Kukun helps homeowners buy and renovate to maximize home equity

Earn more from
more engaged

Digital consumer apps that smoothly integrate into your website via API or white-labeled iFrame

Manage home value
PICO™ Property Score 726

Outdated data could bring down your score and home value

Remodeling history
Repairs & upgrades
Size and configuration
Neighborhood sales activity
Neighborhood comps and sales map
Active area building permits
upcoming-construction map
Renovation cost estimator

Create your own estimate from dozens of projects

Remodeling examples
Kitchen icon
Bathroom icon
Prep to sell examples
Interior Paint icon
Flooring icon
Home maintenance to-do list

This week

Top rated local contractors

Kukun Reliability Rating

Kukun Reliability Rating

Average User Satisfaction

4.9 out of 5
5 Stars rating
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Used by Leading banks, insurance providers, FinTech lenders, and appraisal businesses

Kukun’s leadership in property technology, data, and analytics helps both the largest established corporations as well as the fastest growing tech companies deliver the advanced technology solutions consumers expect

Engage, Learn, Sell

Gather more information about your customer’s plans and intentions the more frequently they use the apps.
Learn from their current mindset and situation

Analyze specific data and timing

Better offer tailored solutions to meet their needs

Deepen their connection and brand loyalty with your company
Give it a try

Create your own dashboard or incorporate standalone apps

Available in white-labeled widget (iFrame), or an API

Featured app iFrame - enter an address to see how it works

Property Condition-Informed Home Value

In just a few minutes, offer your customers a way to control their home value

One of the key elements that determines a home’s worth is the property’s condition. Kukun house valuation analytics provide a more precise home worth than is available on even the top real estate sites as we move into the year of significant remodels and repairs. Tested and proven against benchmarks.

Powerful home equity optimization


Renovation Cost Estimator

Let your client’s home renovation plan materialize so they can:
Design a remodel to fit their budget

Know the cost

Know the increase in the value of their home, and their return on investment (ROI)

Find a reliable contractor
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Maintenance Plan

Help your clients maintain their house so they can:
Get a maintenance plan and schedule specifically designed for their region

Receive bi-weekly notifications for seasonal tasks

Have access to instructional videos, and written instructions

Be able to set up their service providers with automatic notifications when tasks need to be done
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Buyer’s iHomeReport

Help your customers realize their dream of owning a home, and they’ll:
Know the investment potential of the house

Know the value of the house in 1, 2 and 3 years

Know all the most important details about the house

Know the schools & neighborhoods nearby

Have everything they need to decide
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Prepare To Sell

Helping your clients who are selling their home will enable them to:
Get light remodel recommendations based on the specific house

Be able to focus on the easier projects with the highest returns

Know the costs and options available

See the projected ROI
Learn more

Unique neighborhood insights


Recent Sales & Comps

Provide your clients with the knowledge of insightful home comps, as well as other recent sales
Monthly updates on comparable homes with differences noted

Recent sales in the neighborhood, with addresses and details

Every house with a home value shown

The most up-to-date information for home values
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Neighborhood upcoming construction

The latest building permits reveal who is preparing to build, what will be built, and where
Give your customers the most interesting news about their neighborhood - before anyone else knows what’s coming

Building permits feature new homes, remodeling, and repairs

Includes new commercial properties and demolitions

All mapped in an easy-to-use interface that allows for analysis and permit inspection
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Find A Contractor

By connecting your consumers with reputable contractors in their area, they will:
Be able to discover and learn about the top contractors in their town, whether for general contractors, plumbing, electrical, among others.

Get recommendations based on a comprehensive reliability rating.

Meet contractors with high customer satisfaction scores.

Select with ease with the filtering and search options.
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Home permit history

Your customers will appreciate getting the building permits taken out on their home(s).
Most people do not have a record of the past work that has been done on their house.

Permits provide information about the timing and the extent of work done, as well as the contractors who did it.

Permits are also helpful for people when they are shopping for a new home.

Part of a comprehensive value package in the dashboard.
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Compliance & Customization

We make it easy to make Kukun Digital Web Products yours
Since maintaining compliance in the banking sector is difficult, Kukun focuses on complex infosec and privacy issues
Kukun ensures that the iFrames fit organically and seamlessly with your website, customizing as required to meet your business goals.
White-Labeled Products and Enterprise Data & Analytics
iFrame Widget
Flat file

All-in-one solutions

Home value

Home insight

Neighborhood activity

Tell us how we can help you engage your customers with cutting-edge property technology

Kukun provides Property Tech and Predictive Analytics that empower enterprises to grow faster through deeper customer engagement and new strategic business opportunities.