periods & Venom are the same thing
Periods are just our symbiotes having their monthly temper-tantrum. Let me explain.
- Cramps? That’s just the symbiote getting hungry and snacking on your appendix, don’t be a wuss about it.
- Cravings? Ya saw how much Venom wanted tater-tots; just use your symbiote as an excuse for your complete lack of self-control around chocolate when you have your period.
- WE ALL GET WEIRD-ASS CHUNKS IN OUR PERIOD. That’s not the walls of our uterus, that’s just little leftover bits of our alien friend being flushed out of our body.
- Mood swings? You’re really telling me that a FOREIGN ANIMAL living in your body isn’t going to mess with your hormones/ emotions?? LIke damn, look how much having pets affects a human’s emotional state. Now imagine a pet INSIDE OF YOU. My point exactly.
-Idk if this is just me, but I sleep A. LOT. When I have my period. it’s the symbiote inside of me, taking up/using all of my energy. Like a tapeworm. (ew)
-BIRTH CONTROL GETS RID OF THE SYMBIOTES. That’s why you don’t get your period on certain kinds of birth control. As soon as you stop taking it, though, you get re-infected.
-The symbiotes are attracted to/eat (??idk) estrogen, that’s why the only affect women. Trans women start taking estrogen pills & get infected, causing them to have periods. Trans men take estrogen blockers & permanently get rid of the symbiotes, stopping their periods.
-Young people don’t get symbiotes bc they aren’t producing enough estrogen.
-Menopause happens bc no symbiote wants a weak-ass old person as their host.
-Some symbiotes are stronger/more active than others; that’s why some people have longer, heavier, more painful periods than other people.
- The thing is, these symbiotes are a bit smaller than Venom. We don’t have goop coming out of us 24/7. We don’t always have cravings. They go on these monthly rampages for around 5 days out of the month, then they calm tf down and sleep for a while.
-But still, symbiotes causing periods would explain SO MUCH. Diarrhoea? Sweating? ALL THE TERRIBLE THINGS THAT COME WITH PERIODS? Just blame it in your stupid mfing symbiote. Hopefully, it’ll calm down and go back to sleep in a couple of days.
-Yeah idk where I was going with this but the idea popped into my head and I kinda just ran with it lol.