Number 341 facts

The odd number 341 is spelled 🔊, and written in words: three hundred and forty-one. The ordinal number 341st is said 🔊 and written as: three hundred and forty-first. The meaning of the number 341 in Maths: Is it Prime? Factorization and prime factors tree. The square root and cube root of 341. What is 341 in computer science, numerology, codes and images, photo art, writing and naming in other languages. Other interesting facts related to 341. ‹‹ 340  342 ››

Interesting facts about the number 341

Number 341 - Photo Art


  • (341) California is asteroid number 341. It was discovered by M. F. Wolf from Heidelberg-Königstuhl Observatory on 9/25/1892.


  • There is a 341 miles (548 km) direct distance between Ahvaz (Iran) and Tehrān (Iran).
  • There is a 341 miles (548 km) direct distance between Anshan (China) and Suwon-si (South Korea).
  • There is a 341 miles (548 km) direct distance between Antalya (Turkey) and Beirut (Lebanon).
  • There is a 341 miles (548 km) direct distance between Datong (China) and Tai’an (China).
  • More distances ...
  • There is a 212 miles (341 km) direct distance between Erbil (Iraq) and Kahrīz (Iran).
  • There is a 341 miles (548 km) direct distance between Hanoi (Viet Nam) and Kunming (China).
  • There is a 341 miles (548 km) direct distance between Incheon (South Korea) and Kitakyūshū (Japan).
  • There is a 212 miles (341 km) direct distance between Mecca (Saudi Arabia) and Sulţānah (Saudi Arabia).
  • There is a 212 miles (341 km) direct distance between Mosul (Iraq) and Tabrīz (Iran).
  • There is a 212 miles (341 km) direct distance between Nashik (India) and Solāpur (India).


  • The food additive E-341 Orthophosphoric acid of chemical origin is classified as an antioxidant. E-341 is considered tolerable.


  • Pokémon Corphish (Heigani) is a Pokémon number # 341 of the National Pokédex. Corphish is a water-type Pokémon in the third generation. Pokémon egg is a group Water 1 and Water 3. indexes ontros of Corphish are Hoenn index 129 , Centro Kalos index 051 - Pokédex of the Central Zone, Teselia index 279 .

History and politics

  • United Nations Security Council Resolution number 341, adopted 27 October 1973. Establishing the UN Emergency Force. Resolution text.


  • 341 is the sum of the first five powers of 4: 341 = 1 + 4 + 16 + 64 + 256
  • 341 is the smallest pseudoprime in base 2.

Mobile and telephony

  • 341 is an area code for Oakland, California (CA), USA, according to the North American Numbering Plan.

What is 341 in other units

The decimal (Arabic) number 341 converted to a Roman number is CCCXLI. Roman and decimal number conversions.
The number 341 converted to a Mayan number is mayan number 341
Decimal and Mayan number conversions.

Weight conversion

341 kilograms (kg) = 751.8 pounds (lbs)
341 pounds (lbs) = 154.7 kilograms (kg)

Length conversion

341 kilometers (km) equals to 211.888 miles (mi).
341 miles (mi) equals to 548.786 kilometers (km).
341 meters (m) equals to 1119 feet (ft).
341 feet (ft) equals 103.938 meters (m).
341 centimeters (cm) equals to 134.3 inches (in).
341 inches (in) equals to 866.1 centimeters (cm).

Temperature conversion

341° Fahrenheit (°F) equals to 171.7° Celsius (°C)
341° Celsius (°C) equals to 645.8° Fahrenheit (°F)

Power conversion

341 Horsepower (hp) equals to 250.77 kilowatts (kW)
341 kilowatts (kW) equals to 463.69 horsepower (hp)

Time conversion

(hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks)
341 seconds equals to 5 minutes, 41 seconds
341 minutes equals to 5 hours, 41 minutes

Codes and images of the number 341

Number 341 morse code: ...-- ....- .----
Sign language for number 341:
Sign language for number 341 Sign language for number 341 Sign language for number 341
Number 341 in braille:
Number 341 in braille
Images of the number
Image (1) of the numberImage (2) of the number
Number 341 black image Number 341 red image
More images, other sizes, codes and colors ...

Number 341 infographic

Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic, Persian and Buddhist Year (Calendar)

Gregorian year 341 is Buddhist year 884.
Buddhist year 341 is Gregorian year 202 a. C.
Gregorian year 341 is Islamic year -290 or -289.
Islamic year 341 is Gregorian year 952 or 953.
Gregorian year 341 is Persian year -282 or -281.
Persian year 341 is Gregorian 962 or 963.
Gregorian year 341 is Hebrew year 4101 or 4102.
Hebrew year 341 is Gregorian year 3419 a. C.
The Buddhist calendar is used in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Burma. The Persian calendar is the official calendar in Iran and Afghanistan.

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Advanced math operations

Is Prime?

The number 341 is not a prime number. The closest prime numbers are 337, 347.
The 341st prime number in order is 2293.

Factorization and factors (dividers)

The prime factors of 341 are 11 * 31
The factors of 341 are 1, 11, 31, 341.
Total factors 4.
Sum of factors 384 (43).

Prime factor tree


The second power of 3412 is 116.281.
The third power of 3413 is 39.651.821.


The square root √341 is 18,466185.
The cube root of 3341 is 6,986368.


The natural logarithm of No. ln 341 = loge 341 = 5,831882.
The logarithm to base 10 of No. log10 341 = 2,532754.
The Napierian logarithm of No. log1/e 341 = -5,831882.

Trigonometric functions

The cosine of 341 is -0,136767.
The sine of 341 is 0,990603.
The tangent of 341 is -7,242995.

Number 341 in Computer Science

Code typeCode value
(Miscellaneous HTML entities)
Unix timeUnix time 341 is equal to Thursday Jan. 1, 1970, 12:05:41 a.m. GMT
IPv4, IPv6Number 341 internet address in dotted format v4, v6 ::155
341 Decimal = 101010101 Binary
341 Decimal = 110122 Ternary
341 Decimal = 525 Octal
341 Decimal = 155 Hexadecimal (0x155 hex)
341 BASE64MzQx
341 MD53dd48ab31d016ffcbf3314df2b3cb9ce
341 SHA18da4dabfaeb4a44681c9777c85db39140e3e12e6
341 SHA224154e0b2b357a8fb4e3c16584b6b0c09a1cda5a3d4c06b9841cb6cade
341 SHA256524b2d27a1e7fbc3a1614fa661e2dcad68462352feeb8bf633deaccfb8aa84f3
341 SHA384f0506ea183973711552945dee9048a71d5a645645f96b2b10033e2c59cc376b3334605c16a9dd2bfaa69c78c55c883bb
More SHA codes related to the number 341 ...

If you know something interesting about the 341 number that you did not find on this page, do not hesitate to write us here.

Numerology 341

According to Wikipedia, numerology is based on faith, yet many people seek the meaning of the number 341 from a numerological perspective.
More about numerology 341 ...

№ 341 in other languages

How to say or write the number three hundred and forty-one in Spanish, German, French and other languages.
Spanish: 🔊 (número 341)

trescientos cuarenta y uno

German: 🔊 (Nummer 341)


French: 🔊 (nombre 341)

trois cent quarante et un

Portuguese: 🔊 (número 341)

trezentos e quarenta e um

Hindi: 🔊 (संख्या 341)

तीन सौ, इकतालीस

Chinese: 🔊 (数 341)


Arabian: 🔊 (عدد 341)

ثلاثمائة و واحد و أربعون

Czech: 🔊 (číslo 341)

třista čtyřicet jedna

Korean: 🔊 (번호 341)


Danish: 🔊 (nummer 341)

trehundrede og enogfyrre

Hebrew: (מספר 341)

שלש מאות ארבעים ואחת

Dutch: 🔊 (nummer 341)


Japanese: 🔊 (数 341)


Indonesian: 🔊 (jumlah 341)

tiga ratus empat puluh satu

Italian: 🔊 (numero 341)


Norwegian: 🔊 (nummer 341)

tre hundre og førti-en

Polish: 🔊 (liczba 341)

trzysta czterdzieści jeden

Russian: 🔊 (номер 341)

триста сорок один

Turkish: 🔊 (numara 341)


Thai: 🔊 (จำนวน 341)


Ukrainian: 🔊 (номер 341)

триста сорок один

Vietnamese: 🔊 (con số 341)

ba trăm bốn mươi mốt

Other languages ...

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Frequently asked questions about the number 341

  • How do you write the number 341 in words?

    341 can be written as "three hundred and forty-one".

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