“Who carries joy in the heart can heal any moment.“
* flourish in life and work on joyful grounds
* flourish in life and work on joyful grounds
Nice to e-meet you.
I believe everybody wants to be in place. To feel safe, loved and on track in life. To have the right position in their family, with friends and at work. To create a sustainable present for themselves and the genererations after them. To flourish and be happy. To smile. Yet, many people feel out of place. For a while, in a specific role or even in many areas of their life.
If that goes for you too, you are at the right spot! Here, you will find an interesting variety of approaches to get you (back) in place. All events with open enrollment are listed here.
This homepage serves as a quick guide.
Enjoy the ride!
Do you feel out of place WHERE you live or work?
You probably respond to underground misery and /or topsy-turvy energy in the building.
Request a landclearing. Land on joyful grounds. Ask for Feng Shui advise on top.
If you wonder a bit: give your mind some food for thought first:
Do you feel out of place in WHAT you do or WHY you do it?
Consider getting your mind & soul back in place with some systemic work or coaching.
It will shift your paradigms, touch your heart and make you smile.
Do you feel out of place in HOW you are able to do what you would love to do?
Get your body back in place through energizing exercises in Chi Kung (with weekly lessons or a single jump in) and/or Body Organ Rejuvenation, a miraculous therapy for physical issues with an unknown cause.
Great stories may get you back in place.
I love to share stories. Stories about the planet, society and mankind, being out of place and getting into place. Stories, that could strike you home.
You might recognize something in those stories that is going on in your life and work too.