Every morning for a long time, Barry and I have chosen a word for the day. We stopped the other day and realised that in fact, I had written out these cards in 2004 when we were living in Hobart. So for 21 years, we have paused, first thing in the morning, with a glass of juice, selected our words, and pondered on how the words might move with us through the day.
In my mind's eye I can see us doing it in Hobart, then in an apartment in Canberra, then again in the shed in Maleny, then the house, and now in our unit.
We used to have them in a different bowl, but a while ago now Barry hammered a bowl so that we could combine the two us and our work in our daily words practice. I daresay this colour blue ink would not appear in any set I made today!

It is a lovely practice - even when the words are challenging and I wonder what on Earth the Universe has in mind for me when I select them. We always do the selection without looking.
The other week, just before we headed off, this was our selection. It was so beautiful and so perfect that I photographed it. I then thought I should photograph a week's worth of words, just to see the variety of words to ponder, so here we are.
You could just tell it was going to be a beautiful day.
This was Monday. It always interests me when I get a word like truth. How will I work with that word? Will it be a day for truth-telling? Or truth-seeking? Always interesting to me!
You can see the wear and tear on some of the cards, and certainly the foxing that has occurred in our moist climate and with lots of handling. The originally sharp corners are all now curved as well
And on to Tuesday.
Humility always gets me - reminds me to think of others, not assume I am right and so on. I am often humbled just to get the word - it feels like the Universe reckons I might need reminding...
As often happens, one of us selected the same word two days in a row! We even try to work out what we are supposed to learn from this? Another chance for happiness? Bring more happiness to the world - it needs it?
Wednesday. We got another repeat this week - truth; and it was nice to get creativity, even tho the day ahead had not many moments one could foresee where creativity may take place! Still, it felt to me like a reminder that creativity is a part of my life, and that I get to live a creative life (even if not every day).
Thursday... Trust is a good one to get when I am worried about stuff - it helps remind me to let go of anxiety and fretting and trust that things will be as they shall be. And of course, release is an equally good reminder to let go of things, like worry! Occasionally one does wonder if the Universe isn't being a bit solid with its reminders...
And so to Friday where there was a real change of pace and the sensation of a delightful day to get into and enjoy. I must say that delight is one of my all time favourite words. I adore the sensation of the word as well as the way it feels as I say it. To join it with inspiration set these scene for a good day. I love to think about where one finds inspiration; what word or image or conversation might spark a little something...
And on Saturday we got one of the ones we are never really sure about. We often look at each other when one of us selects the blank. Does it mean that anything could happen? Is it a reminder that we have no control over anything? Is it simply suggesting that unexpected and unanticipated joy and wonder await? We always talk about it when we get it. And another repeat of release, which feels about right given we were under the pump a bit!
So there you go, a wander through a week of our words as we we select them, and ponder them, and continue to be intrigued by them, as much now as when we began 21 years ago...
We don't have a set with us at the cottage, but perhaps I should remedy that some day.