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Alex Rider
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Alex Rider

Based on the series of novels by Anthony Horowitz, Alex Rider is a teenager who is sought after to become a spy.

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44 min.
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3.97/5 (60 ratings)
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Forum | Official | IMDb | TVMaze


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as Alex Rider
as Tom Harris
as Mrs. Jones
as Jack Starbright
as Alan Blunt
as John Crawley
as Yassen Gregorovitch
as Smithers
as Kyra Vashenko-Chao


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by posted
I agree S3 is awful! I finally quit part way through episode 2. It is terrible. What a huge disappointment.
by posted
... so sad, its really bad! I mean really really bad!

Technics & acting are good-brilliant as S01 & S02
... but the script, drama and logic are just so BAD! Logic is completely screwed! Absolute unauthentic how people act and how the plot is presented.

If you can live with S03E01 than you might be able to live with the rest :D
If not -dont bother with the rest ... since the unplausibility starts immediately with 40-80% of all scenes don`t follow any comprehensible logic at all - they just dont make sense and this continues steadily at the same level until the end.

Really sad, had high hopes - wonder if the BOOK-Script was a screwed-up base or their own script went wrong...
by posted
Alex Rider... countdown is ticking, 2 weeks to go!

I really liked S01 and when S02 was released, i watched S01 again and i was still profoundly well entertained!
Now over 2 years passed, and i still knew S01 was really great but i thought S02 "only" was good.

I watched S01 and S02 again the last few days! And WOW, S01 and S02 are still both massively great - and S02 might even be an itsy tiny bitsy better then S01 (well maybe not the beginning+ending but the whole mid) :D
Great now i cant wait for S03! Maybe i should have waited a week, or ... DO I WATCH S01+02 next week AGAIN?!!? :O

So for everyone who does not know the series yet:
Is it good?
Yes, it is quite exceptional, most 007/spy-movies will pale profoundly in comparison.
Fantastic dramaturgy, great music plot and camera - most of it is believable and realistically presented, with a lot of sometimes very detailed ... well details :D You get some good action and thrill and unexpected good character development and acting.
This is not a "teen" series! Its a show in a high-quality-format, a point-blank blockbuster-killer in my opinion! ^^

What is it?
Both seasons are 007-like somewhat believable teen-spy setups.
Both seasons will entertain you with a wonderful nasty evil-genius-plot.
Yes both seasons have some minor holes in technical and timeline plots, as to be expected, S02 a bit more than S01 - but they can be easily ignored, quality content massively outweighs any errors.

funny thing i noticed

The intro:
Well it is abysmal, and the music of the intro is overabysmal!
And the fun part, the whole show has 2 seasons of very good music/style - that has NOTHING at all to do with the intro sound/style. It looks like the intro was created in a different universe of bad taste and judgement.
BUT: They kept the intro in season 2 ?!?!?!? WTF!
Thesis: So marketing gets the order to create a hype teen-style intro, the result is horrible and does not fit the series in the slightest, but they chose it for S01 and then keep it in S02 ... because(?!?) the decision of the intro is not with the creative director or the director itself, but by the marketing director?!
Anyway its REALLY weird and sick :O :O :O

... and S03 still has it :O :D :O

... i noticed some mistakes - anyone interested in starting a "collection"?

here some alternative images


by posted
Yeah, the forum link is on the show page under "More Info:", but the search can be weird (aka bad)... :cool:

Looking forward to season 3! :)
by posted
After 2 years, 4 months, and 2 days (aka 854 days), Alex Rider will be airing a new season (premieres April 5th, 3 weeks and 3 days from today.)

I only opened the page just because it sits at the top of my titles to do a sound test because I couldn't get sound on a youtube video then saw the upcoming premiere info.

So, that's something to look forward to.

I didn't want to post from the listing page. I like seeing the threads and refresh myself on comments and what not, however, when I used the search function here at the forums I got a not found status. I tried advanced search then and same result.

I began to reply there when I remembered there should be a forum link and viola, but might want to trouble shoot why the forum search wouldn't work to produce this thread.
by posted
LuC said:
I have binged through the entire season already. I enjoyed it.

I bet! :)

Just finished season 2, enjoyed it too! I hope this turns out to be true:

According to Production Weekly, a third season of Alex Rider has been in development since May 2021:
by posted
I have binged through the entire season already. I enjoyed it.
by posted
I'm enjoying the show like expensive food: slowly! :)

Just finished 2x3 - surprised not more people are watching this.
by posted
I have some issues with the final episode but overall it was a good season. Had me hooked through and through
by posted
Watched 2x1 - still a great show! :)