
66 Pins
Is Remote Viewing Real? Exploring the CIA’s Art Of Psychic Spying
Is Remote Viewing Real? Exploring the CIA’s Art Of Psychic Spying #remoteviewing #remoteviewer #psychic
The Law Of Vibration Explained: How To Manifest The Life You Want
The Law Of Vibration Explained: How To Manifest The Life You Want #lawofvibration #hermeticprinciples #lawofattraction
Do We Live in a Holographic Universe? The Science Might Shock You
The holographic universe theory is a tenet of quantum gravity that suggests that the universe consists of a hidden order that connects one point to another. This, therefore, implies that there is a subtle connection between events and places that could be perceived as unconnected. #holographicuniverse #gravity #matrix #blackhole #simulateduniverse
Soul Exhaustion: Why Are You Always Feeling Tired?
#SoulExhaustion : Why Are You Always Feeling Tired? #soul #spirit #divinespark #innervoice #spiritualawakening #shadowwork
Trauma Bonding: 6 Signs to Look For & What to Do
Trauma bonding is a dysfunctional attachment that develops in the presence of danger, shame, or exploitation. Think of such phrases as; “You broke me, but you are the only one who can fix me.” Or “I know my partner is abusive, but I can’t imagine a life without him.” These bonds are common in #NarcissisticRelationships, even if not romantic. Hence, a child may have a #TraumaBond with an abusive parent out of fear. So, how can you know you are in a relationship based on #TraumaBonding?
10 Signs of a Toxic Friendship & How to Deal with It
10 Signs of a Toxic Friendship & How to Deal with It #toxicfriend #toxicfriends #toxicfriendship
Family Karmic Connections: What Are They Teaching Us?
Family Karmic Connections: What Are They Teaching Us? #karmicconnections #karmicconnection #karma #negativekarma #positivekarma #familytrauma
The 12 Spiritual Archetypes: Which Type Are You?
The 12 Spiritual Archetypes: Which Type Are You? #spiritualarchetypes #archetypes #carljung
Mandela Effect Theory: The Origin, The Causes and Its Relevance Today
Mandela Effect Theory: The Origin, The Causes and Its Relevance Today #Mandela #MandelaEffect #MandelaEffectTheory
8 Forms of Spiritual Gaslighting and How to Mitigate Them
8 Forms of Spiritual Gaslighting and How to Mitigate Them #gaslighting #spiritualgaslighting #spiritualjourney #solancha #spiritualnarcissist
10 Signs You’re an Introvert & What It Really Means
10 Signs You’re an Introvert & What It Really Means #introvert
Intense Personality: 10 Signs You Could Have One
Do you know of anyone who is always deep in the way they speak and act? These are highly sensitive people (HSPs) with an overwhelming inner drive, brutally honest, sincere, and devoted to whatever they set their minds to accomplish. If this description resonates with you, you could be having an intense personality trait... #IntensePersonality #Empath #HSP #HighlySensitivePeople
Schumann Resonance: Is Mother Earth’s Heartbeat Affecting Your Wellbeing?
Have you ever heard of the global electric circuit? Well, maybe not, but I’m sure you’ve heard of people or animals being electrocuted during a major thunderstorm. And that’s exactly what #SchumannResonance tries to explain. #MotherEarth #Gaia
Predictive Programming: Is It Actually Real?
Predictive Programming: Is It Actually Real? #predictiveprogramming