15 Essential Songs For Your St. Patrick’s Day Playlist
This St. Patrick's Day playlist features a mix of new tracks, Irish and Celtic classics, cover songs, and Irish music novelty throwbacks, including "I …
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Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion.
Video technology was first developed for cathode ray tube (CRT) television systems, but several new technologies for video display devices have since been invented. Charles Ginsburg led an Ampex research team developing the first practical video tape recorder (VTR). In 1951 the first video tape recorder captured live images from television cameras by converting the camera’s electrical impulses and saving the information onto magnetic video tape. This tape was sold for around $50,000 in 1956. Sony began selling videocassette recorder (VCR) tapes to the public in 1971. Later advances in computer technology have allowed computers to capture, store, edit and transmit video clips. After the invention of the DVD in 1997 and Blu-ray Disc in 2006, sales of video tape and tape equipment plummeted.
The term video (“video”…
This St. Patrick's Day playlist features a mix of new tracks, Irish and Celtic classics, cover songs, and Irish music novelty throwbacks, including "I …
We don't recommend giving away your cat, but if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to gift wrap a cat, then this video might come in …
YouTube user Wax Audio has combined AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" and Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters" theme song into a track called "Thunder Busters", …
Is this the worst Mother's Day ever? You decide.
The Clemson University Tiger Band did a fantastic tribute to Nintendo. Here's a play-by-play of everything they did for the stadium audience.
From their rescue work in the aftermath of 9/11 to fighting sharks, here are some awesome dog videos to watch as you celebrate National Dog Day this …
Seal Meets Butterfly: Cuteness alert! You'll probably smile ear to ear watching this cute seal chase a butterfly at the Oregon Zoo.
This cyclist in Menasha, Wisconsin decided to ignore the flashing drawbridge gates at the Racine Street Bridge and drive through them. It was not a …
Patrick Wiggins is an experienced skydiver and has seen it all. But on his last jump at Skydive Utah, his iPhone flew out of his pocket... and …
After a GoPro camera was repeatedly attacked, it fell into a pit of rattlesnakes. The owner then bravely uses a hockey stick to retrieve it.
Who needs pick up lines when you can dazzle them with your incredible aerial moves. Smooth, acrobatic and it worked?!
These fishermen watched in horror as a shark massacred their catch. The video ends as they reel in a disembodied head of a small shark continues to …
The next time you see a moose in the road, relax and wait for it to move. A moose attack can be very dangerous. It can cost you a windshield or worse.
After watching this video, you might think twice about grabbing that prime parking spot by the ski lift. As you can see in this video, a slow-moving …
The guys at Red Light Barbers, a barbershop in the former Soviet bloc nation of Lithuania, perfectly recreated the Burger Joint mission from GTA. It's …
Incredible video of an army of ants attacking a snake. Why can't this snake just slither away? The ants are working together to hold it back. One …