The Yale Review
Copyright information
Renewed contributions
This includes all active contribution renewals through 1950. It might not show all renewals past that date.
- Spring 1930: "A Red Coat for Night", by Manuel Komroff
- Summer 1930: "The Forrester", by Cyril Hume
- Autumn 1930: "The Buckles of Superior Dosset", by John Galsworthy [Permissions] (Two renewals were filed for this story by two different estate claimants. One identified the issue as September 1930 and the other identified it as Autumn 1930.)
- Winter 1931: "The Other Side of the Street", by Paul Horgan
- Spring 1931: "A Dead Dog", by Sherwood Anderson [Permissions]
- Summer 1931: "Human Power and its Control", by Julian Huxley [Permissions]
- Summer 1931: "And if This Hears Go Back Again to Earth", by Conrad Aiken [Permissions]
- Autumn 1931: "Queens of France", by Thornton Wilder [Permissions]
- March 1932: "China and the Foreign Chinese", by Pearl S. Buck [Permissions]
- Winter 1933: "Country Full of Swedes", by Erskine Caldwell [Permissions]
- Winter 1933: "From the Royal City", by Paul Horgan
- Autumn 1933: "Brother", by Hugh Walpole [Permissions]
- December 1933: "Life Goes On", by Richard Aldington [Permissions]
- June 1935: "Five Ripe Years", by William Saroyan [Permissions]
- Autumn 1935: "Disillusion", by Thomas Mann [Permissions], trans. by H. T. Lowe-Porter (Issue date as given in renewal record.)
- September 1935: "Two Unpublished Poems: More Life Went Out & Somehow Myself Survived the Night", by Emily Dickinson [Permissions] (Issue date as given in renewal record.)
- March 1936: "Fiction and the Front Page", by Pearl S. Buck [Permissions]
- March 1936: "Hacienda", by Paul Horgan
- June 1936: "A Star by Day", by David Thompson Watson McCord (Issue date as given in renewal record.)
- Summer 1936: "Life After Death", by Thomas Hornsby Ferril (Issue date as given in renewal record.)
- September 1936: "Carnival in the Hills", by Emmett Gowen
- Winter 1937: "Sentimental Exercise", by John Crowe Ransom
- Spring 1937: "To Quiet the Bugles", by Paul Horgan
- Spring 1937: "On Ebb-Tide Sand", by David Thompson Watson McCord
- Summer 1937: "The Brothers", by John Cheever [Permissions]
- Autumn 1937: "The Listening Post", by William March [Permissions]
- December 1937: "Communion", by David Thompson Watson McCord
- December 1937: "Chickamauga", by Thomas Wolfe [Permissions]
- September 1938: "Smokefall", by David Thompson Watson McCord
- September 1938: "Buck in the Bottoms", by August Derleth [Permissions]
- Winter 1939: "Relatives Out West", by Paul Horgan
- March 1939: "The Uniqueness of Man", by Julian Huxley [Permissions]
- June 1939: "Nothing Ever Happens", by Dorothy Canfield Fisher [Permissions]
- September 1939: "Slow Season", by Theodore Roethke [Permissions]
- December 1939: "Fragments, Hieroglyphics", by William Saroyan [Permissions]
- Winter 1940: "Solstice", by Thomas Hornsby Ferril
- March 1940: "First", by Genevieve Taggard [Permissions]
- September 1940: "Early for Once", by David Thompson Watson McCord
- Spring 1941: "Pompey and Some Peaches", by Osbert Sitwell [Permissions]
- Summer 1941: "For What?", by Sherwood Anderson [Permissions]
- Summer 1941: "For Him To-Morrow, from Tell it to the Laughing Stars", by Edward Havill
- Summer 1941: "For Those Who Watch the Skies", by Genevieve Taggard [Permissions]
- Autumn 1941: "Portable Phonograph", by Walter Van Tilburg Clark
- Winter 1942: "Meeting of the Relations", by John Collier [Permissions]
- Winter 1942: "The Lonely Woman", by Seán O'Faoláin [Permissions]
- Winter 1942: "Towards a New British Democracy", by Julian Huxley [Permissions]
- Summer 1942: "The Peach Stone", by Paul Horgan
- Autumn 1942: "Asphodel", by Eudora Welty [Permissions]
- March 1943: "The Knot Hole", by Dorothy Canfield Fisher [Permissions]
- Winter 1944: "I, Adam", by Dilys Laing
- Spring 1944: "The Visitor", by David Schubert
- Summer 1944: "The Sand Castle", by Mary Lavin [Permissions]
- September 1944: "Taos Valley", by Paul Horgan
- Winter 1945: "The Wind and the Snow of Winter", by Walter Van Tilburg Clark
- Winter 1945: "Sex Education", by Dorothy Canfield Fisher [Permissions]
- Summer 1945: "Shakespeare as a Symbolist Poet", by Cleanth Brooks
- Autumn 1945: "By the Light of a Mushroom", by George Weller
- Autumn 1946: "The Holiday", by Mary Deasy
- Winter 1947: "Instruments of Culture on the Frontier", by Dixon Wecter
- Spring 1947: "Men With Their Big Shoes", by Shirley Jackson [Permissions]
- Summer 1947: "Cassandra Again", by Hugh Chisholm
- Winter 1948: "The Trumpeter Swan", by Elizabeth Enright
- Spring 1949: "Watchman", by Mark Van Doren [Permissions]
- Summer 1949: "Yankee Skipper", by Archibald MacLeish [Permissions]
- Spring 1950: "The Sardillion", by Elizabeth Enright
- Autumn 1950: "The Birth of an Island", by Rachel Carson [Permissions]
Page information
Page responsibility: | John Mark Ockerbloom (ockerblo (at) pobox (dot) upenn (dot) edu) |
Last updated: | January 7, 2025 |
Machine-readable format: | JSON |
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Copyright registration and renewal records -- First periodical renewals -- Deep backfile knowledge base
Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
Data on this copyright information page is CC0. See OBP copyrights and licenses.