About Us

We are UAS enthusiasts representing business communities and professionals involved in various industries, government bodies and academic institutions.

Working Groups

Our focus is in four main areas namely Beyond Visual Light of Sight (BVLOS) flight, Regulatory, Precision Agriculture and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) flight.


Membership is open to anyone who demonstrate a passion and commitment for growing the commercial UAS industry in a way that promotes safety and security.

Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Flight

  • Advancing the use of UAS beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) in long range commercial applications
  • Enabling critical future applications such as package delivery, inspection of infrastructure and agriculture
  • Developing the technologies, regulations and best practices to enable safe and effective operations


  • Working with regulators to develop policies and regulations supporting safe and responsible use of UAS
  • Provide guidance and resources for industry to understand and comply with regulatory requirements
  • Developing best practices and guidelines for UAS operators with education and training programs

Precision Agriculture

  • Revolutionise farmers managing crops with valuable data and insights to optimise crop yields and reduce costs
  • Developing technologies, best practices and regulations to support the use of UAS in agriculture
  • Close collaboration with regulatories developing policies and regulations supporting UAS in agriculture

Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Flight

  • Transform delivery of goods and services in cities, enabling faster, efficient and environmental friendly transportation
  • Developing technologies, best practices and regulations to support the use of UAS in urban environments
  • Close collaboration with regulatories developing policies and regulations supporting UAS in delivery and transportation

Our Missions and Goals


Facilitating collaboration between stakeholders to foster innovation and promote best practices


Advocating policies and regulations supporting safe and responsible use of UAS


Providing education and resources to ensure safe and effective operation of UAS


Promoting industry standards and best practices to drive growth and success of industry


Representing commercial UAS industry interests to policymakers, regulators, and the public


Create value for commercial industry to facilitate adoption of advanced UAS technology

MUVA will participate in Selangor Aviation Show 2023 (SAS23)
Click here to look back at SAS22.

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