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Tag: 223

SBRs and AR Pistols: What's the Difference?

-- Two different types of firearms that really aren't that different. -- GUNBROS Facebook: facebook.com/therealgunbros GUNBROS Instagram: instagram.com/therealgunbros GUNBROS Twitter: twitter.com/therealgunbros GUNBROS is a family-owned small business. We pride...

Know Your Muzzle Devices

-- What's the difference between a brake, a flash hider, and a compensator? . #brake #muzzle #muzzledevice #compensator #flashhider #rifles #barrel #ar15 #ar15s #gunbros #gunshop #handguard...

KE Arms Lower Parts Kit + DMR Trigger Install

Want to help support our channel? We are an Amazon Associate, a percentage of your purchases goes to help this channel grow at...

Ruger American Predator 223

Ruger American Predator 223

The Perfect Optic for Hunting AND Home Defense

Jarod has an LPVO that can do both! Find out what Jarod recommends! . #lpvo #gunshop #gunbros #jarod #optic #firearms #homedefense #hunting #coyote #coyotehunting #gunstore #scope...

Conservation range with M&P 15 M 223 4-16×42

M&P 15 sighting in Nikon M 223 4-16x42

The Ruger AR 556 has ONE Weakness

-- A nearly perfect base AR-15 can be hampered by one flaw! . #ruger #gunbros #gunshop #strengths #weaknesses #muzzledevice #ar15 #rifle #gunstore #advice #firearms #ammo #coldhammerforged #longguns -- GUNBROS...

CMMG BR47 Review

Howdy everyone, today we will be reviewing the CMMG BR47! Would you like to donate to see your favorite upper melted? Use these links...