from that site.
[L. pediculus, dim. of pes, foot]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
For proper approach to the right ovarian pedicle (Figure 2 A), the patient's chest was mildly rotated to the left, as previously described (SILVA, et al., 2011).
A pedicled LDMF is superior to other pedicled flaps as it is wider and has a larger rotational arc in addition to a longer, consistent pedicle. It exhibits less morbidity in the donor site in women and contains fewer hair follicles than the pectoralis major flap in men.
The posterior intercostal perforators, mainly the fourth and fifth, contribute to the inferior pedicle. The musculocutaneous and fasciocutaneous mammary branches of the lateral thoracic artery provide about 30% of the blood supply to the breast.
The endonasal approach undertaken with neurosurgery allowed for complete, single stage tumor resection without CSF leak or pedicle hemorrhage or retraction.
The paraspinal approach has many advantages compared with the traditional anterior and posterior approach: it results in less blood loss, shorter surgical duration, maintains the posterior ligamentous complex intact by preventing the stretching and distracting of paraspinal muscles, prevents denervation atrophy of the sacral spinal muscles by avoiding damage to the posterior branches of the lumbar nerve and dorsal branches of the lumbar artery, provides a broad operative field for the implantation of the pedicle screws, shorter bed rest time, and quicker recovery.
Appropriate length of pedicle was estimated by visualizing an imaginary horizontal line extending from ventral aspect of corneal lesion to lateral aspect of limbus.
regional pedicle flaps or free flaps have been tried to repair the postoperative palatal fistulas.
Similar findings can be seen with contrast enhanced CT including an enlarged ectopic spleen with relative hypoattenuation, suggesting poor perfusion [9, 10, 12] In some cases, twisting of the vascular pedicle may demonstrate a "whorled" appearance.
"The direct insertion of pedicle screws along with real-time X-ray-free feedback represents a key step for spine surgery.