
Melodyne voor Windows

  • Probeerversie

  • In Nederlands
  • V
  • 3.5

  • Beveiligingsstatus

Free Software for Singers

Melodyne is a special programme that singers can use to manipulate their voices. Not only can this tool be used to make your voice sound better than usual it can also be used to create some special effects that can be very entertaining.

Sing Your Heart Out

This software is a real dream come true for professional singers and musicians. Musical notes can be extended softened or heightened with ease electronically so that the perfect recordings can be achieved every time with just a few touches of a button and sound images can be set to appear as notes instead of wave forms. Another great feature of Melodyne is that it is fully compatible with older types of audio media such as cassette tapes and even vinyl. This means that people who already have their voice recorded on older formats will be able to retrieve it and even play around with their vocals so that they create fresh new sounds. For people who are good at using technology Melodyne is a real joy and a lot of fun to play around with. There are plenty of cool features and effects that are sure to give technology fans something to sing about. However novice technology users are likely to find that it is a bit daunting and complicated at first.


  • Free software
  • Lots of great features
  • Words with all types of audio equipment


  • Can be difficult to use at first

Programma is beschikbaar in andere talen

Melodyne voor PC

  • Probeerversie

  • In Nederlands
  • V
  • 3.5

  • Beveiligingsstatus

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