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Alphas is a thrilling TV series about a group of ordinary people with extraordinary neurological abilities who work for a secret government agency.

Their unique skills enable them to solve cases that the CIA, FBI and Pentagon cannot, making them an elite team of problem solvers. Get ready for an action-packed ride!

Show Info

Aired on:
SyFy, US
60 min.
3.67/5 (33 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Dr. Lee Rosen
as Gary Bell
as Cameron Hicks
as Rachel Pirzad
as Bill Harken
as Nina Theroux
as Kat


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by posted

Problem is most of them have ended and the ones that are still active are mostly animated shows. :) I'm currently waiting for Powers and S.H.I.E.L.D.
by posted
by posted
HomerS said:
From Man of Steal? :P

Need a weekly fix!!!!
by posted
From Man of Steal? :P
by posted
Orlando said:

Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I really liked this show! Grrrr. It was the closest thing to Smallville and Heroes in a long time. I still miss those shows! :( (Especially Heroes)

Now where am I going to get my superhero fix from!? :o
by posted
Damn, Summer Glau done gone and killed another Sci Fi show.
by posted
by posted
Only Grand Central Station still had power, because of the old generator underneath it that Summer Glau's character could not turn off. At the very end the Alphas shouted for people to get out of the station, but it was too late. During rush hour that place has thousands of people in it.
by posted
Or he's an alpha too! ;)

I liked it that they didn't stop the 'timer' at 1 and saved everyone at the last minute. That would have been to cliché. I didn't quite get if only the station or the whole of the city was still receiving power?

Says here it's renewed? :
by posted
Some Alphas pass out when strobed, which is why the "recovery centers" were being set up. Someone could have put their hands over the docs eyes before the strobe hit, preventing a fatal dose of the Death Light (tm).