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Searched for: all of the terms [ simon ] [ horobin ] in author name
10 results found
  1. Thomas Hoccleve: Chaucer’s First Editor? cover
  2. <i>English in the Middle Ages</i> by Tim William Machan (review) cover
  3. A New Fragment of the <i>Romaunt of the Rose</i> cover
  4. The Scribe of Bodleian Library MS Bodley 619 and the Circulation of Chaucer’s <i>Treatise on the Astrolabe</i> cover
  5. <i>Chaucer’s Boece: A Critical Edition Based on Cambridge University Library MS Ii.3.21, ff. 9r–180v</i> (review) cover
  6. Adam Pinkhurst, Geoffrey Chaucer, and the Hengwrt Manuscript of the <i>Canterbury Tales</i> cover
  7. Compiling the <i>Canterbury Tales</i> in Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts cover
  8. A <i>Piers Plowman</i> Manuscript by the Hengwrt/Ellesmere Scribe and Its Implications for London Standard English cover
  9. Further Books Annotated by Stephen Batman cover