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Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix

What is a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix?

A Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix is a cross between a Mountain Cur and a Pitbull. The Mountain Cur is a hunting dog known for its endurance, intelligence, and trainability. At the same time, the Pitbull is a strong and energetic breed originally bred for bull-baiting. The exact characteristics of a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix will depend on the traits inherited from each parent. Still, in general, they may be strong, energetic, and intelligent dogs that are well-suited for hunting and other outdoor activities.

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix History

The history of the Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix needs to be well-documented, as this is a relatively recent crossbreed. The Mountain Cur is a type of hunting or guard dog that has been bred in the United States for over 200 years, and it is known for its endurance, intelligence, and trainability. The Pitbull, on the other hand, has a more complex history. It was originally bred in the 19th century for bull-baiting and dog fighting, but today it is considered a companion animal.

A Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix is a cross between these two breeds, which results in a strong, energetic, and intelligent dog that is well-suited for hunting and other outdoor activities. As this is a relatively new crossbreed, little information about this mix’s history is available. The breed is not recognized by any major kennel club but is known for its strong work ethic and loyalty.

Mountain Cur Pit Mix Appearance. How Big Do Mountain Cur Mix Dogs Get?

mountain cur mixed with pitbull

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The appearance of a Mountain Cur Pit Mix can vary depending on which traits they inherit from each parent. They may have a strong and muscular build, with a short, dense coat that can come in various colors. They may have a wide and short head, similar to the Pitbull, with a strong jaw and powerful teeth. The ears may be erect or drooping, depending on the inherited traits.

The size of a Mountain Cur Pit Mix can also vary depending on the parents’ size. The Mountain Cur is a medium-sized breed, typically weighing 35-75 pounds and standing 18-27 inches tall at the shoulder. The Pitbull is also a medium-sized breed, typically weighing 30-65 pounds and standing 17-21 inches tall at the shoulder.

A Mountain Cur Pit Mix may be expected to be within the weight range of 35-75 pounds and around 17-27 inches tall at the shoulder. However, always remember that the size of a dog will also depend on its diet and exercise, so the actual size of an individual dog may vary.

Mountain Cur Pit Mix Coat: Do They Shed?

mountain cur and pitbull terrier mix

A Mountain Cur Pit Mix may have a short, dense coat that can come in various colors. The coat may be smooth, glossy, and relatively low-maintenance. Both breeds that make up this mix have short hair, so shedding may be moderate but manageable.

Mountain Cur is a breed with a short, smooth coat that may come in various colors, including black, brindle, tan, and yellow. While Pitbull’s coat is also short, it can come in various colors such as white, black, blue, and fawn. The Mountain Cur Pit Mix coat may combine these colors and be more prone to shedding than the purebred Mountain Cur.

However, regular grooming and brushing can help control shedding and keep the coat in good condition. Brushing the coat once or twice a week can help remove loose hair and also help distribute natural oils throughout the coat. Additionally, bathing them every few months or as needed can help keep the coat clean and shiny. Even if shedding is moderate, you should still be prepared for some hair around your home.


What Colors Do They Come In?

A Pit Bull Mountain Cur Mix can come in various colors, as both the Mountain Cur and Pitbull breeds have coats that can come in multiple colors. The Mountain Cur is a breed with a short, smooth coat that may come in various colors, including black, tan, and yellow. On the other hand, the Pitbull’s coat can come in various colors, such as white, black, blue, and fawn.

Therefore, a Pit Bull Mountain Cur Mix can come in a combination of these colors, such as black and white, brindle and white, or black, white, and tan. Some may also have a coat that is predominantly one color with small amounts of another, such as a mostly black coat with small white markings.

Brindle Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix

A Brindle Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix has a coat pattern of dark and light stripes and has become quite popular. The brindle coloration is caused by the brindle gene, which can be inherited from either parent. Brindles can come in different shades, some can be light, and some can be dark.

It’s worth noting that coat color is not a reliable indicator of a dog’s temperament or health. The most important thing when looking for a dog is to find one that suits your lifestyle and personality well.

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix Temperament: Do They Make Good Family Pets?

mountain cur and pitbull mix

A Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix’s personality temperaments may differ from dog to dog, depending on the qualities obtained from both parents. In general, they may be a strong, energetic, and intelligent dog that is well-suited for hunting and other outdoor activities.

The Mountain Cur is a breed that is known for its endurance, intelligence, and trainability. They are good-natured and loyal and make great family pets. They are also well-suited for hunting and other outdoor activities, as they have a strong work ethic and are easy to train.

The Pitbull is a strong and energetic breed originally bred for bull-baiting. They are known to be loyal, loving, and affectionate towards their family and can be good with children. However, due to their history of being used for fighting, they have often been associated with aggressive behavior. This is only sometimes the case, and with proper socialization and training, Pitbulls can make great family pets.

A Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix can inherit a combination of these characteristics, so it’s important to be aware that their temperament can be diverse. They may be a loyal, affectionate, and good-natured companion that is well-suited for an active lifestyle. Still, early socialization and training ensure that they grow up well-behaved and well-adjusted dogs.

Are Mountain Cur Pit Mixes Aggressive?

brindle mountain cur pitbull mix

The aggression level of a Mountain Cur Pit Mix can vary depending on the individual dog and the specific personality traits inherited from each parent.

The Mountain Cur pups are generally considered a friendly and good-natured breed of dogs and are not known to be aggressive. They are typically good with children and other pets and are well-suited for hunting and outdoor activities.

The Pitbull, on the other hand, has a reputation for being aggressive due to their history of being used for fighting.

However, with proper socialization and training, Pitbulls can make great family pets and be good with children. They are known for being loyal, loving, and affectionate toward their family.

A Mountain Cur Pit Mix may be more aggressive if they inherit more of the Pitbull’s aggressive characteristics. Still, they can be friendly and good-natured with proper socialization and training. You may know that every dog is different and that the aggression level of an individual dog may vary depending on factors such as genetics, training, and socialization.

Socializing and training them early is crucial to prevent any aggressive behavior from developing. Always be aware of the breed’s history and the dog’s behavior so that you can address any issues that may arise.

Potential Health Issues

black mouth mountain cur mixed with pitbull

Like all breeds, a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix may be prone to certain health issues. Some potential health conditions to be aware of include the following:

Hip dysplasia:

This is a genetic condition in which the hip joint does not develop properly, leading to arthritis and pain in the joint.

Elbow dysplasia:

This is another genetic condition affecting the elbow joint, causing pain and lameness.


Also known as gastric torsion or twisted stomach, this is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the stomach fills with gas and twists on itself.


Both breeds may be prone to skin allergies, which can cause itching, redness, and hair loss.

Eye problems:

Both breeds may be prone to certain eye problems, such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy.


Pitbulls are prone to obesity, leading to several health problems, including diabetes and arthritis.

Remember that not all dogs of this mix will develop these issues, and many will live long healthy lives. To reduce the risk of health problems, choosing a reputable breeder who screens their breeding dogs for genetic health issues and providing your dog with regular veterinary care, a healthy diet, and regular exercise is essential.

Life Expectancy

black mountain cur pitbull mix

The life expectancy of a Mountain Cur Mixed with a Pitbull can vary depending on factors such as genetics, diet, and exercise.

On average, the life expectancy for the Mountain Cur is around 12-16 years, and the Pitbull’s is around 12-14 years.

A Mountain Cur Mixed with Pitbull may have a life expectancy that falls within this range. However, the life expectancy of a mixed-breed dog can vary depending on the specific health issues present in the parents and other factors such as diet and exercise.

Overall, providing your dog with regular veterinary care, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can help ensure they live a long, healthy life.

Always remember that no matter the breed, providing your pet with the best care possible is key to ensuring they live a healthy and happy life. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, dental care, and a balanced diet are all essential to maintain your pet’s health.


Exercise Requirements

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix is a strong and energetic dog that will require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. They may have inherited the Mountain Cur’s love for hunting and outdoor activities and the Pitbull’s energy and athleticism.

These dogs will benefit from daily walks and runs and enjoy playing fetch, agility, and other activities that allow them to expend energy. They suit active families or individuals who enjoy hiking, running, or biking. They also enjoy playing with toys and may enjoy playing with a ball or tug toy.

This breed may have a high energy level and require more exercise than other breeds. A lack of physical and mental stimulation can lead to destructive behavior and cause them to become bored and unhappy. In addition to daily exercise, providing them with interactive toys and challenging puzzles can help keep them mentally stimulated. You should always consult your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to determine the appropriate exercise routine for your dog.

Best Training Methods

pit bull mountain cur mix

The best training methods for a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix will depend on the individual dog, but in general, positive reinforcement training is an effective method for this breed. This approach emphasizes good rewarding behavior and using kind and gentle methods to teach new commands and behaviors.

Positive reinforcement training can include treats, praise, and petting to reward good behavior and ignore or redirect bad behavior. This training helps build a positive relationship between the dog and the owner. It can be particularly effective for highly food-motivated dogs or that who respond well to praise and affection.

Some other training methods that may be effective for a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix include:

Clicker training:

This method uses a small plastic clicker to mark the exact moment the dog performs a desired behavior, which can help the dog understand what is being asked of them more quickly.


This is an essential aspect of training for any dog, especially for breeds like Pitbull. Early and continued socialization can help prevent aggressive or fearful behavior.


Consistency is essential when it comes to training any dog. Using the same commands and rewards every time will help the dog understand what is expected of them more quickly.

However, every dog is different, and the proper training methods for an individual dog may vary depending on factors such as age, breed, and personality. It’s also important to remember that training should be a positive and enjoyable experience for you and your dog.

Food and Diet

pitbull mountain cur mix

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix will have different dietary needs depending on their age, size, and activity level. They should be fed a high-quality, well-balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients for growth and maintenance.

Feeding them a diet appropriate for their life stage (puppy, adult, senior) and size is important. Adult dogs should be fed twice daily, while puppies may require 3-4 small meals throughout the day. Feeding them a diet high in protein, moderate in fat, and low in carbohydrates is recommended. This will provide them with the energy they need for their active lifestyle.

You should also monitor their body condition and adjust their food intake accordingly. A healthy dog should have a visible waist, and you should be able to feel the ribs without too much fat covering them.

It’s also necessary to provide them with fresh water at all times. Avoid giving them table scraps or human food as treats, as this can lead to obesity and other health problems.

It’s worth noting that Pitbulls are prone to obesity, so it’s crucial to be mindful of their diet and not overfeed them. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help keep them in good condition and prevent health problems.

Consulting with a veterinarian or a professional dog nutritionist can help you determine the specific dietary needs of your Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix. They can guide the best type of food and the appropriate portion size based on the dog’s particular needs.


mountain cur pit mix

A Pit Bull Mountain Cur Mix will have a short, dense coat that is relatively low-maintenance. Grooming them regularly will help keep their coat clean and shiny and also help control shedding.

Brushing their coat once or twice a week can help remove loose hair and also help distribute natural oils throughout the coat. A slicker brush or a metal comb can remove tangles and mats. You can also use a shedding blade or a rubber grooming mitt to remove loose hair.

Bathing them every few months or as needed can help keep the coat clean and shiny. Use a mild dog shampoo, and rinse them thoroughly to remove all soap residue. After bathing, you can use a chamois or a towel to dry them off or air dry them.

It’s also crucial to care for their ears, as both breeds may be prone to ear infections. Clean their ears weekly with a cotton ball or a soft cloth, and check for any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge.

Also, taking care of their teeth, as both breeds may be prone to dental problems. Brush their teeth at least 2-3 times a week with a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for dogs.

Remember that every dog is different and that the grooming needs of an individual dog may vary depending on factors such as coat type and activity level. Regular grooming will help keep your dog looking and feeling its best, as well as help detect any potential health issues early on.


Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix Puppies

mountain cur pitbull mix puppies for sale

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix puppies can be an excellent addition to an active and loving family. They may inherit a combination of the Mountain Cur’s endurance, intelligence, and trainability, as well as the Pitbull’s energy and athleticism. They are likely to be strong, energetic, and intelligent dogs well-suited for hunting and other outdoor activities.

It’s better to start socializing and training your Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix puppy as early as possible. Early socialization and training will help prevent aggressive or fearful behavior and ensure that they grow up well-behaved and well-adjusted dogs. Positive reinforcement training, socialization, and consistency are great methods to use when training your puppy.

When choosing a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix puppy, always try to find a reputable breeder who screens their breeding dogs for genetic health issues and provides proper care and socialization for the puppies. This will help ensure that you get a healthy, well-adjusted puppy that is well-suited to your lifestyle and personality.

However, puppies require time, energy, and money. They must be house-trained, trained in basic obedience, and socialized. They also need regular veterinary care, a healthy diet, and regular lots of exercise. Bringing a puppy home is a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly.

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix Litter Size

mountain cur pitbull mix puppies

The litter size of a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix can vary depending on the size and health of the mother, as well as the specific traits inherited from each parent breed. The average litter size for a Mountain Cur is around 6-8 puppies, while the average litter size for a Pitbull is around 6-8.

However, the actual litter size can vary greatly, and it’s common for some litter to be smaller or larger than average. It’s also worth noting that larger litters can strain the mother and may require more care and attention from the owner.

It’s also vital to find a reputable breeder who can provide information about the parents’ health and litter size history and any other information that may be relevant to the puppies’ health and development.

It’s also worth noting that while having a larger litter size may seem like a positive thing, the health and well-being of the mother and puppies should always come first. A responsible breeder will ensure that the mother is in good health and can care for her puppies before breeding her again.

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix Price

The price of a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix can vary depending on several factors, including the location, breeder, and individual puppy. On average, the cost of a Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix puppy can range from $500 to $1000, but it can be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances.

It’s also important to remember that buying a puppy is a big financial commitment, as they require regular veterinary care, a healthy diet, and regular grooming. Budgeting for these costs is essential, ensuring you can afford to provide for your new pet before bringing them home.

It’s also worth considering adopting a dog from a rescue organization or shelter, which can be a more affordable option. You’ll also be providing a loving home to a dog in need.

Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix Pros and Cons

A Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix can make a great companion for the right family, but like all breeds, they have their own unique set of pros and cons. Here are a few things to consider:


  • Strong, energetic, and intelligent: A Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix may be a strong, intelligent, and active dog breed that is well-suited for hunting and other outdoor activities.
  • Loyal and affectionate: They may be a loyal and loving companion well-suited for an active lifestyle.
  • Low-maintenance coat: They may have a short, dense coat that is relatively low-maintenance.


  • High energy level: This breed may have a high energy level and require more exercise than other breeds. A lack of physical and mental stimulation can lead to destructive behavior.
  • Potential for aggressive behavior: Due to the Pitbull’s history of being used for fighting, there is a potential for aggressive behavior if not socialized and trained correctly.
  • Prone to specific health issues: The Mountain Cur and Pitbull breeds are prone to specific health issues, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, bloat, and obesity.

Key Takeaways About Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix

  • A Mountain Cur Pitbull Mix is a crossbreed between the Mountain Cur and Pitbull breeds.
  • They may have a strong and muscular build, with a short, dense coat that can come in various colors.
  • They may have a wide and short head, similar to the Pitbull, with a strong jaw and powerful teeth.
  • They are likely to be strong, energetic, and intelligent dogs well-suited for hunting and other outdoor activities.
  • They may have moderate shedding and require regular grooming to keep their coat clean and shiny.
  • They may be prone to certain health issues, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, bloat, and obesity.
  • They may have higher energy levels and require more exercise than other breeds.
  • They may exhibit aggressive behavior if not socialized and trained properly.
  • They have an average life expectancy of around 12-14 years.
  • Any major kennel clubs do not recognize them as purebred.
  • They are unique, and each dog can be different from one another.
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