Refer and earn commission, or shop and earn cash back. Choose from over 36,000 of your favorite online stores.
Refermate Anywhere Extension
🛍️ Access the best coupons, earn cash back*, and refer with ease
With Refermate Anywhere, you gain access to an extensive selection of coupons from thousands of stores. Say goodbye to manual code hunting! On top of that, enjoy the highest cash back rates available. But what sets Refermate apart is its unique referral capability. With just one click, you can refer any product or brand you love and start earning commission* for every sale generated.
💯 Why Choose Refermate Anywhere over Honey?
Refermate Anywhere takes your savings and earning potential to new heights. While both extensions provide coupon code automation, Refermate Anywhere goes the extra mile by empowering you to effortlessly refer products to your followers and monetize your recommendations. It's the perfect blend of savings and income generation, all in one streamlined tool.
🔒 Privacy-focused and always free
We understand the importance of privacy, which is why Refermate Anywhere is committed to never collecting or selling your personal data. Rest assured, your information remains confidential. Plus, you can enjoy the full benefits of Refermate Anywhere at absolutely no cost – it's free to use, forever.
📉 Save & get notified (Coming soon!)
Save product pages and get notified whenever the price drops or if new coupons become available.
Upgrade your online shopping experience and tap into the potential of referral earnings with Refermate Anywhere. Join thousands of satisfied users and install the extension from the Google Web Store today.
*Refermate Terms and Exclusions Apply. Refermate may earn a commission from your purchases and referrals. We split this commission with you in the form of cash back and commission. Visit for more information.
Source Manifest.json
"update_url": "",
"description":"Refer and earn commission, or shop and earn cash back. Choose from over 36,000 of your favorite online stores.",
"name":"Refermate Anywhere",
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User reviews
Kemmy Kem (ID: 000000d140ad3d95) Voted 5 ★ - Updated 07/18/2023
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