Cobra Kai takes place 30 years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament and finds Johnny Lawrence (Zabka) on the hunt for redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai karate dojo. This reignites his old rivalry with the successful Daniel LaRusso (Macchio), who has been working to maintain the balance in his life without mentor Mr. Miyagi.
I thought episode 10 was the last one for some reason, so that finish was wtf!!!
It really did feel like it was all leading up to that episode, but I'm glad there's more.
I'm just not sure where they will go from here, they (the writers) continue to surprise me.
What really surprises me though, is the how the show just about stays on the right side of corny/cheesy and rarely makes me cringe.
How they manage to make me root for one character one minute, then hate them the next or vice/versa is a continuing thing that I don't believe any other show has achieved, at least with me.
by lighton posted 5 years ago
Yes, fun show so far :)
by HomerS posted 5 years ago Kai takes place 30 years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament and finds Johnny Lawrence (Zabka) on the hunt for redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai karate dojo. This reignites his old rivalry with the successful Daniel LaRusso (Macchio), who has been working to maintain the balance in his life without mentor Mr. Miyagi.
34 years after the movie The Karate Kid and they still look pretty good for their age.
I thought season 1 was pretty good and just binge watched season 2 which was even better imo.
Yes it might not have the biggest budget or the best fight scenes out there but still it managed to get me emotionally invested with the characters, which many of the bigger shows often struggle to achieve.
It really did feel like it was all leading up to that episode, but I'm glad there's more.
I'm just not sure where they will go from here, they (the writers) continue to surprise me.
What really surprises me though, is the how the show just about stays on the right side of corny/cheesy and rarely makes me cringe.
How they manage to make me root for one character one minute, then hate them the next or vice/versa is a continuing thing that I don't believe any other show has achieved, at least with me.
34 years after the movie The Karate Kid and they still look pretty good for their age.
I thought season 1 was pretty good and just binge watched season 2 which was even better imo.
Yes it might not have the biggest budget or the best fight scenes out there but still it managed to get me emotionally invested with the characters, which many of the bigger shows often struggle to achieve.
Hopefully this gets a season 3.