In this Issue
Le Mouvement Social addresses recent developments in social history. The journal's initial focus on the history of collective movements and professional organizations has since been broadened to include other subfields within social history and beyond: the history of labor and the economy; the social history of politics, public policies and the state; cultural history and the history of representations; the history of gender relations, immigration and social mobility. The journal covers the contemporary period broadly defined, from the first years of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first. The journal's objective is to promote a pluralist social history, located at the intersection with sociology, economics, ethnography, anthropology, demography, political science and legal studies. Fostering interdisciplinary dialogue is one of its core missions. We welcome article submissions dealing with all geographical and cultural fields. Keeping with recent historiographical developments, Le Mouvement Social encourages comparative studies as well as studies varying the scale of observation between the local and the global. Finally, through its "Controversies" section Le Mouvement Social remains a space for contest and debate on a large range of social-scientific approaches and historiographical renewals.
published by
Association Le Mouvement Socialviewing issue
Numéro 267, avril-juin 2019Editorial Board
Direction de la revue
Anne Rasmussen
Directrice adjointe
Axelle Brodiez
Comité de Rédaction
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel
Claire Fredj
Benjamin Guichard
Ingrid Hayes
Alain Messaoudi
Judith Rainhorn
Émilien Ruiz
Comité Editorial
Rossana Barragán
Nicolas Barreyre
Emmanuel Bellanger
Marie-Claude Blanc-Chaléard
Robert Boyer
Philippe Buton
Pierre Caspard
Jean-François Chanet
Sébastien Chauvin
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel
Christian Chevandier
Christoph Conrad
Alain Cottereau
Leyla Dakhli
Marianne Debouzy
Magali Della Sudda
François Denord
Jean-Paul Depretto
Annie Fourcaut
Jacques Freyssinet
Patrick Fridenson
Gabriel Galvez-Behar
Frank Georgi
Jacques Girault
Gilles Guiheux
Nicolas Hatzfeld
Jacques Julliard
Pierre Karila-Cohen
Claire Lemercier
Yves Lequin
Thomas Le Roux
Maria Malatesta
Michel Margairaz
Julian Mischi
Frédéric Moret
Gilles Pécout
Denis Pelletier
Michelle Perrot
Emmanuelle Picard
Michel Pigenet
Christophe Prochasson
Antoine Prost
Jean-Pierre Rioux
Jean-Louis Robert
Vincent Robert
Jacques Rougerie
Philippe Rygiel
Gisèle Sapiro
Pierre Singaravélou
Séverine Sofio
Danielle Tartakowsky
Françoise Thébaud
Sylvie Thénault
Loïc Vadelorge
Claire Zalc
Secrétariat de Rédaction
Lydie Rauzier