This photograph is protected by copyright law. However, it may be used for free by anyone, provided it is used in accordance with the license Creative-Commons-License “Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International”. The attribution has to be done as follows: "Ansgar Koreng / CC BY-SA 4.0".Please read the text of the license carefully before using the photograph. If you do not agree with the conditions of the license or if you do not understand these conditions, please refrain from using the photo. If you have any questions regarding the license or the reuse of the image, please contact me before using it. If you do not comply with the terms of the license, you do not acquire any right to use the image.
Please note that the license applies solely for the reuse of the photograph itself. The license doesn't grant you any right regarding the depicted object (eg, copyright or proprietary rights) or the personality rights of the person eventually shown. I do not grant any warranty that the subsequent use of the photograph is legally possible concerning the object or person shown in the photograph. If you have any questions on that, please contact me before you start to use the photograph.
If you are using the photo, I would be happy if you'd provide me a link or a copy of the print product. However, this is not mandatory.
NOTE : Cette image est une image focus stackée consistant en 25 images qui ont été fusionnées en utilisant le logiciel Helicon Focus. En conséquence, cette image a subi une manipulation numérique pouvant inclure des ajustements de fondu, de flou, de clonage ainsi que des réglages de couleur et de perspective. À la suite de ces ajustements, le contenu de l'image peut être légèrement différent de la réalité aux points où les images ont été combinées. Cette manipulation est souvent nécessaire en raison de distorsions de la lentille, de la perspective et de la parallaxe.
Please do not upload a modified image here without consultation with the Author. The author would like to make corrections only at his own source. This ensures that the changes are preserved. Please if you think that any changes should be required, please inform the author. Otherwise you can upload a new image with a new name. Please use one of the templates derivative or extract.
Ajoutez en une ligne la description de ce que représente ce fichier
Mirakitra fampahalalana fanampiny, izay inoana ho napetraky ny fakan-tsary na scanner nampiasaina nanaovana ny numérisation-ny ity rakitra ity. Raha kitihina na ovana izy ity dia mety tsy hifanitsy amin'ny sary voaova ireo antsipirihany sasany ireo.
Visavisan'ilay sary
Low key picture of an unidentified vintage stopwatch. Focus stack of 25 pictures with Helicon Focus.
Strobist: Yongnuo 560III speedlite (I think at 1/32) in a Firefly II softbox camera right, a piece of styrofoam camera left. The speedlite was triggered by a Yongnuo RF603II remote trigger.
Mpanamboatra ilay fakan-tsary
Karazan'ilay fakan-tsary
Canon EOS 6D
Mpaka azy
Ansgar Koreng
Fitaona famakiana
1/125 s (0,008 s)
Isa F
f / 5,6
Daty fangalana niaviana
20 Oktobra 2018 à 11:55
70 mm
Lohateny fohy
Famahana mitsivalana
300 pt/po
Isan-teboka mijidina
300 pt/po
Rindrankajy nampiasaina
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.0 (Windows)
Daty fanovana
3 Novambra 2018 à 20:08
Fomba famakiana
Natao tanana
Versiona EXIF
Daty nanaovana numerisation
20 Oktobra 2018 à 11:55
hafaingam-panapenana ny APEX
Fisanasana APEX
fanitsiana ny fanehoana
Fisokafana be indrindra
4 APEX (f / 4)
Fomba fandrefesana
Tsy nirehitra ny flash, suppression du flash obligatoire