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Searched for: all of the terms [ lee, ] [ sue-im ] in author name
12 results found
  1. Recognition as a Depleted Source in Lynne Tillman's Motion Sickness cover
  2. <i>Postmodern American Literature and Its Other</i> (review) cover
  3. A Body of Individuals cover
  4. "We Are Not the World": Global Village, Universalism, and Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of Orange cover
  5. Suspicious Characters: Realism, Asian American Identity, and Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's <i>Dictee</i> cover
  6. Walking Hypothesis cover
  7. Introduction to Focus: Essential Asian American Literature cover
  8. <i>The Deliverance of Others: Reading Literature in a Global Age</i> by David Palumbo-Liu (review) cover
  9. <i>Karen Tei Yamashita: Fictions of Magic and Memory</i> ed. by A. Robert Lee (review) cover
  10. Minority Formalism, Aesthetic Concepts, and Chuang Hua’s <i>Crossings</i> cover