A few images of the Black Oystercatchers I saw along with the Black Turnstone at Seal Rock State Park last Monday. I had a lot of fun climbing around on the rocks, trying to stay dry as the waves came splashing in. All-in-all it was a good trip that resulted in some satisfying pictures.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Black Oystercatcher
Thursday, December 30, 2010
American Kestrel - Eating Rodent
This Kestrel has been hanging out at RNWR near the entrance of the Kiwa trails on the auto tour and has pretty much ignored the people in cars watching it. This is the second time that it has put on a show for me and yesterday was quite a show. Not only did it allow closeups, but while sitting on a sign, it dropped down to the ground and picked up a rodent. It then flew off to one of the posts at the Kiwa trail entrance and proceeded to eat it while we watched.
I didn't stay for the whole thing, but I did watch as it took its time picking apart the rodent's head. It was quite the sight.
I didn't stay for the whole thing, but I did watch as it took its time picking apart the rodent's head. It was quite the sight.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Black-crowned Night-Heron
By the time I gave up on the Prairie Falcon, the sunshine had given way to clouds. I decided to to see if I could improve my luck by finding the Acorn Woodpeckers at Delta Park or the Black-crowned Night-Herons off Marine Drive. But on my way there, it began to rain heavily with a mix of snow, so I reset my GPS to Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. By the time I got to Ridgefield, the sun was out again. I drove the auto tour and got some great pictures of a Kestrel eating a rodent.
On my way home, I decided to try for the Woodpecker and Heron again since the rain had stopped. I had no luck with the Acorn Woodpecker, but the Black-crowned Night-Herons panned out. As reported by others that had seen these birds, they are somewhat difficult to see, roasting among the pine branches fairly high up in the trees. It was also starting to get dark with an overcast sky, so the lighting was bad. I did manage to get a reasonable picture seen above. I spotted three Herons in all.
While I was taking pictures, a woman who said she lived across the street on the second floor, stopped by and told me that she had seen as many a nine Herons in the trees a one time a couple of years ago. She can see them from her apartment window.
On my way home, I decided to try for the Woodpecker and Heron again since the rain had stopped. I had no luck with the Acorn Woodpecker, but the Black-crowned Night-Herons panned out. As reported by others that had seen these birds, they are somewhat difficult to see, roasting among the pine branches fairly high up in the trees. It was also starting to get dark with an overcast sky, so the lighting was bad. I did manage to get a reasonable picture seen above. I spotted three Herons in all.
While I was taking pictures, a woman who said she lived across the street on the second floor, stopped by and told me that she had seen as many a nine Herons in the trees a one time a couple of years ago. She can see them from her apartment window.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Black Turnstone
The stars of the day though were a couple of Black Oystercatchers and a Black Turnstone.
There are a lot of small to large volcanic rocks sticking out of the sand on the beach. These rocks are covered with Barnacles and Mussels and provided a plentiful food source for these three birds. I followed them around the the rocks for a couple hours on and off, taking pictures as they climbed about looking for food.
Unfortunately, it was rather cloudy and the rain slowly intensified as the morning progressed causing the pictures to be a bit soft, but I was able to get in rather close which helped offset the gloomy lighting.
An interesting thing about the the Black Turnstone is that while at rest, they are rather dark colored with a white under belly. But when they fly, their open wings and tail reveal splashes of white. Try as I might, I could not get a descent photo of it in flight, but I decided to include the best image to reveal this trait.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Western Gull - Webless Feet
The gull appears to be a Western. I did some internet research and could not find any mention of a gull without webbed feet or any irregularities. I assume this must be some type of genetic defect.
If anyone knows anything about what may have caused this, let me know.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Green-winged Teal
Such was the case this past Saturday morning. The water level was back up and while the bird diversity wasn't as good as I've experienced, there were plenty of Green-winged Teal. I took quite a few shots and posted some of the better ones above. These are very pretty ducks and I realized when comparing them to a few Mallards that swam through that they are also rather small.
Other birds seen were Mallards, Gadwalls and American Coot in the main pond and Northern Shovelers and Northern Pintails off in the side pond. I also got a few nice shots of a Nutria.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Dark-eyed Junco - Slate-colored
When I moved out to Oregon in the late 80's, it was a treat to see the Oregon Juncos. The peachy feathers on their sides and brown backs added color to the plain gray of the Slate-colored.
Now, having gotten serious about birding again, I learned that the two Junco varieties I am familiar with were merged together in 1973 as one species, the Dark-eyed Junco, along with three other variations; the White-winged, the Pink-sided and the Gray-headed.
I got to see some Slate-colored varieties during my last trip to Atlanta, but it wasn't until yesterday at TRNWR that I saw one out here in Oregon.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Pacific (Winter) Wren
Wrens are difficult to photograph, as are many small birds, since they are typically always on the move and their size requires you to be pretty close to get a descent shot. While not a perfect shot, I am happy to have gotten this opportunity.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Ancient Murrelet
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Glaucous-winged Gull - One Foot
What I found was that one side of the parking lot was up against the bay and that there were birds swimming about. There were several Buffleheads, a Double-crested Cormorant and as I discovered tonight while going through the pictures, a Horned Grebe. There were also some gulls.
One of the gulls was quite a ways off, but I still had my camera equipped with the 600mm lens and the 1.7x teleconvertor. That gave me the equivalent of a 1500mm lens on a 35mm camera. That optical power allowed me to see the distant gull quite well.
What I discovered was a Glaucous-winged Gull that had a severed foot. It was standing in shallow water, hopping to get around with wings spread to keep its balance, as seen below.
Not long after watching the gull, I observed it pull some type of mollusk from the mud under the water.
It then took off flying in the general direction of the parking lot. I tried to follow it with my camera, but I am not as nimble with a big lens on a tripod as I am using my normal hand held 300mm lens. None-the-less, I was able to get a few reasonable shots of it as it flew off.
Then it did something that I would not have been surprised at, had I lived in coastal areas in the past, or had been a life-time birder. It hovered over the asphalt and dropped the mollusk so that the mollusk broke open when it hit the ground.
It then swooped down at the site of the carnage and proceeded to eat the juicy innards.
While the act of dropping the mollusk was not an unusual sequence to have witnessed, what struck me was the fact that this disabled gull had adapted to its situation and was able to fend for itself in the face of such adversity.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
American Kestrel
Things were slower on the auto tour at RNWR than the last time I visited, but the American Kestrels decided it was a good day to pose for pictures. First there was one near the trail parking lot that moved from tree branch to trail sign to marker post, allowing a couple of us to take pictures at our leisure.
Then there was the one above that was sitting on a sign post past marker 12. I was able to pull up right beside it and take a few pictures before it flew off.
Great Blue Heron
In addition to the lens, I rented a tripod and a Wimberley gimbal head. This is a pretty stable system, but I found that with the high winds at the coast, it was hard to keep it rock solid.
While it was sunny on Friday, today was a cloudy day and this results in slower shutter speeds.
One thing I forgot is that most lenses are sharper if you close the aperture a stop or two. My 70 - 300mm doesn't seem to exhibit this much, but I think this lens does. I'll try setting the camera for aperture priority tomorrow and see if that improves the results.
When things are all working though, it does a great job. I took this picture of a Great Blue Heron's head at RNWR today. This is full frame as the bird was just off the road and with the lens' magnification, this is all I could fit in the frame. Turned out quite nice.
This is also my first post using Lightroom3. It has a bit of a learning curve, but I think it will provide better results than Pixelmator.
Harlequin Duck
Pro Photo in Portland rents either for $80 a day. However, if you rent over the weekend, you can pick it up on Thursday after 3:30 and don't have to bring it back until Monday morning at 10:30 for the same price. Pretty good deal I think since buying these lenses would set you back somewhere in the neighborhood of $8000+.
I started out yesterday with a trip to the coast. I thought since I have all this glass, I'd try Boiler Bay since I read about all the sightings on OBOL. Unfortunately, I didn't have much luck. Not sure if was because the birds were all way off the coast because of the good weather or that they typically are always way off the coast and even with all this camera glass, it is no match for a good viewing scope.
So after a couple of hours of frustration, I decided to move to Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area. I was there last summer and it was alive with birds. A 600mm lens would have been great to have during that trip. I knew that it wouldn't be like that now during the winter, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway.
Turned out I was right, Colony Rock was mostly barren except for a gull here and there. But that's were the 600mm with 1.7x teleconverter came into play. I started scanning the rock and surrounding ocean with both my camera and binoculars and eventually started finding birds. There were quite a few Black Turnstones, Surfbirds (I think) and Black Oystercatchers on the rock. In the water I saw Western Grebes, Common Loons, Surf Scoters, Black Scoters, various Cormorants and Harlequin Ducks. There were also other birds further out that I haven't been able to identify because of the distance. With the exception of the Oystercatchers, I probably would not have been able to identify any of these birds with either my binoculars or 300mm lens.
The Harlequin Ducks, in the images above, where out quite a ways. In the lower image they were actually on the sea side of Colony Rock. In the upper image they were to the south also out beyond the rocks.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Great Blue Heron - Up Close
As I was taking pictures of it standing all picturesque, I recalled a recent post by Nature Nut of the feet of a Great Blue Heron and decided to take some shots of both its head and legs. Notice that the toe in the foreground appears to be missing its claw.
Great Blue's are quite common, but I never get tired of taking pictures of them as they are very elegant and interesting.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Bald Eagle
None-the-less, it was quite the sight perched up there above me.
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