
Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty.

John Ruskin (1819-1900)

Collage of Notecards

5″ x 7″ Note Cards

A photo with a caption in elegant script graces the front of each five by seven inch folded note card and a description of the photo is on the back, with the inside left blank for your personal message. The photo note cards are custom printed on white acid-free heavy weight matte paper and are accompanied by envelopes of similar quality.

All of the images in these note cards were taken in the field and not in a studio. Some plants look best when dressed in black! Those images were photographed on site with black velvet placed behind the subject.

Note cards with images of butterfly wings reveal the glorious colors and intricate detail of their individual wing scales. The living butterflies and moths were gently photographed in the field and were unharmed.

We appreciate all who value the artistry and craft of photography and how it enhances our lives. We hope that you will find just what you are looking for in our large selection of photos. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in purchasing images, prints, or notecards, or have any questions.

13″ x 19″ Prints

This series of six prints feature 156 species of Florida’s endangered and threatened plants. Each print presents twenty-six species found in various habitats and regions from the Florida Panhandle to the Florida Keys.

These high-quality thirteen by nineteen inch (13″ x 19″) glossy prints showcase a representation of Florida’s native plant and animal specialties. Each species photo is unobtrusively captioned with its common and scientific name.

Click on a print to open a full-size view that you can zoom and pan. You may view additional information about species in each print by expanding the species list below the print. Since scientific names of plants are always evolving, some of the names on the prints may be outdated, but the linked pages will reflect the current nomenclature.

We appreciate all who value the artistry and craft of photography and how it enhances our lives. We hope that you will find just what you are looking for in our large selection of photos. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in purchasing images, prints, or notecards, or have any questions.


Florida’s Floral Rarities

This series of six prints features 156 species of Florida’s endangered and threatened plants. Each print presents twenty-six species found in all habitats and regions of Florida from the Florida Panhandle to the Florida Keys.

Florida's Floral Rarities I

Florida's Floral Rarities II

Florida's Floral Rarities III


Florida's Floral Rarities IV

Florida's Floral Rarities V

Florida's Floral Rarities VI

Florida's Orchid Treasures

Who doesn’t like orchids? Florida is blessed with an abundance of orchid species that just beg to be photographed! This print features twenty-six orchids. Many orchids are endangered and threatened due to loss of habitat as well as illegal collecting by over-zealous orchid enthusiasts.

Carnivorous Plants of the Southeast

Florida abounds with carnivorous plants, having over two-thirds of the species found in the United States. All of the species on this print are found in Florida as well as other states in the Southeast. Other than bladderworts, most of the carnivorous plants are protected in Florida. The Venus Flytrap is actually an exotic in Florida that is originally found in a small area surrounding Wilmington, North Carolina.

Floral Treasures of the Florida Scrub

This print features twenty-six endangered and threatened plants found on the Lake Wales Ridge, a narrow stretch of Florida Scrub no more than ten miles wide that extends from Lake Wales southward to Lake Placid. Florida Scrub is comprised of sandy dune remnants from ancient geologic times when Florida was submerged below the ocean. This habitat is very endangered due to its fragmentation and development. Only species that have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Ridge can exist here. Many species found on the Ridge are endemics, species that are found nowhere else.

Fabulous Butterflies and Skippers of North Florida

There are approximately 170 species of native butterflies and skippers in Florida. Of these, 135 are in North Florida which has the highest species diversity in the state. Each print showcases thirty-four of these species.

North Florida's Fabulous Butterflies

North Florida's Fabulous Skippers

Protected Lands in Florida

Federal, state, county, and private conservation lands are a crucial part of protecting Florida’s habitats needed by our animal and plant species to flourish.

Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve

The Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve is a Nature Conservancy holding along the Apalachicola River south of the Georgia border that is adjacent to Torreya State Park. The Preserve was established in 1982 to protect unique and rare steephead ravines that shelter plants found nowhere else in the world. The upland bluffs adjacent to the steepheads are being actively restored to their former glory and contain additional rare plants. All species on this poster are endangered or threatened.

Apalachicola National Forest Rarities I

Apalachicola National Forest Rarities II

Apalachicola National Forest is the largest of Florida’s three national forests. One of the nation’s top biodiversity “hot spots,” its pitcherplant savannas are especially diverse. All fifty-one species on this pair of prints from the Apalachicola National Forest are endangered or threatened.

Flora of the Florida Caverns

Florida Caverns State Park is located near Marianna in Jackson County near the Alabama border. It is best known for its caverns, but aboveground the Park is especially spectacular in the springtime when the azaleas, Atamasco lilies, and columbines are in full bloom.

Since the Caverns’ flora represents the southernmost extent of many Appalachian mountain wildflowers, many of the Park’s species are rare in Florida. Nine of the twenty-six species on this print are endangered or threatened.

Torreya State Park Botanical Treasures I

Torreya State Park Botanical Treasures II

Torreya State Park, located along the Apalachicola River just south of the Georgia border, is named after the federally endangered Torreya (Torreya taxifolia.) Once common, this conifer is now extremely rare. The park’s ravine slopes, an uncommon habitat in Florida, are host to numerous rare plants. In fact, we originally planned to have one print from this park, but ended up with two prints because it was just impossible to narrow down its endangered and threatened plants to just twenty-six images.

23″ x 35″ Poster

Florida’s Butterflies, Caterpillars, and Their Host Plants

This 23″ x 35″ poster featuring forty-five butterfly species commonly seen in Florida was prepared in co-operation with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission which sponsored its printing. The poster is free to the general public. You may contact the nearest regional FWC office for information on availability of the posters.

Along with each image of the adult butterfly are images of the caterpillar and a typical host plant used by the caterpillar.

We appreciate all who value the artistry and craft of photography and how it enhances our lives. We hope that you will find just what you are looking for in our large selection of photos. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in purchasing images, prints, or notecards, or have any questions.