One time or monthly donation?

Your contribution, no matter how big or small, makes a huge difference to the Pacific Northwest's wild, native fish and homewaters. If you're interested in other ways to donate see below.

Donate Now

Donation FAQ's

Have a question about giving? Find the answers on this page! 

To answer your questions about membership, donations, planned giving, and more we’ve put together this webpage about opportunities to financially support the Native Fish Society. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us by email or phone, Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm PST. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to address your questions and concerns! 

Contact Us

If you have membership-related questions, please email Tracy Buckner, Operations Manager.


If you have questions about Native Fish Society and our work, please send your questions to Mark Sherwood, Executive Director. 

You can always contact us at our office in Oregon City at 503.344.4218.

How do I contact my local volunteer River Steward?

You can search for your river here, click on the river profile page, and then fill out a form on the left side of the river page to have a message sent to the corresponding River Steward and NFS staff person.

How do I get in touch with a River Steward Coordinator staff person near me?
  • For Northern Oregon (From the Coast Fork Willamette River and north), contact Dr. Liz Perkin 

  • For Southern Oregon (From the Umpqua River and south), contact Charles Gehr


How do I become a member?

It’s easy! All new donors to the Native Fish Society are members. You can make a donation online or by calling our office at 503.344.4218.

What are the benefits of joining Native Fish Society?

In addition to supporting the revival of abundant wild fish and free-flowing rivers, all NEW donors will receive membership benefits beginning with donations up to $100 including our print Strong Runs newsletter, decal, and 1-time discount coupon to the Native Fish Society Shop. Up to the $500 level, in addition to the lower level benefits you’ll receive a Native Fish Society hat or t-shirt. Up to the $1000 level, in addition to the lower level benefits you’ll receive a tote bag and sweatshirt. And NEW donors at the $5,000 and up level will be eligible for our lifetime membership, which includes, in addition to the lower level benefits, a custom C.F. Burkheimer Fly Rod of your choice! 

Are donations to Native Fish Society tax-deductible?

The Native Fish Society is a 501c3 non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible. The amount of your donation that is eligible for a deduction depends on multiple factors including the size and nature of the gift. Native Fish Society does not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. We encourage you to consult your own professional tax advisor. 

What is the Native Fish Society’s Tax ID number?

The Native Fish Society Tax ID (also known as EIN) is 93-1187474.

How do I renew my membership?

Thank you for your interest in supporting Native Fish Society. You can simply renew by giving a donation online

Monthly Giving

Can I make monthly, automatic donations to Native Fish Society?

Yes, you can! By going to our donation page and selecting a monthly frequency, you can arrange to have a donation taken each month automatically from your credit card to make a monthly impact on the revival of abundant wild fish and free-flowing rivers.

Why should I donate monthly?

Monthly giving to Native Fish Society is simply the best investment you can make - the most effective and manageable way you can support our work protecting and restoring what you love - Pacific Northwest native fish and the homewaters that sustain us all. 

How do I update my monthly donation?

You can update your monthly donation amount, frequency, and credit card information by visiting the NFS Fundraise Up Donor Portal.

Your donation history is also available in the Portal, with the ability to download acknowledgment receipts, if needed.

How do I cancel my automatic donation?

Although we would hate to see you go, we understand that there may be instances when donations are no longer feasible for your situation. You can cancel your automatic donation by visiting the NFS Fundraise Up Donor Portal.

Planned Giving

By participating in planned giving with the Native Fish Society you create a legacy revival of abundant wild fish, free-flowing rivers, and thriving communities. 

Planned giving opportunities include:
  • Naming the Native as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement plan;

  • Making a gift of appreciated securities, land, or other assets;

  • Designating the Native Fish Society as a beneficiary of your estate;

  • Creating a charitable gift annuity

  • Making a tax-free rollover gift directly from your IRA, 403(b), 401(k), Keogh, or profit-sharing pension plan.

You can specify support for our general program, a specific Native Fish Society initiative or campaign, a region we work in (Northern California, Oregon, Western Idaho, and Washington), or designate the gift specifically to support a future River Steward in your homewaters.

To learn more about establishing your legacy through Planned Giving, please contact Tom Derry, Director of Wild Steelhead Funding. 

Donor Advised Funds

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a great way to support Native Fish Society's work cultivating the public support needed to revive abundant wild fish across the Pacific Northwest. DAFs give you the ability to determine how and when you give and to specify a gift for a specific project or a general contribution.

To make a contribution from your DAF, contact your sponsoring organization (ex: Schwab Charitable, your local community foundation, etc.) and designate your gift to Native Fish Society. Click the link below to use the tool from DAF Direct, which allows you to log into your sponsoring organization and designate a specific program and dollar amount for the Native Fish Society

Give From Your Donor Advised Fund

Also, sometimes Donor-advised funds do not share your contact information with us. If you do make a DAF contribution to Native Fish Society, please contact Tracy Buckner to ensure that you are acknowledged and thanked for your gift.

Employer Matched Donations

Does your employer match your charitable contributions? If so, your donations to Native Fish Society could make twice the positive impact for your homewaters. To find out, contact your Human Resources or Finance Department and inquire about a Matching Gift Form. 

Call Native Fish Society at 503.344.4218 with any questions.

Employer-matched donations can be submitted electronically or mailed to:

Native Fish Society
P.O. Box 1536
Oregon City, OR 97045

Shopping Rewards

If you shop at your local Fred Meyer / Kroger, you can easily and quickly enroll in their rewards program. Native Fish Society will receive a quarterly deposit directly from these businesses which helps boost our bottom line in order for us to continue the work we do to revive abundant wild fish in the Pacific Northwest.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Join Us for a Guaranteed Good Time for a Great Cause! We are excited to welcome you on Saturday, April 12th, 2024 for THE BIGGEST PARTY FOR WILD FISH IN THE UNIVERSE! When: Saturday, April 12th, 2025 | 5pm - 9pm | Where: The Loft at 8th Avenue - Portland, OR | What: A banquet and auction supporting the revival of wild, native fish, free-flowing rivers, and thriving local communities.