minecraft101.net news and updates
Minecraft version 1.8 has been released!

It’s been a long wait, but here it is.

There are lots of new things, and lots of changes to old things.


Minecraft1.7 is out tomorrow!

Or later today if you’re in Europe.


Minecraft 1.6.2

Minecraft has been updated to version 1.6.2, which fixes a lot of bugs!

There are no new features to tell you about though.

Minecraft 1.6

Whoops, forgot to mention that Minecraft 1.6 was released on July 1st.

New features:

  • rideable horses
  • carpets
  • colourful clay blocks

Read all about it.

Not really a 101 topic, but we’ve just written a generator for the presets you can put in to make a customised superflat world. Have fun trying it out!

Minecraft 1.6: Horses!

No, it’s not out yet, but we’ve added some pages describing what’s coming up!

Minecraft Version 1.6

Minecraft Horses

Site Updates

You’ll notice some big improvements on the site if you haven’t been here recently. Following the release of Minecraft 1.5 (the “Redstone Update”), we’ve had a bit of a tidy up and almost every page has been updated, but there’s more to come.

The navigation menus are now better organised, so you can find things more easily.

The sections on Redstone, Enchanting, and Potions have been spruced up, and we’re working on some more redstone tutorials. Expect more updates soon!

We also have a new redstone guide.

We also have a new redstone guide.

Please excuse the test posts

…but the News page has been revamped and I’m just checking it out.